The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1207: Fortunately, my husband temporarily suppressed this matter and handed it over to my f

Li Chengqian handed the memorial in his hand to Yu Zhining's, and then helplessly rolled his eyes against the ceiling of the main hall of Li.

Yu Zhining's expression quickly became very weird. He glanced at His Royal Highness and sucked for a long time like a toothache.

"His Royal Highness, the minister feels that if this is the case, he can only ask your majesty to judge."

Li Chengqian nodded, a little painful.

"Yes, this matter involves too much nobleness, indeed, I can only ask the father and the emperor to judge."

"However, this matter must have a great relationship with the Han and Tang Commercial Banks. Brother Chu Bi, I would not be inconvenience to remind..."

After hearing Li Chengqian's words, Yu Zhining naturally understood that His Highness clearly wanted to miss the question in advance.

Can't help but envy Cheng Saburo's weight in His Highness's heart, even if others are not in Chang'an.

His Royal Highness is still considering how to help him one or two. In that case, Yu Zhining, as the prince's courtier, naturally has to share his worries for the prince.

Yu Zhining nodded, and his eyes flashed for a long time.

"His Royal Highness, or else, the minister will send someone to ask the Fangxiang to enter the palace to discuss one or two, and see if the Fangxiang has a charter."

"After all, Fang Xiang is also in it, and it is my Datang chief assistant. This matter is that your Majesty is in Chang'an, and he will definitely not hide the Fang Xiang."

Li Chengqian thought for a while and nodded deeply.

"No, it's too late now. You don't have to let the Fangxiang move around. If you meet tomorrow, you won't discuss this matter."

"After the morning meeting, the orphan will have a chat with Fang in person."

Yu Zhining nodded, just about to leave, Li Chengqian summoned him again.

A complete copy of the memorial from the Governor of Jiaozhou Gu Da and handed it to Yu Zhining.

"Immediately send staff and send it to Jiucheng Palace to my father, and ask the father to judge."

"In addition, if you have Lao Yuqing, go to the Fangxiang's Mansion and let him know, the memorial of the Governor of Jiaozhou..."

"Your Majesty, don't worry, the minister will do it now." Yu Zhining nodded, taking the envelope that Li Chengqian handed, and hurried away.

Seeing Yu Zhining disappearing outside the hall, Li Chengqian stood up and stretched out a big lazy waist.

Li Chengqian was not too worried about how his father would deal with this matter.

Because Li Chengqian knew that his father was always worried about the scarcity of people in Jiaozhou, those military officials called friends and friends to engage in development, this matter can be big or small.

However, the culprit that led to the development of Jiaozhou was in the Jiucheng Palace.

The emperor's father pushed Brother Chu Bi to reprimand, surely he wouldn't have too much emotion.

In fact, the only worry is that those family lords and princes and nobles who have never reacted to it.

If he knew about this, he might use it to attack impeachment. This was the reason why Li Chengqian wanted to suppress this in advance.

"Oh...Brother Chubi, is it possible that you have to stay in the Jiucheng Palace until winter before coming back?"

Li Chengqian muttered unwillingly, and walked out of the main hall of Li.

Decided to go to see the maiden with the princess, and by the way, take a look at Li Xiang, who is growing up soon.


When I arrived at the residence of Crown Princess Su, I saw Su accompanied the nurse, pushing the stroller out of the house.

This stroller is a gift from Cheng Chubi to His Royal Highness, made of pure copper, silk and bamboo, and is very light.

It can even be disassembled and used as a cradle. Su's family likes this stroller very much, and often pushes the child out of the house to bask in the sun.

These are all parenting scriptures given by Cheng Saburo, as a loyal fan of Cheng Saburo's poems and the novel "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

Su's trust in Cheng Taichang, who performed surgery on himself, allowed his son to be born safely.

As for Li Chengqian, it goes without saying. Anyway, Li Chengqian has not suffered any loss after listening to the words of Brother Chubi.

"Husband, the elephant is already asleep, and the concubine is about to send him over."

"Let's go, let's..." Li Chengqian nodded and opened the hood.

Seeing his son lying in the crib sleeping very sweetly, I couldn't help but feel warm.

He sent his son to his house and watched the nurse and several maids taking care of him there.

Only then did the husband and wife leave, and Ning Zhong walked forward slowly with a lantern in front of his confidant, while the husband and wife walked slowly behind.

Li Chengqian whispered about today's memorial from Jiaozhou, and after speaking, he couldn't help but vomit in pain.

"I don't know what those elders think, such things have to be done this way, so low-key."

Crown Princess Su Clan thought for a while, whispering.

"Maybe, they just want to avoid people's eyes and ears, so they will act privately through the actions of Han and Tang Commercial Banks."

"Husband, didn't you just talk about it? If this news is stabbed out, there will be many courtiers working, there will be many people who are afraid that they will take the opportunity to make trouble..."

Li Chengqian nodded.

"Does Nafu know why they took the opportunity to make trouble?"

After Li Chengqian pondered for a while, UU read www.uukanshu. Com has a real understanding and authenticity. "Could it be because they were preempted by the ministers of Wuxun in Jiaozhou?"

"This is just a concubine's guess, and I don't know if it's right..."

The princess Su, who was originally born in the Su clan of Longxi, who was a talented woman in the outer wisdom, gave a smile and roughly explained her thoughts.

Those aristocratic families want to maintain, one is to enter the officialdom, the other is to raise hopes, and the third is to manage the land to make money and food abundant.

But now the emperor of Datang is very unhappy that these aristocratic families dominate the court.

Daxing imperial examinations, Jian Ba ​​was a low-ranking talent to join the officialdom, the sense of crisis of the family's family members has become more and more serious.

Those aristocratic families who want to continue to multiply and grow can only continue to bite the bullet and follow these three paths.

The first is very difficult now, and the second is also very difficult when the first is suppressed.

And the third point is that nowadays, people in Guotai and Min'an will naturally not sell land.

After the three crops of rice appeared in Jiaozhou, the reason why the aristocratic families did not act rashly is of course not that they have changed for the better.

Rather, as in the past, the commendatory argument is to make decisions and then move. They want to wait for Jiaozhou to develop to a certain level before entering the market.

And they are convinced that with the prestige and power of their family, once they enter Jiaozhou, they want to control Jiaozhou's government affairs, but it is easy.

Li Chengqian sat in front of the case a few times, nodding frequently.

"It seems that they will definitely be dissatisfied with those important Wuxun officials who rushed in front of them to intervene in Jiaozhou. Fortunately, they temporarily suppressed this matter for their husbands and handed them over to the emperor."

"Thank you lady, after listening to your analysis, my husband is much more sober."

Crown Princess Su couldn't help but smile shyly. "The concubine's body is also from a family, so I have a lot of ears and eyes, so I just know some reasons."

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