The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1215: So refused without hesitation. Your father, I don’t want noodles...

Fang Xuanling looked at the murderous lady Lu Shi with a dazed expression, the whole person was not well.

What is this going to do? It wasn't really miserable just now, how could it happen in a blink of an eye, the change was a bit too big.

When Fang Shen faced his wife's instructions, wherever he dared to neglect, he respectfully saluted, and hurried away.

Fang Xuanling hesitated for a long time, and was about to speak to his wife Lu Shi. Lu Shi had already stood up and smiled reluctantly at Fang Xuanling.

"Husband, my concubine feels exhausted and she is really tired, so I will leave first..."

"Shall we take you back to the house for your husband, madam?..."

Fang Xuanling chased out of the house, only to see Chun Tao holding his wife Lu Shi away from the back.

Standing at the entrance of the study for a long time, he couldn't help stomping and sighing.

"Oh, why is this..."

Back to the study, sitting behind the desk, thinking about it for a long time, and then left the study again, pulling his face.

Seeing Fang Shen hurried back, he couldn't help but shout.

"Go, take the old man to Erlang."

"???" Fang Shen looked at Fang Xuanling with a dazed expression. "But Mrs. Just..."

"Huh?! Do you want the old man to say it a second time?"

Fang Xuanling was not happy anymore. Although the lady is in charge, but he is the rightful head of the family, okay?

"Yes, yes, please come with me, old man..."

What can Fang Shen say, he can only quickly lead the way, anyway, turn around and report to his wife again.

When they drifted away, a pair of bright eyes and a pretty face withdrew from the corner of the wall.

Take a quick step away.

"Madam, madam..." Chun Tao's crisp voice rang in the inner courtyard.

"Scream so loudly." Lu Shi walked out of the room and glared unwillingly at Chuntao, who was outgoing and extroverted.

Chuntao smiled and bowed to Lu's.

"Madam has a brilliant plan, the master has just gone over there with the housekeeper, Uncle Shen."

Decrease bX*WX*汜. "It's fine if you go." Lu Shi couldn't help but raised a scheming smile.

It seems that the husband really...well, he still loves the child.

"Madam, let's go over and take a look, in case the master becomes anxious with the second son again."

Lu's eyes rolled, gritted his teeth and shook his head.

"Don't go, if the lord is impatient, I can radiate the mood by smoking that kid."

"If the old man passes by, I feel sorry for that kid again. If there is a conflict with the old man, it will not be beautiful."

As he said that, Lu Shi stopped walking back to the room, turned his head and confessed to Chun Tao in a low voice.

"However, you ask to confess to the third baby's nurse..."


Fang Zheng slumped there lazily, rubbing his belly for a false sleep. After all, he was eating a little bit. Sleeping right after eating is not good for the stomach.

Hearing the sound of metal collision and footsteps coming from the courtyard door, he wiped his mouth quickly and jumped back to the center of the house.

Once again, the five-body cast fell to the ground facing the ancestor's tablet.

After Fang Xuanling stepped into the courtyard, his steps became slower and slower, and his face became more hesitant.

Finally stopped outside the door, Fang Shen looked at the face of the grandfather, holding the key in his hand, he didn't know whether to open the door or not.

Fang Xuanling was just standing at the door, the entanglement in her face was all over her face.

Fang Jun kept his wretched five-body posture and raised his ears, but only heard the sound of footsteps stagnating outside the door. There was no movement for a long time.

Fang Jun couldn't help feeling suspicious. What do you mean, he was lying on a stick of incense, and his father neither entered the house nor left. What does this mean?

"Fine, open it." Just as Fang Jun was thinking about it, he heard his father's voice sound.

The door was wide open, Fang Jun straightened his upper body, saw the face of his father, Fang Xuanling, who was not angry and presumptuous, and quickly bowed to the ground.

"Are you wrong?" Looking at this kid, Fang Xuanling couldn't help but subconsciously scolded.

"The boy knew it was wrong."

"What's wrong?"

"Children don't know."

"..." Suddenly the father and son fell into silence.

The old Fang Shen, who was standing still outside, had a hideous face, and he quickly took a deep breath. It was indeed a familiar formula and a familiar taste.

In the past, every time the second son made a mistake, the master would yell fiercely, and the second son who was frightened by the master's anger would reply like this.

This kind of tacit understanding has lasted for almost ten years, and it has been slightly better in the past two years.

Fang Xuanling looked at her son who had fallen to the ground with a weird expression, and sighed helplessly for a long time.

Then he sat down and looked at Jiro who was lying on his stomach without saying a word.

"Get up and talk back."

"Good father..." Fang Jun stood up and stood upright.

Fang Xuanling's words are authentic.

"You, do you know that this is the last chance..."

"Before you were in the Jiucheng Palace, and went to the army to fight together. The old man couldn't stop you, so it's up to you."

"But now, if you are released, and you take up the post, it will be a lifetime matter. Although there are opportunities to transfer the military post to three provinces and six departments. But there are very few..."

"Because my father is getting older and older, even if I want to take care of you, I am afraid that I will be powerless in the future."

As soon as Fang Xuanling's emotional voice fell, she heard Erlang's straightforward answer.

"Father, the child worries his father. However, the child does not regret it."

Sacrifice such as "..." Fang Xuanling's face turned The old man confessed so much to your kid and gave you a great analysis.

As a result, the words were finished, your kid didn't even think about it, and refused without hesitation. Your father, I don't want face?

Fang Xuanling's face slowly darkened, her expression of sorrow and emotion gradually became grim, and she was about to slap the case...

At this moment, a sturdy little doll poked in. With dark eyes, the thief looked around the room.

"Father, second brother, what are you doing?"

Seeing the younger son also appear, as an elder who considers the problem very comprehensively.

I don't think it is necessary to beat the second son in front of the third son, and it will easily cast a shadow on both sons.

Fang Xuanling frowned and said to Fang Saburo. "... Saburo, what are you doing here?"

"The boy was hitting the slingshot just now, and when he saw the bird coming here, the boy came and took a look."

Fang Xiaosan's eyeballs kept turning around, ostentatiously playing with the slingshot in his hand. "Second brother, go play with me."

Upon hearing this, Fang Xuanling puffed up her eyes and shouted.

"Go and beat your bird, tell your second brother if you have something for your father, and remember to write down your schoolwork when you look back, otherwise, be careful to clean up you for your father."

The kid with a silly look, copying the slingshot and rushing away.

Mi He Mi. Seeing Fang Xuanling had a headache, this kid, no matter how virtuous he is like the second child, he is not willing to read.

In the future, he will be a master who abandons literature and join martial arts again, alas...I am tired.

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