The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1571: Your brother Cheng 3 has a lot of spooky ideas, whoever makes money will eat...

Cheng Chubi could only let go of his fingers angrily, but he was really not a kong, and he felt he had to remind him.

"It's not that my nephew doesn't want to let go, it's that this stuff is heavy, uncle, be careful..."

At the moment Cheng Chubi carefully released his fingers, Li Shimin's face changed again. Damn it? !

Subconsciously changed from one-handed to two-handed, and then steadily followed the dead Cheng's pipa, unable to say a word for a long time.

The Fang Erlang's guitar, which I just held in my hand and played for a long time, is worth six or seven kilograms.

But the Cheng Sanlang's pipa, which is in the hands of Cheng Sanlang, is afraid that it does not have 30 jins, so it would have to be 25 or 6 jins.

Li Shimin remembered that Qin Qiong's two-handed mace was only of this weight.

"Cheng Saburo, are you a musical instrument?!" Li Shimin weighed the heavy weapon in his hand with a black line on his face, and puffed up his eyes at Cheng Saburo.

Twenty-five six kilograms, that really special mother is a handy weapon used to rob the rich and help the poor.

I'm afraid that only rough men with fat and strong bodies can play and play freely.

Although Li Shimin was the emperor of horses, he hadn't been on the battlefield for many years, and it was a bit too heavy to copy this stuff.

Cheng Chubi's expression looked so innocent, and his eyes were so ignorant.

"Yes, this is specially created by Master Luo for my nephew, because my nephew feels it is not easy to use those Cheng's pipas that are too light."

Of course, Cheng Chubi would not tell Li Shimin that the actual weight was only 16 or 7 catties.

However, considering that he is surrounded by all fat and strong Wu family children, rough masters.

Taking advantage of it is a typical example of not talking about martial ethics, so in order to prevent it from being robbed by a vote of brothers.

Cheng Saburo took great pains to install several lumps of lead ingots inside the speaker.

At that time, the musician looked dumbfounded, and wondered what Cheng San Gongzi wanted to do, so Cheng Chubi told the other party earnestly.

I am a child of the Wu family, so I can't just play music and forget my job.

Do not forget to exercise while playing the piano, this is a model of the Cheng family who is a heir to poetry.

Of course, although the musician certainly didn't believe Cheng Saburo's serious nonsense, it was because of the money given to him.

Don't say it was adding a dozen kilograms of lead ingots, even if the entire Cheng's pipa refined by Master Luo was wrapped in a layer of lead ingots, it would be no problem.

Li Shimin looked at the Cheng Saburo-exclusive instrument in his hand with a dark face, and looked at Cheng Saburo suspiciously.

I always feel weird here, but I can't detect anything wrong.

As soon as he flicked his fingers, Li Shimin, an amateur instrumental master, immediately felt that this instrument was different from Fang Erlang's previous one.

I have to admit that the Cheng's pipa produced by Master Luo from the Taiyue Department is indeed the best choice in terms of appearance, timbre, and grip.

The problem is that Te Niang's is too heavy, one hand has five or six times the weight of the Cheng's pipa in Fang Erlang's hand.


Li Shimin couldn't help being a little bit troubled, and wanted to occupy it, and then gave it to his father.

But the thought of the old arms and legs of his father Li Yuan, even though he can still afford a stick nowadays, made Cheng Saburo full of Donggong.

But the problem is that if my father wants to make music, this thing is really too heavy.

Especially my father is very happy to play various pipa skills, in case he comes up, he wants to play the pipa back.

The result clicked, because the dead Cheng's Pipa flashed his old waist, what should I do?

Cheng Chubi looked at Li Shimin's obviously dark and complicated expression in silence.

Knowing that the emperor who deliberately wanted to take advantage of him was struggling.

Are both losers accounted for? Still bitterly resigned and fat, let go of his good baby.

Cheng Chubi suddenly had a spectrum in his heart, and leaned closer, in a very dog-like posture.

"Uncle, my nephew, this special product is indeed a bit too heavy, and I am giving it to the emperor and his elders, I am afraid it is not suitable, or..."

"Or wait for my nephew to go to the Taidong Office again, and I will ask the Master Luo to do it again, and give the emperor and his old man a light but beautiful sound quality, more beautiful Cheng's pipa, you see..."

"Well, good nephew, you have such a heart, and the old man is very pleased. If this is the case, you can get it right after you turn around."

Hearing Li Shimin's tone of reconciliation, Cheng Chubi couldn't help being overjoyed, and quickly reached out to get his good baby back.

Hey? Hey? Hey? What do you mean?

Cheng Chubi stretched out his hands dumbfounded, watching his Majesty the Emperor of Tang holding his Cheng's pipa and not handing it to himself, but turned and gave it to the guard standing behind him with a furry face with a strange look. The leader Zhao Kun.

"Well, Zhao Kun, take it to me, this is Cheng Saburo's treasure, don't break it."

Not far away, Empress Changsun, who just came over, saw Cheng Saburo's expression, her eyes twitched, and she quickly stopped and turned her head back, concealing her embarrassment by coughing.

The husband is also really, how always teasing this kid, but when he thinks that this kid will make demon moths all day long, UU reading www. Forget it on uukā, the old man should not be able to see it.

It happened to stop Li Mingda who was about to pass by with a weird expression.

"Mother, look..." Li Mingda wanted to laugh out loud several times, and finally managed to endure it forcibly.

Empress Changsun smiled, lowered her voice and whispered in Li Mingda's ear.

"Okay, mother saw it a long time ago, let your dad, anyway, your third brother Cheng has a lot of spooky ideas, it's hard to say who earns and who suffers."


After Li Shimin handed the dead Cheng's Pipa to Zhao Kun, he turned his head and saw Cheng Saburo's appearance.

First, he subconsciously put a dumb fart, and then he forcibly controlled his emotions, and he looked very friendly and surprised.

"Hey, why is your kid still standing here?"

"No, that uncle, it belongs to my nephew..." Cheng Chubi was unhappy, gestured with his fingers, his eyes were grimly and authentic.

"Oh, brother, you don't know, the old man is also good at making all kinds of playing instruments.

I have to see you playing this instrument today, and the old man is also happy to see Lie. Well, I will play it for a few days.

Looking back, you let the Master Luo of the Taidong Department do it for you. You can send it to the old man and just drop by to get it. "

"By the way, if you ask Master Luo to make a musical instrument, remember to bring it and show it to the old man first. The old man thinks it fits. Otherwise, hehe..."

Cheng Chubi looked at this majesty Emperor Datang who was smiling broadly.

There is always someone who wants to take off his shoes, pull out the smelly socks and insert them on a stick with leaves.

Shouting the slogans of overthrowing the two mountains of feudalism and imperialism, calling on the whole world...

Forget it, just think about it, after all, he is his father-in-law.

After he knocked him down, how did he confess to the little cute Li Mingda?

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