The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1214: His wife is a man, and the position of the court ruler must...

I don't know what language should be used to describe Cheng Saburo, who has been rewarded frequently.

However, Fang Jun, his son, was sent to Cheng Saburo's side, and followed the boy.

Fang Xuanling had to admit that the character of her own Erlang was undergoing subtle changes.

In the past, the kid met himself, it can be said that he blinked, after all, Grandpa Fang didn't know what the second was.

But when I got there, although I was still counseling, I was able to use words to justify my behavior.

Although sometimes the monster moths that followed Cheng Sanlang to make Fang Xuanling's teeth tick with hate.

But at least I am pleased that this young Jiro has finally gradually become responsible and courageous.

But now it seems that it is simply adding a block to the old man...

Thinking about this, Fang Xuanling put aside the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" in her hands a little annoyed, and raised her eyebrows.

This Cheng Saburo, if you can make trouble, make trouble for you. Why do you involve my honest child?

Although Luzhou is also a land of Shu, Luzhou is also considered a land of prosperity.

But Rongzhou and Banzhou, most of those two places, are barbaric lands.

When Cheng Yaojin was appointed as the governor of Luzhou, he also led his army to fight against the monks. Although the monks were captured in the Tang Junwei, they were quite quiet.

But in fact, they are not fuel-efficient lamps, and there are still riots from time to time, disputes between the Liren and the Han, and between the Liren and the Liren tribe.

What merits can you make when you go to such a place? If this group of little rascals annoyed those hustlemen, a large-scale war broke out.

When the time comes, will they be able to calm down with their three young men?

As long as the news reaches the center of the DPRK, it is feared that it will be their best result. It will be thrown back to Chang'an. If you are a little careless, take a heavy responsibility, then...

"Hey, this **** boy, the old man is your father. What the old man does is to hope you are well, why are you so unwilling to listen to what the old man said?"

Fang Shen stood outside the study and heard the master's muttering noises, but he did not dare to move a little, and could only turn a deaf ear.

But soon, Fang Shen's voice entered the study, interrupting the unstoppable chattering and venting of Master Fang.

"Master, madam is here..."

"Hmm... I see." Fang Xuanling sat back behind the case, picked up the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms," and continued to enjoy it.

"Husband is reading? The concubine didn't bother you..." Lu Shi stepped into the study, still carrying a food box in his hand.

Fang Xuanling put aside the book, got up and asked in greet.

"Madam, come and sit down quickly, are you going to see that kid?"

Lu's eye circles suddenly turned red again, raised his hand, and wiped the corner of his eyes.

"The concubine went to see it, he was still kneeling there honestly, without drinking water all night, looking so haggard, the concubine's hurts."

Fang Xuanling quickly helped Lu Shi sit down and said with relief.

"Lady, my husband is equally distressed, but we can't let that kid do anything wrong for..."

"We have to make him suffer a bit, otherwise, we will still worry about him when we look back."

Lu Shi rolled his eyes concealedly, and nodded towards Fang Xuanling.

"What the husband said is, yes, the kid who behaved badly, yesterday took the food and gave it to the concubine."

"Today, my concubine asked the kitchen to make shrimp dumplings, crab buns, and fried spring rolls. It really suits your husband's light taste..."

"..." After hearing his wife Lu's name for Erlang, Fang Xuanling naturally understood that his wife was dissatisfied with her behavior of detaining the kid.

After his wife Lu Shi brought out the small steamer and the plates in the food box.

Fang Xuanling looked at these delicate and attractive delicacies, and couldn't help but move his index finger.

First, I tried one of the most beautiful-looking shrimp dumplings. The shrimps were crispy and tender, and the dumplings were smooth and delicious.

The taste of the crab buns made Fang Xuanling's eyes light up, and she was amazed.

As for the seemingly greasy spring rolls, the outside is crispy and the vegetables inside are crisp and refreshing.

"These things are really good, the hard-working lady has worked hard."

"What can the concubine body do? These are all that Erlang begged Cheng Saburo for a long time, saying that it's your husband, you have a bad appetite, and you like to eat lightly."

"Cheng Saburo specially gave these food recipes that taste light and don't hurt the intestines and stomach."

"As soon as this kid arrived in Chang'an, he quietly gave this food to his concubine, saying that he was letting the concubine surprise you."

"Hey... Since my husband thinks it's really good, I'll go there and tell Jiro when I look back.

He said that his father liked the meal made by the food he sent, so he taught that kid by the way, and continued to kneel if he didn't understand..."

"..." Fang Xuanling listened to the lady's words with guns and sticks dumbfounded. UU reading

The old face held up a pair of chopsticks in embarrassment, and didn't know if he should continue to hold the food or put it aside.

Out of the corner of Lu's eyes, he saw his husband's appearance, his tone turned soft, and he personally picked up a small spoon to give him a bowl of fish porridge and handed it over.

"Husband, eat it, it's Erlang's heart after all. No matter how angry you are, you can't hurt yourself."

"Uh, uh uh..." What else can Fang Xuanling say.

In the middle of the dynasty, facing the Manchu dynasty civil and military, the famous Tang Dynasty who was not afraid of himself, found that when facing the lady, he was always the weaker side.

Sometimes Fang Xuanling thinks, if his wife is a boy, she might not be able to decide where to rule the court, she might lose her part.


After eating these delicious delicacies and using the fragrant fish porridge, Fang Xuanling's mood is also extremely complicated.

"Lady, let Fang Shen go and give Erlang some food..."

Lu Shi shook his head decisively, gritting his silver teeth.

"No, what if that kid is stubborn? When I look back, I will ask Fang Cheng to lock the courtyard door."

"..." Fang Xuanling stared at the lady who had spoiled Erlang in the past with a black line on her face.

I always feel that she is talking angry, but I can't guarantee... a headache.

"Oh... the concubine is really life-saving, our Erlang still has the ability to be an official, and you don't have the same ability as your husband.

But it’s that temperament, I learned ten percent from my husband, and my concubine is sandwiched between you. It’s too difficult..."

Speaking of this, Lu Shi couldn't help but mourn. Seeing his wife Lu Shi had been so long and sighing from yesterday to today.

Fang Xuanling really didn't know how to persuade her, but she didn't want his wife Lu Shi to continue to be so sad.

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