The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1570: Fortunately, Lao Tzu is not kind, huh? wrong……

Li Shimin looked at this plucking instrument. He himself is also an amateur musician.

Of course, his musical talent is naturally inherited from his father, Li Yuan, the founding emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

You know, in the hands of Datang's musical instrument master, his father Li Yuan can definitely rank in the top five.

With a pipa in hand, even the musicians in the palace will be embarrassed.

And not only the pipa, whether it's Yueqin, Liuyeqin, or even Persian Duter, etc., his father can also play in a decent way.

Now that boy Cheng Saburo has come up with such a fresh plucking instrument, ha ha

As a filial son, it is naturally impossible to see such a different style of playing musical instruments and let him go.

Fang Jun nodded his head subconsciously. "Yes, Brother Chubi bought one for my nephew before, and it was made by Master Luo from Taile Department."

The thought of that Cheng's Pipa was a little heavy, but the sound was great at any rate, but unfortunately, it was finally replaced by the cheeky Chu Bi brother.

"Later, I changed it to my nephew. He said it's lighter and easier to carry."

Li Shimin copied this one in his hand and counted it a few times. This Cheng's pipa felt a little lighter than the average pipa.

It seems that the material is different from the general pipa.

Li Shimin turned his head and wanted to call Cheng Saburo over, and saw that the girl was bragging and farting with Cheng Saburo, very excited.

I couldn't help but feel bad in my heart, and handed the Pipa to Fang Jun, and then told him a few words, watching Fang Jun, who was copying the Pipa, quickly ran towards Cheng Chubi.

"Find me?" Cheng Chubi raised his thumb and nodded the tip of his nose, then raised his head in a daze.

Seeing not far away, Li Shimin smiled and hooked his finger towards him.

The posture of a bad Sven to seduce a good woman. Bah is a malicious elder who wants to clean up the posture of honest and honest younger generations.

"Brother Cheng San, hurry over, my father calls you."

Cheng Chubi could only smile at Li Mingda honestly, but he faced Li Shimin by himself, ha ha

Cheng Chubi subconsciously stretched out his hand to fish aside, and by the way showed a smile with a sweet belly, but Te Niang's actually got nothing.

"Well, that Xian, I said, "How come you run so fast and do what you do like being kicked out by a ghost?"

Li Ke had already jumped not far away, with a happy expression on his face.

"Brother Chubi, don't be crooked, hurry up, my father is looking for you, not a little brother."

Cheng Chubi glared grimly at the lonely prince who flew separately in the midst of a catastrophe, and could only share wealth and wealth but not shared adversities.

Then he smiled and jerked at Brother Jun who was still stunned.

"Walk around and accompany you as your brother. Don't learn from you for your virtue, and don't talk about loyalty at all."

Li Mingda pursed his mouth tightly, until Cheng San's brother grumbled crookedly and pulled the bewildered Fangjia brother away.

Li Mingda quickly turned around, raised her hand to cover it, and she was really worried that she would laugh out loud if she didn't control it.

"Brother Chubi, you dragged the little brother so hard, your majesty said that you want to see you, not me."

Fang Jun had a black line on his face, but he was not as powerful as Brother Bi, and he was dragged back to the future father-in-law.

Cheng Chubi nodded and bowed his head and smiled and paid a respectful salute to the unclear intention of His Majesty the Emperor of Tang Dynasty.

"My nephew has seen my uncle, I don't know why my uncle called my nephew to come over?"

"The old man asks you to come over, naturally someone is looking for you, so you must know your nephew."

"The Emperor Taishang is an old man who is good at rhythm and is best at playing musical instruments, whether it is pipa, liuyeqin, or other."

"The Emperor Taishang is quite proficient in his elders, and he has repeatedly asked the old man to search for some rare instruments for him, or instruments that I have never seen in the Tang Dynasty, and collect them for pleasure."

"You Cheng's Pipa is also quite strange. Now that the old man saw it today, hehe"

Hearing this, Cheng Chubi almost uttered aloud, subconsciously raising his chest.

"Uncle don't be polite, just take it, Brother Jun, come and come, I'll give you a hand later, and quickly take this hand down to your majesty."

""Fang Jun looked at Brother Chu Bi, who was squinting his fingers with a smirk, with a black line on his face.

"" Li Shimin looked at Cheng Saburo, who was going to take it back and give it again, with a black line on his face.

"Waiting nephew, there is nothing to do with you here, um, go aside, the old man should have a good chat with Cheng Saburo."

Hearing this, Fang Jun, who had received amnesty, twisted his **** and ran away, leaving Cheng Saburo alone.

Seeing Fang Jun had left, Li Shimin's face was unwilling and gloomy.

"You kid, I want to take back the things I gave to the Emperor. The old man thinks you are too courageous, right?"

Cheng Chubi whispered unhappily.

"Uncle look at what you said, just now my nephew listened to your tone, as if you want to do it now."

"Yes, Fang Erlang just said that this Cheng's pipa on you is from the hands of Master Luo from the Tai Le Department."

"Why, can't bear to give good things to the Supreme Emperor?"

"My one?" Cheng Chubi lowered his head and looked at the ebony wood back and the sycamore wood panel in front of him.

It was made by the national-level musical instrument master Luo Moumou, a good treasure that can be used as a collection.

Thousands are counted, but the emperor, who doesn't talk about martial ethics, even counts away the treasures he wants to bring to the family.

Cheng Chubi looked sadly at the good baby in his arms, but smiled gloomily in his heart. Fortunately, Lao Tzu is not kind, huh? wrong

How should I say this sentence, it should be said that fortunately, Lao Tzu is not a good generation.

I have already considered all kinds of situations and the possibility caused by walking around with Baobao.

"Since the uncle wants it, it's not impossible, but my nephew is really worried that the Emperor Taishang will not be able to play with the old man."

"???" Li Shimin heard the adjective "I can't move," and his whole body was dark. What kind of **** is this kid?

"Cheng Saburo, don't talk nonsense, you are a musical instrument, not a weapon, there is no reason to play it."

"Hurry up and bring it to the old man. Why, do you still want the old man to bear the bad reputation of robbing juniors?"

Looking at the cheeky and stern face of the emperor of Tang, Cheng Chubi helplessly removed the hand-held musical instrument he was carrying on his back.

"Uncle, my nephew is really not nonsense. I'm afraid this stuff can only be played by a talented and powerful musician like my nephew."

Li Shimin ignored Cheng Saburo's nonsense, and subconsciously stretched out one hand to mention it, his face changed instantly.

"What do you mean, boy, don't let go."


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