The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1218: Little cutie and his brother are really brothers and sisters, they want...

Maybe he is just getting familiar with his job, but his service period is over, what can you do?


   In this way, although road construction does not cost money, this approach is simply a waste of time.


   Moreover, road construction may seem simple, but it is actually a very professional job.


   Cheng Chubi had an elementary school classmate who later entered the conservation section, and he had an engineering team under his hand.


   Cheng Chubi was very curious about this, and after asking him, only then knew that this engineering team is all experienced professionals.


  I have been engaged in road repair and road construction all year round. They have a good understanding of various problems in road construction.


   and know how to use the shortest time and the least amount of work to solve.


   In his words, you hire three or five hundred part-time workers for two months, fearing that the ten-mile road will not be built.


   But this group of professionals led one hundred part-time workers, and their road construction speed was three to five times that of the mob.


   In this case, Cheng Chubi deeply believes that professional matters should be handled by professional people.


   In the road traffic of Datang, apart from dozens of old drivers who specialize in the construction of roads from the Ministry of Engineering, there are no professionals.


   After all, this was in ancient times, technical officials were not popular, and besides some important main roads, the imperial court would allocate a certain amount of money and food.


  A general road, it is difficult to get the support of the imperial property.


   is like the main road from Chang'an to Luoyang. The ground is full of rammed earth.


  In some places, mellow soil and rice milk are also used. If the soil is burned, no insects or weeds will grow. If rice milk is used, it can be crushed more closely.


   But the broad official roads are mostly concentrated in the Central Plains, and there are also many Jiangnan with dense water networks.


   However, on the Jiannan Road, except for the Shuzhong Basin, the quality of the official roads of other unimportant prefectures and counties is simply horrible.


   This is what Cheng Chubi’s father quietly vomited to his son, and it made Cheng Chubi deeply aware of it.


  The reason why there has been a lack of control over the minority areas in southwest China since the Tang and Song Dynasties.


   The most fundamental thing is that the lack of good road traffic will weaken the government's control over the local area.


   And the control is weakened, naturally there will be more troubles.


   Anyway, this problem was not gradually solved until after the liberation of the whole of China, and the reason for solving this problem was to build roads.


   The desperate construction of roads has made the moats smooth, so that people in poverty-stricken areas can transport the products of their own regions.


  Through trade, poor places will gradually become richer.


   Of course, Cheng Chubi felt that he didn't have the ability for the time being, so that the entire Great Southwest would become smooth.


   But it does not hinder him, hoping to improve the level of road traffic in his hometown.


   and make the local production and life more colorful. Let more properties go out.




   Not long after returning to Chang'an, my eldest brother Cheng Chumo finally changed from a happy bachelor to a maiden.


   After several days of busy work, Cheng Chubi survived, but the time for him, Li Ke and Fang Jun to leave Chang'an is getting closer and closer.


   And Cheng Chubi, before leaving Chang'an, once again shouldered the important task of his royal food supplier.


   sent those special delicacies to the palace, by the way, say goodbye to everyone.


   And all the big guys are also very inquisitive to Cheng Chubi, and they give a lot of encouragement. It is the black-faced old man Li Yuan who rarely praised Cheng Chubi.


   Then, I couldn't help but sighed a little sadly.


   "If you leave Chang'an, it will be hard to come back for three or five years. That old man's appetite is afraid..."

   "The emperor, the minister has given you the cooking methods of the delicacies you like to eat. If you are greedy, just let the cook do it for you."


   Li Yuan glared at the dazzling little doll with some disapproval, and made a gesture of pouring something into his mouth.


   "..." Cheng Chubi reacted immediately, looking at the great Tang Taishang who was stuttering and even uttered in a dumb gesture with a black line on his face.


   "The minister is not there, there is no way to give it to you, or else, you can pick someone you can trust and go to our house to find the housekeeper Cheng Fu. My nephew will explain to him first..."


   Hearing Cheng Chubi's promise, Li Yuan finally showed a kind smile on his face.


   "Okay, okay, this is just the truth. Looking back, if you are in the south, and you have inspiration, what delicious food has come out, don’t forget the old man.


   "Don't worry, the emperor, the minister will remember it."


  It took a long time to get rid of the entanglement of the Great Emperor of the Tang Dynasty. Cheng Chubi left the Da'an Palace and decided to go to the Lizheng Hall, so that the snacks specially prepared for Wu Meiniang and Li Mingda could arrive in time.


   Only then came halfway, and saw Hu Shang Palace and Li Mingda standing on the road, looking left and right towards this side.


   After seeing him, Li Mingda jumped and waved his arms, and Hu Shanggong, who was standing behind her, showed a helpless wry smile.




   Li Mingda was still so cute, and smiled sweetly after giving a gift to Cheng Chubi.


   "Brother Cheng, I guess you will come to find me, so I am waiting for you here."


   Cheng Chubi hurriedly replied with a smile.


   "His Royal Highness You Lao has been waiting for a long time, and the minister is really flattered."


   Li Mingda turned his head and said with a smile at Hu Shanggong.


   "Brother Cheng, come with me, Hu Shanggong, wait for me here. I want to say a few words to Brother Cheng."


   Hu Shanggong nodded numbly. "Okay, your maidservant is waiting here."


  I'm used to it...Every time Princess Jinyang asks herself to accompany her, she almost always wants to talk to Cheng Saburo and don't know what she's talking about.


   But what can Hu Shang Palace do? Although very troubled, but also helpless.


   Li Mingda stretched out the little empress and led Cheng Chubi to the river bank not far away.


   After looking back at Hu, he said seriously to Cheng Saburo.


   "Brother Cheng San, I heard my father say, you are going to a far place, right?"


  Cheng Chubi was naturally embarrassed to let Li Mingda speak with his head up, kneeling down on one knee again, watching the lovely Jinyang princess explain.


   "His Royal Highness, the place where the ministers go is actually not too far away. From there to Chang'an, if you travel quickly, it will be ten days."


   "Oh, it's really not too far." Li Mingda breathed a sigh of relief, and after thinking about it, it seemed a bit embarrassing and authentic.


   "Brother Cheng, will you write to me then? I heard my father say that people are far away and cannot meet each other, so they can only write letters."


   Looking at this cute little girl, Cheng Chubi was immediately happy. Yes, this little cutie and his brother are indeed brothers and sisters, and the requirements are similar.


   "Of course there is no problem. Weichen will definitely write down what he has seen and heard in other places in a letter and tell His Highness."




   Cheng Chubi raised his slap and swears solemnly.


   "Of course it is true, the minister can swear that he will write to his highness often."


   "Then, let's pull the hook..." Li Mingda rolled his eyes, always feeling that it was safer to perform routine operations, and stretched out his little white and pink fingers.




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