The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1208: Do you think your Majesty still has a reason to get angry?

Su Clan raised his eyes and saw the face of the undressed and fleshy husband getting closer and closer, and the sound of breathing that had appeared to be somewhat rapid got closer and closer.

Su's pretty face couldn't help but become red, and it became more and more charming and attractive.

"Husband, you are too close..."

"Really? It seems to be too narrow here, lady, let's talk over there."

Li Chengqian swallowed, took the lady's hand and stood up, and walked toward the couch.

Su's biting his vermilion lips, his eyes became more and more moist under the light.

"Husband, or let's..."

Li Chengqian seriously considered it, and shook his head with difficulty.

"No, lady, for the sake of your body, being a husband can't make you suffer any more."

" treat me so well..."

Li Chengqian clung to the soft body of his beloved wife, stretched out his hand, and touched a small box beside the couch.

Then, I felt a transparent lamb intestine tied with a yellow ribbon...

Li Chengqian looked at this thing silently, his heart was full, and he couldn't understand it.

Why does Brother Chu Bi have to make the ribbon of this thing so eye-catching and coquettish.

Now that the reserves are running out, Li Chengqian feels that when Brother Chubi returns to Chang'an, he must ask him for a few more boxes.

Of course, I will carefully discuss with him whether he can get rid of the coquettish red, yellow and blue ribbon.

Anyway, a low-key and restrained style of black or white is the color that I prefer.

However, these thoughts were just a few blinks of an eye. Everything was thinly dressed, and his Royal Highness who was stripped and fleshy was left behind...


"There is really something to do with Zhan." Fang Xuanling stood up and said in a salute to Yu Zhining.

"Don't dare to be, the lower official was also ordered by the prince to inform the meeting room."

Yu Zhining stood up and respectfully bowed to this long-standing and extraordinarily magnanimous person.

"It's up here, it's getting late, and it's time to leave the official."

Fang Xuanling personally took Zhi Ning to the outside of the hall, and watched Fang Shen Jiang to Zhi Ning to the outside of the mansion, only then let out a foul breath.

After stroking the long beard and pondering for a long time, he slowly shook his head and laughed.

"It seems that His Royal Highness is much calmer..."

Lu Shi, who had been waiting outside the hall for a while, walked quickly and asked Fang Xuanling.

"Husband, what's the matter in the late-night visit of Zhanshi?"

Fang Xuanling turned her head, smiled at his wife Lu Shi, and explained Wen Yan.

"Why are you here, lady, it's not a big deal, it's just that the memorial of the Governor of Jiaozhou Gu Da Gu has arrived."

"In the memorial, it was mentioned that the Han and Tang Commercial Banks wanted to purchase wasteland in Jiaozhou."

Lu Shi couldn't help frowning worriedly. "Husband, your Royal Highness let Yu Zhanshi come over, doesn't that mean..."

"Lady, don't worry, those things weren't something I waited to take care of, or the little gangsters went to mess around on their own."

"Furthermore, they also bought 100,000 mu of wasteland for Her Royal Highness Princess Jinyang, the major shareholder of the Hantang Commercial Bank."

Lu's eyes brightened when he heard it, and he saw the scheming husband with a smile.

"Your Majesty originally intended to develop the land of Jiaozhou, and has repeatedly consulted and served as her husband."

"And the Han and Tang Commercial Banks purchasing wasteland is not the same for reclaiming Jiaozhou. Your Majesty will only be happy, but how can he be annoyed."

"What's more, the Princess Jinyang, who is regarded by your Majesty as a jewel in the palm of your hand, also took 100,000 mu of land. Do you think your Majesty still has a reason to get angry?"

Lu Shi listened to her husband proudly showing off, and said with her husband's arm.

"The concubine doesn't understand this too much, but since the husband said it's okay, it's okay."

Hearing this, Fang Xuanling suddenly felt a bit more refreshing than eating ice cream in dog days.

"Don't worry, I have served my husband for many years, so I don't know your Majesty..."

Fang Xuanling was very proud, and secretly praised her ability to figure out what she wanted.

But he didn't know that his own son Fang Jun was already following in the footsteps of the two brothers Cheng and Li.

From Chang'an, the road he planned for Erlang Fangjun in the past is getting farther and farther...


In the early morning, just after getting up to wash, Li Shimin was strolling outside the Great Hall of the Great Hall to exercise.

I saw Cheng Chubi carrying a food box and trotting arbitrarily, while his son Li Ke was walking side by side with Cheng Saburo.

Li Shimin stopped and looked at the two with a smile.

"You two, so early, where are you going?"

"Baby and Brother Chubi are here to send their father early."

"My nephew has seen my uncle. UU Reading finally caught some shrimps yesterday. I specially picked some and made shrimp dumplings for my uncle."

Li Shimin looked at the food box in Cheng Chubi's hand and couldn't help but enjoy.

"Well, it's rare for you two boys to remember."

Li Shimin first climbed up the steps and stepped into the Great Hall. After Cheng Chubi opened the food box, he took out three small steamers from inside.

There is also a small dish. Inside the dish, there is a rectangular fried food.

Li Shimin couldn't help but froze for a moment, pointed out his finger and asked. "This is shrimp dumplings?"

"Father, these are spring rolls. The inside of this steamer is shrimp dumplings, and this one is crab buns. We also caught the crabs in the river.

And this cage is butter buns..."

Li Shimin saw that the shell of the shrimp dumpling showed a semi-exquisite color, and he could see the reddish shrimp inside, which looked very attractive.

After Cheng Chubi brought a bowl of congee to Li Shimin, he signaled the emperor of Tang Dynasty to feel the flavor of Guangdong and Guangxi.

Li Shimin first picked up a shrimp dumpling and put it into his mouth. The sweetness and refreshing of the shrimp made Li Shimin's eyebrows raised.

And the crab buns made Li Shimin excited, and it was amazing. As for the butter bun with porridge, it was also very good.

As for the spring rolls, they looked very greasy on the outside. After they were bitten, the sweetness and refreshing of the vegetables inside made Li Shimin shook his head in admiration.

"Cheng Saburo, how many good things are there in your kid's mind?"

"Just for breakfast, these days when I came to Jiucheng Palace, the old man has tasted a lot of new things."

Cheng Chubi smiled modestly.

"Uncle, my nephew has no other hobbies, so he is happy to make some food.

Moreover, every ingredient, as long as you are willing to use your brain, you can always have a more innovative way of eating..."

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