The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1221: I came to Changning Prefecture by myself, isn’t it for the Changning Coal Mine...

"The First Family of Tang Dynasty (!

What is the meaning of this special mother? After I entered the land of Shu, all the way before was an official reception.

What I eat is almost the same as what I eat in Chang'an.

I finally got here. In Luzhou, I still eat northern flavors. I wanted to come to Changning Prefecture by myself.

You can taste some hometown food. As a result, this kind of treatment that makes him feel like returning to Chang'an really makes Cheng Chubi feel bad.

After Modan heard that General Cheng's third son was coming.

Anxiously, they dispatched manpower to search for a long time in the city of Changning Prefecture. Finally, they found the only cook in Changning Prefecture who could cook Guanzhong cuisine, and spent a lot of money to invite him over to cook the food.

Seeing those officials from the Ministry of Industry who were accompanying them, they all began to swallow desperately, and Modan couldn't help but sigh in secret.

It seems that it's worth noting that I tried my best to get the great chef to be invited, and the money was not in vain.

But when Modan's gaze fell on Cheng Saburo, he felt that Cheng Saburo's expression seemed very unhappy.

I couldn't help but beat a drum in my heart, and came forward tremblingly.

"Cheng Changshi, but the food doesn't suit your appetite?"

Cheng Chubi smashed his mouth, and seeing Modan's cautious appearance, he still remembered his father's analysis of the leader of a dry man.

This Modan has a more friendly attitude towards Datang, moreover, Modan is cautious and likes to learn from Han people and use his brains.

However, Changning Liao's three thousand Liao soldiers can be regarded as the upper-middle strength among the Luzhou Liao.

I came to Changning Prefecture by myself, one reason is because I am very familiar with it, and the second reason is that my father's advice is there.

Naturally, it is impossible for Cheng Chubi to turn his face away for the other party's painstaking hospitality, and the other party is also worried that he is not used to the food of the Southwest.

Cheng Chubi controlled his emotions and said with a smile at Modan.

"It seems that Mo Shishi has also worked hard, and he has the intention."

While using the rice, Cheng Chubi held up the wine and drank Modan, and by the way asked about the mountains and rivers of Changning Prefecture.


"By the way, Mo Cishi, I look at the buildings in Changning Prefecture. Many of the buildings in Changning Prefecture are made of bamboo. There must be a lot of bamboo in Changning Prefecture, right?"

Modan stroked the short beard on his face and nodded and smiled. "In our Changning Prefecture, we can see bamboo everywhere, and bamboo grows fast."

"It's also light and easy to use, whether it's used to build houses or make utensils."

Cheng Chubi nodded in agreement, and the mat underneath his buttocks was made of bamboo.

It's just that the craftsmanship of this era really makes people feel a bit rough. Unlike later generations, bamboo has not only entered thousands of households, but has even entered the palace of art.

Today, the use of bamboo is still in the most primitive application stage.

Fortunately, Lao Tzu is here... Cheng Chubi couldn't help feeling a sense of pride in his heart. No one knows bamboo products better than me.

Although I don't know how to make, I just saw the old men repairing bamboo utensils, weaving chairs, and baskets by the roadside during the rush.

Of course, I have also seen papermakers, and people who make bamboo wreaths.

Cheng Chubi remembered that he had visited the Bamboo Museum, and he also admired countless household utensils and bamboo art made from bamboo.

"That's true. There is an old saying that you rely on the mountains to eat the mountains and the sea to eat the sea. The ancients sincerely did not deceive me."

"By the way, Mo Cishi, I don't know which direction in Changning Prefecture, where the bamboo is the most dense and dense."

Modan wiped the oil stains from the corners of his mouth, raised his hand and swayed.

"Yes, you can see it if you go south for more than ten miles, and it's a large area, almost stretching for nearly a hundred miles, all of which are dense bamboo forests."

After getting such an answer, Cheng Chubi was overjoyed. Ouch... I didn't expect that the Shunan Bamboo Sea of ​​later generations would have existed more than 1,400 years ago.

But this is also normal. In most parts of Sichuan, bamboo is countless. In this era, there is no artificial cultivation, and it is completely self-sustaining.

"Then dare to ask Mo Cishi, what's the difference south of Zhuhai?"

Modan thought for a while, shook his head and smiled.

"The large bamboo forest continues to the south and travels for dozens of miles. That is the site of the Luozhou Liao, if it is southwest, it is the site of the Si'e Liao people. There is no difference."

After Cheng Chubi kept asking him repeatedly, Modan finally thought of something.

"Cheng Changshi said something like that, I really remembered something. Deep in the bamboo forest to the south.

There is a black valley over there, the black stone there is very smelly, the lower official remembers that some people say that the stone can be used to set fire. "

"But, that thing burns up, the smoke that comes out can choke people half to death, and everyone is not happy to burn that thing."


Cheng Chubi finally breathed a sigh of relief. He came to Changning Prefecture by himself, wasn't it just for the Changning coal mine?

Seeing Cheng Changshi's relieved expression, Modan couldn't help being a little curious.

"What's wrong with Cheng Changshi? Could those black stones be good things?"

Cheng Chubi was full, put down his chopsticks, and slowly shook his head.

"It's not a good thing, but it's as good as Mo Shishi you said, it's fuel."

"Heigu, isn't it? I don't know if someone has been to Changning Prefecture, but is there a road leading there?"

"Yes, you can go south along the road to Luozhou for about 20 miles, and then walk east. Does Cheng Changshi want to go and see? Mo Kun!"

"Big brother, what's the matter?" A middle-aged, honest man who looked almost like Modan strode in from the outside and gave a salute to Mo Kun.

"I remember you know where Heigu is. You brought two hundred people. I will personally accompany Cheng Changshi to Heigu to see."

Mo Kun nodded and strode away.

Cheng Chubi and the others stopped eating, and after the officials of the Ministry of Engineering had a rest, they left Changning Prefecture with Modan and headed south.

Although this road is quite rugged, it is extremely busy because there are salt wells in Luozhou.

This salt well was controlled by the court, and there were four well-salt producing areas in the Tang Dynasty: Shannan Road, Longyou Road, Jiangnan Road, and Jiannan Road.

Among these four roads, there are nearly 100 salt wells, and Shanjian South Road has the most, with more than 60 places.

And this Luojing salt had been used to produce salt during the Three Kingdoms period. The Shuhan general Li Hui led his army to the south, UU reading www.uukanshu. com is for Luojing Salt.

Moreover, the output of Luojing salt is extremely large, and there have been historical records that the roads of Yun'an and Luojing were not accessible, and the folks lacked salt.

This is also the reason why Li Shimin sent Cheng Yaojin, the founder of the country, to sit here. Salt, this stuff is indispensable for all people.

However, Cheng Chubi came here not for salt, but for coal.

I just didn't expect that Rao is such an important well-salt transportation road, which is so rugged and painful to see Cheng Chubi.

It strengthened his determination to rebuild Luzhou Cement Plant to build roads.

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