The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1217: Brother Chubi has been hanging around for a long time, and it’s not just waiting...

Han and Tang Commercial Banks' aggressive purchase of wasteland in Jiaozhou did not cause any disturbances above the court under Li Shimin's deliberate cold treatment.

On the contrary, the "Chang'an Xunbao" touted the willingness of Han and Tang Commercial Banks to share the country's worries.

And also promoted the profit-making behavior of the Han and Tang Commercial Banks to Jiaozhou Dudu Mansion in response to the will of the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty to develop Jiaozhou.

Decided to sacrifice small profits, cooperate with the court, and strive to develop Jiaozhou, striving to make the previously barren Jiaozhou Dudu Mansion another grain-producing area of ​​Datang.

This kind of shameless behavior makes the great family members very contemptible, but his Majesty didn't say anything, so what can they do?

Li Chengqian stared blankly at the Chang'an Xunbao, raised his eyes and looked at the shameless brother Chu Bi who was bragging with Yu Zhining there.

He lowered his head again, looked at the Chang'an Xunbao in his hand, and vomited silently in his heart.

Such brazen flattery can only be done with such a cheeky brother Chu Bi.

Looking down, Shandong Song Yu reports, Chang'an Pan'an revised it, okay... It seems that the third brother Li Ke has been mixing with brother Chu Bi for a long time, and he is not a waiting generation.

After reading this report with great difficulty, even though there were many slots, Li Chengqian wanted to vomit.

But I have to admit that the "Changan Xunbao" can play an extremely good role in public opinion propaganda.

Presumably once such a report comes out, not only the people of Chang'an, but also the wealthy businessmen of the surrounding Luoyang areas, will surely watch the wind.

For the father and the emperor to develop the land of Jiaozhou, it can naturally play a great role in boosting.

Yu Zhining also had to nod with emotion and confess that this move of the Han and Tang Commercial Banks, coupled with the approval of His Majesty, and the large-scale reports and publicity of the "Changan Xunbao".

The three-pronged approach will make the development of the Jiaozhou captain's enthusiasm, at least in a few years' time, will become very hot.

"...After all, the more people benefit from Jiaozhou Dudufu, the less likely it is for me to give up Jiaozhou Dudufu."

"As long as I have moved a large number of people here from Datang, and have been operating for more than ten years, I can make this Jiaozhou Dudu Mansion as solid as golden soup."

Li Chengqian also nodded in agreement with Dao.

"Yu Qing's words are very reasonable. For a treasure land that is ripe for three seasons a year, I Datang must have a long-term operation."

After the three chatted for a while, Yu Zhining saw the wink from His Royal Highness, and left with wit.

Only then did Li Chengqian sighed and walked towards Cheng Chubi quietly.

"Brother Chubi, when you went to Jiucheng Palace for almost half a year, you originally thought that when you returned to Chang'an, we could get along day and night."

"Unexpectedly, the father told me that he intended to release you outside."

Cheng Chubi blinked and looked at the prince with a very resentful expression, just about to open an explanation.

But then saw His Royal Highness speak to himself.

"Father has said that talents like you, Brother Chubi, stay in the capital at a young age. Without the training in the pastoral area, it is difficult to have the opportunity to grow."

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. "Little brother, I also think it makes sense, and the little brother also hopes that Brother Chu Bi will be able to make outstanding contributions and become my minister of the pillars of the Tang Dynasty in the future."

Cheng Chubi scratched his head helplessly. You don't look like congratulating others, your expression is like a deep-seated woman.

Fortunately, the princess is not here, otherwise it might be difficult to explain.

"His Royal Highness, you don't have to droop your face and say such things, it makes the minister feel weird."

Li Chengqian still had a bleak look, complaining and pitying himself.

"Oh, I'm happy for you, little brother, but I can't be happy on my own. I'm the lonely prince, not my third brother."

"You can only stay in this city of Chang'an. It's a rare opportunity to get out of Chang'an and take a look at the great rivers and mountains of my Datang."

Hearing this, Cheng Chubi felt that to translate this literally, that is: You are all going out, the prince Lao Tzu can only stay in the East Palace every day and can't go anywhere. It is really upset in his heart.

Cheng Chubi was not easy to answer this conversation, so he touched his nose and smiled bitterly.

"Yes, it is precisely because your Royal Highness, you are the prince, you must sit in the central place, otherwise, the minister can accompany your Royal Highness to walk around."

Li Chengqian nodded, his eyes rolled.

"Brother Chubi, brother, I remember that there are many painters in your school, but are there anyone who is good at landscape?"

Decrease bXW X. co汜. "Yes, why?"

"Otherwise, you take one or two painters to Shuzhong and paint some of the landscape there.

Then record the local people's customs, so that I can enjoy the different scenery from the Central Plains without leaving home. "

Cheng Chubi stared blankly at the excited look and tone of the Prince's Royal Highness.

It's like being trapped in a cage, and can only move around in the cage while dissatisfied with the screaming Husky.

Cheng Chubi wiped his face, and could only harden his scalp to assure His Royal Highness that wherever he went, any beautiful scenery would be painted.

And I will write letters to know the good people and customs of the motherland every three weeks.

After receiving the promise from Brother Chu Bi, Li Chengqian calmed down a bit.

"By the way, Brother Chubi, are you going to Luzhou and plan to manage the local people's livelihood in this way? Little brother, I heard that the local Lian people are not very good at dealing with UU reading"

"Actually, the minister has already figured out a strategy, but the most important thing is to build the road first."

"The minister has already inquired with my father, the land south of Luzhou is rugged and the roads are very difficult and dangerous.

I, the people of Tang Dynasty, want to go to Banzhou as much as possible, and climb down the mountains and ridges. It will be almost ten days before..."

"Furthermore, there are fierce battles between the monks. If something happens, the army in the court can't rush to it in time, it is very likely that the small storm will turn into a big conflict."

Cheng Chubi's proposal to build the road first received not only the approval of Li Shimin, but also the approval of his father Cheng Yaojin.

Of course, my father considers it from the military perspective, while Li Shimin considers it from the people's livelihood governance, which is also conducive to Datang's control of the place.

"Building roads... but Xiongtai, although road building is a good idea, it is not an overnight effort to build a road, and the people also need to cultivate the fields for a living."

"His Royal Highness is extremely true, so the minister's idea is to spend money, not to let the people serve and build roads."

"Spend money?" Li Chengqian looked at Cheng Saburo before him with a dazed expression.

"You mean, the court needs to spend money to repair roads?"

"That's exactly what I meant. Of course, this is just the personal opinion of the minister and has not been communicated with your majesty.

However, there were several reasons why the minister wanted to spend money to hire workers instead of letting the people use their labor time to build roads. "

The first is that the people's corvee is not long, only about 20 days a year.

Mi He Mi. And they are ordinary people. After 20 days of work, the people will slap their butts and go home.

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