The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1222: It’s just that the memories are too fragrant, and the fragrant Cheng Chubi almost dro

Huh? …No, it was the determination to establish Luzhou Cement Plant. Cheng Chubi still remembered that there were several cement plants in Luzhou.

The guy who had a good time with Cheng Chubi, my father worked as a technician in the cement factory in Naxi District, and my mother worked as an accountant in the Changning Coal Mine.

This classmate was too strong back then, after all, both the old man and the old woman were in a good unit, the kind of poor fat.

This kid has a lot of pocket money and thieves, and Cheng Chubi waited for several friends and friends to follow this stuff and often eat and drink spicy food.

Especially when it comes to rest days, everyone will jump to the south. When passing by the bamboo sea, by the way, go get some bamboo rats and collect some bamboo fungus and bamboo shoots.

Then he went to his mother's dormitory to do it by himself, and had a good meal.

Cheng Chubi had already revealed his amazing culinary talent at that time, anyway, at that time, he was already very proficient in cooking these things.

Not only bamboo rats, but sometimes snakes, no matter whether they are poisonous or not, a bunch of bear kids who don't know what they are afraid of.

There is always a way to subdue those snakes. The easiest way is to use bamboo poles and sometimes bring a self-made snake trap.

Hmm...Of course, that was an era when there was no legislation to ban the hunting of wild animals.

After all, Cheng Chubi considers himself to be a law-abiding citizen, and while rushing on the road, he is caught in the memories of the verdant era.

It's just that the memories are so fragrant, Xiang De Cheng Chubi almost dripped saliva again.

Fortunately, at this moment, Mo Kun began to greet in front of him. Before Cheng Chubi rode his horse, he saw a valley-like appearance in front of him.

However, there was no access there, and in desperation, only a part of the manpower was left, and Cheng Chubi followed Mo Kun in depth before Modan's company.

Finally, after traveling for a few miles, I saw the place called the Heigu by the Changning monks.

Mokun walked in the forefront, then jumped out of the not deep valley, and then pointed to a place next to which was covered by weeds.

Cheng Chubi looked up and saw this side of the **** about several meters high, and where it was exposed, you could see the oily black that resembled a rock formation.

Cheng Chubi strode forward, picked up a black stone that had fallen in the valley, and carefully inspected it. It was coal, 100% bituminous coal.

An official from the Ministry of Industry took it up too, then buckled and slapped his fingers on it, and then leaned under his nose and smelled it for a long time. It was definitely authentic.

"Cheng Changshi, this is indeed peat."

"Unexpectedly, there will be a lot of exposure on the ground. It seems that the peat here should not be less."

Cheng Chubi nodded in agreement, although I don't know if the Ministry of Industry official guessed it, but later generations, the coal mine has been digging for decades.

Later generations or mechanical digging can dig for decades, not to mention that in ancient times, after one or two hundred years, Cheng Chubi felt that there was no problem at all.

After confirming that there is coal, Cheng Chubi, who finally let go of the big stone in his heart, and a cadre of officials began to move towards the official road.

This didn't go far, and suddenly I heard a scream from the front, but it was a guard next to Mokun.

He raised his leg with a green curled object hanging from his leg. Mo Kun on the side yelled, pulling out the knife by his waist and going to chop it over.

Cheng Chubi quickly shouted. "stop!"

Three steps in two steps rushed to the front, and it was clear that the lower leg of the liren guard was covered by a green snake that was more than two feet long. This thing is the most common bamboo leaf green in Zhuhai.

"Don't move me to deal with it." Cheng Chubi stretched out his hand and squeezed Zhu Yeqing's head directly.

"Cheng Changshi, this is a poisonous snake, be careful..."

Mo Kun watched Cheng Chubi dare to catch the poisonous snake with his hands, and couldn't help exclaiming.

Cheng Lie, who jumped over from behind, was anxious and shouted in a loud voice.

"San Gongzi, you quickly throw it away, we chopped it off."

Cheng Chubi rolled his eyes, handed a snake's tail, shook his wrist vigorously a few times, and threw it aside.

Originally, Zhu Yeqing, who was still alive before and kept holding his body, could only barely move his head at this moment, but the whole body became soft and cottony.

"Satisfaction, go get my medicine box, you sit down for me, and give me a rope."

"Cheng Changshi, what are you going to do?" Mo Kun looked at Cheng Chubi with a dazed expression.

Cheng Chubi shouted impatiently.

"I asked him, what am I doing in a daze?"

He took the rope and tied it under his knee first, pulled out the short dagger around his waist, let Cheng Lie light the tinder, and then took the dagger and flung it on the fire a few times.

Toward the ugly guard, soothed. UU Reading www.uukā "Don't worry, I will handle it for you now, there will be no major problems."

While speaking, Cheng Chubi's knife had already made a cross-shaped incision where his calf was bitten by the snake.

He took the water bag that Cheng Lie had handed over, and repeatedly washed and squeezed it. After several times, Cheng Chubi took it up with a single mouth.

"???" Everyone looked at Cheng Chubi blankly, and saw that after he took a few hard breaths, he spit a **** saliva to the side. I took the water pouch, rinsed my mouth, and continued...

Modan, who had already rushed over from behind, saw this scene, his face turned green.

"Cheng Changshi, what you are doing, this is absolutely impossible. If something happens to you, we will be over in Changning."

"Don't talk nonsense!" Cheng Chubi shouted unwillingly.

Cheng Lie, who was next to him, saw that the young man's mouth was so skillful, and suddenly he slapped his head.

"Don't worry about Mo Shishi. My third son is a well-known healer. There is no disease he can't cure. Don't worry."

"Cheng Changshi is a healer?" Modan was taken aback, and he thought of the rumors about Cheng Saburo he had inquired about. It was said that he had a magical medical skill.

The best thing is to take a knife to treat people's illness, by the way, he also used the knife just now.

At this time, Deng Chengxin rushed over, panting and carrying the first aid kit.

After Cheng Chubi took it, he opened the second floor and took out a porcelain square basin from the inside. After opening the lid, he wiped out a finger of black paste from the inside.

Poke the finger directly and hit the wound of the hapless ghost who was bitten by the snake.

The hapless guard looked at Cheng Saburo with a dazed expression, his mouth trembling.

"Don't worry, this is snake medicine, gratifying, with the small spoon over there, you can only scoop half a spoonful of it, and let him take it quickly."

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