The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1587: In fact, the embroiderer is still doing things secretly

Cement also needs maintenance, especially painting, natural wall paint made by skilled craftsmen.

It can greatly weaken the corrosion and infiltration of cement by wind, sun and rain.

It's just that the cost is a bit big, but fortunately, it is only used to maintain the Zhanxianlou complex.

So that the triumphs and achievements of the three of them can be remembered by the people in the south-central Jiannan Road.

Having said that, this inspiration came from a carpenter from a Hantang firm in Luzhou.

Cheng Chubi knew that the biggest problem with concrete buildings was that they would gradually lose their firmness after being exposed to wind, sun and rain for a long time.

Cheng Chubi had considered applying lime, but the thing was too easy to fall off, so he left the problem to a competent craftsman in Hantang Commercial Bank to think about it.

Sure enough, although it is not a brainstorming, there are always people who can come up with inspiration. For example, Mian Jiang believes that it should be on all building walls.

Take bamboo strips to weave a covering, and then cover it with a layer of cement to increase its firmness.

Cheng Chubi ignored him, this was just a plug-in version of his own bamboo-reinforced concrete.

But the problem is that Laozi is repairing buildings, not tanks, and does not need external armor, okay?

In the end, the carpenter’s suggestion was adopted, lacquering, and after lacquering, its color was very similar to that of lacquered wood.

As long as you don't chew with your mouth, or touch with your hands, you can't find out whether the pillars and walls are wood or cement.

Li Shimin listened carefully to Cheng Chubi's many matters of Han and Tang Commercial Banks in Luoyang.

I can’t help but admire this young man. Chengri has not forgotten to work hard and work hard in Chang'an. What kind of energy is this?

However, today's Cheng Saburo is a little different. Although he is very energetic and speaks full of breath, his eye circles appear a little dark.

"I said Cheng Saburo, what's the matter with your eyes?"

Li Ke had asked the same question before, but he was perfunctory by Brother Chu Bi. At this time, he looked at Brother Chu Bi with great energy, wanting to see how he answers.

Facing His Majesty the Emperor of Tang Dynasty, Cheng Chubi was naturally not perfunctory, so he could only give an honest explanation.

"My dad wants to learn Cheng's pipa. My elder brother and my second brother took turns teaching my dad to play the pipa."

"..." Li's father and son's eyes bulged in an instant, staring at Cheng Saburo before him in a daze.

"Brother Chubi, why is Uncle Cheng learning that stuff?" Li Ke couldn't help asking his doubts.

Cheng Chubi gave Li Ke an angry look. What is that thing? Is it called Cheng's Pipa?

"My father learned Cheng's pipa, so naturally he wanted to play it for my mother, otherwise?"

"Um... Your parents take it seriously, they are really affectionate and enviable."

Li Shimin stroked his long beard and gave such a comment. It's no wonder that the talented woman of Cui's family has been able to marry the vulgar martial artist Lao Cheng for so many years, and the couple still have such deep feelings.

It seems that Lao Cheng's demon moths are all playing outside, while inside the mansion they are playing their talents.

At this moment, Zhao Kun quickly stepped inside with solemn expression, and whispered in Li Shimin's ear.

The lightness on Li Shimin's face gradually disappeared, but he still smiled at Cheng Saburo and Li Ke.

"Zhao Kun, bring him Cheng Sanlang's Cheng's Pipa. By the way, don't forget to give the few lead ingots to this kid too, so that he doesn't think the old man is taking advantage of him."

"..." Cheng Chubi took his good treasure with a black line on his face, but the lead piece that was supposed to be installed in the belly of the piano has been removed.

"Don't worry, nephew, this is the old man who invited a skilled instrument to take out, mainly to see if the tone changes after taking it out."

His Majesty the Emperor of Tang, who doesn't talk about martial ethics, continued to smile and said to Cheng Saburo, who was staring at the lead with a black line in a daze.

"As a result, I forgot to put it back, or else, I will leave the old man here for a while, and you will come and get it when you have the time to install it for you?"

"No, no, my nephew is going to figure out a solution by himself, and uncle is bothering me."

Cheng Chubi resolutely shook his head and refused. It is impossible to find the dead man to leave the baby with you. Who special mother knows whether the period of time you are talking about is a year or a lifetime.

"You kid, is it possible that the old man can still be greedy for something from you?"

Cheng Chubi didn't dare to answer, so he could only pretend to be stupid with a smile. To be honest, maybe he would be kicked by this old demon moth.

Don't tell the truth, what should he do if he wants to tease his simple and simple Cheng family again?

"Okay, yes, Ke'er, you accompany him to give this little gadget to your sister, the old man has something to do, so I won't keep you."

Cheng Chubi and Li Ke bid farewell wittily. Just after leaving the Temple of Ganlu, Li Ke lifted his head and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead.

"Hey, what the **** happened? Why do I feel that my father is in a bad mood? He is joking and laughing, but it makes people think that he is grinding..."

Before he could finish his words, Li Ke stopped for a while, because he saw the embroidered clothes ambassador who was standing under the steps with an ordinary appearance and a sense of coldness.

Cheng Chubi was also very witty and didn't say anything. The brothers swiftly walked away from the Ganlu Temple.

After walking for more than ten steps, he saw the embroidered clothes envoy walked into the Temple of Ganlu under the guidance of Zhao Kun from the corner of his eye.


"Brother Chubi, could it be the Donggong incident..." Li Ke narrowed his eyes and asked in a low voice.

"Does this still need to be said? Almost all the time, I am afraid there is a clue to the arson."

Cheng Chubi was also like Li Ke and reacted instantly.

How could his Majesty the Emperor of Tang Dynasty really wipe out the arson in the East Palace lightly?

That is because the emperor of Tang Dynasty did not want to cause a shock between the ruling and the opposition. That's why will only obey the emperor's embroidered clothes ambassador to come up with such a plain result, let everyone see it, and suppress the rumors by the way.

The conclusion has been made on the bright side, and I am afraid that in fact, the embroidered clothes ambassador is still concealed and continues to do things.

After all, it has been concluded that those people will feel that the emperor has scruples, and they will relax their guard if they want to suppress this matter.

"Walk around, hurry up to see your sister, things like this are not something we can do with unauthorised young people like us."

"Brother Chubi makes sense, go and go."

Li Keyile, that's right, Chu Bi's current status is an unemployed vagrant with a title.

He is an empty prince who was assigned to the vagrant by his father.

I can't afford to mix things up with myself, and I don't want to mix things up. It's better to continue to be the son of Zhuo Shijia who is eyeing with the young ladies of Ping Kang Fang.

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