The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1213: As long as you are a mother, dad will listen to you

"Fang Cheng, you go to the courtyard gate and stare. If the master comes over, remember to come and let me know."

Lu Shi gave an order, Fang Cheng, who was eyeing Chuntao, nodded his head with a serious expression, and hurried away.

Lu Shi sat next to Fang Jun and looked at this son who had been hungry all night and was devouring him.

Can't help but feel distressed. "Eat slowly, don't be choked, you child, Chuntao, go get a pot of tea soup."

"Mother, it's okay, it won't matter if the child eats." Fang Jun grinned at his mother and continued to pick up the roast chicken and gnaw.

"You, why don't you listen to my mother's advice, your father is also for your own good."

"Mother, Haier knows that Dad is thinking about the child, but the child is not the material, the child is in the Jiucheng Palace."

"The days I stayed in the barracks were a bit bitter, but the boy came over and had fun, and it turned out to be a bunch of good brothers."

"And like General Chai, General Su Ding Fangsu, and Brother Niu, they all take care of the children."

"Furthermore, when the boy was rescued with Brother Chu Bi that day, the boy was not afraid at all..."

"Quickly shut up, brat. Mother is here to persuade you, not to persuade her." Lu's gritted teeth raised his hand and hit Fang Jun.

It's just that the start is too light, I am afraid that even the dust on his shoulders will not fly much.

Father is not there, only his mother, Fang Jun is full of courage at the moment. "Mother, the child is reasoning with you."

"Although the child is not well written, his majesty praises the child for his unstoppable courage. Look at the arm of the child, it is much thicker than the father's..."

Lu's anger was alive, and he raised his hand and slapped the kid again.

"No more nonsense, I can tell your father."

"Your father doesn't want you to leave. There is a reason for him. There is no way for your mother. You can't always let your temperament come."

"Mother, it depends on my temperament. The child is not as smart as his father, nor can he read books like his elder brother."

"The boy's favorite is the stick attack. If he doesn't join the army, he won't suffer a big loss if he is among those civilian officials."

"With your dad's protection, what are you afraid of?"

"Mother... The child is also a little self-aware. Just like Brother Chu Bi said, my dad can protect me for a while, but he can't protect me for the rest of my life."

"Moreover, men don’t show their ambitions and are born with an eight-foot body. The child also wants to do something, instead of letting his father protect him, but he can’t do his own happy things..."

Lu Shi heard Fang Jun's words and couldn't help but sigh softly.

Naturally, she could feel that Erlang talked about everything about him in the army, and his ecstatic appearance was not allowed by him to study with his former husband.

For the sake of his future, when he wanted him to be a civil official, it was a huge difference.

However, the husband is also a stubborn temper. When Erlang came back yesterday, the husband couldn't see Erlang for a few months, so he was originally quite happy.

As a result, the silly boy entered the house and talked about all kinds of interesting things about him in Zuowei's camp.

Moreover, my husband heard that he was going to Luzhou with King Wu and Cheng Sanlang, saying that he was going to talk to His Majesty for him, let him go to work in the state of Sima or something, and learn about government affairs.

It turned out to be good, this kid was not happy, and said that he was going to take a post in the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, and he wanted to be a general.

The husband was furious on the spot, and if he hadn't stopped him, this kid would have to be out of control by the husband.

But the husband still felt that this kid owed a lesson, and told him to kneel before his ancestor to wake up. When did he figure it out and admit his mistake, he could go out.

It looks like now... Lu Shi couldn't help feeling a headache, and waited for Erlang to finish the roast chicken and drank the tea soup.

Lu Shi reluctantly smiled. "You are so unhappy, but if you are in the army, your father won't be able to take care of you."

"Mother, the people who went to Luzhou are all my good brothers. Brother Weide and Brother Chubi have such a good relationship with me, can the child still suffer?"

Seeing the embarrassed look of his mother, Fang Jun approached her in front of her and whispered.

"Mother, the child is reluctant to leave you, but the child is a man. Mother, didn't you say that the child is the most masculine in our family?"

"If I don't make some achievements, how can I be worthy of your compliment."

Lu raised his hand and stroked Fang Jun's hair lovingly, feeling a little distressed.

"You want to go so, mother...oh, that's all, but even if you are in the army, you will return to Princess Chang'an for three or five years."

"Three years and five years, the child must at least prove himself. UU reading www.uukā even if the child is not the material for reading, but he will not lose face."

"Well, well, you, this stubborn temper is just like your dad."

Hearing this, Fang Jun couldn't help being overjoyed, and quickly bowed to the ground. "Thank you, mother, for being a child."

"Get up, mother can only save it for you, kid. But you also know your father's temper. I'm afraid it won't be easy to convince him."

"Mother, Haier knows, you have worked hard, come on, Haier rubs your legs."

"No matter what, as long as you are a mother, Dad will listen to you."

When Lu Shi heard this, he couldn't help but glared at Fang Jun.

"Don't talk nonsense, isn't your father for you, for this family?"

"Yes, yes, my mother is right, and the child understands."


Fang Xuanling sat in the study, admiring the set of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" in his hand.

This is a set of manuscripts of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" which he was rewarded by his majesty. Fang Xuanling had been admiring it in the newspaper before...

However, until now, the serialization was only half worth, until he got the full set of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" from your majesty.

Only then did I know that it turned out that this countless readers in the city of Chang'an were regarded as the author of the classic novel, and it was Cheng Saburo who had been making trouble with monsters all day long.

Fang Xuanling admitted that Cheng Saburo was indeed a genius and a genius, and his talent in poetry and poetry was indeed unmatched.

And this "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is also written in colloquial words, even if it is such a vernacular work.

I am afraid that in the entire Datang, there is no one who can write such wonderful words originally.

It is not only mixed with a large number of military strategies and strategies, but also many civil and military generals.

Many things can even be used in the world, whether it is military or state affairs.

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