The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1588: Your unique personality charm is very suitable for Pingkangfang

Li Shimin glanced at the embroiderer in front of him, and watched as he handed a thick folder to Zhao Kun.

After Li Shimin took it from Zhao Kun's hand, he gestured at him, and then he began to look at the contents carefully.

Zhao Kun walked quickly to the door of the Ganlu Temple, stood with the sword at the door, and cast a look at the guards.

Everyone cheered up and looked around vigilantly, and it was strictly forbidden to get close.

Li Shimin looked at it three times, then rubbed his eyebrows, and looked at the unremarkable face in front of him, thrown into the crowd, you will soon find the embroiderer.

Then, comparing with the content in the booklet, I asked carefully.

The embroiderer bowed his head respectfully and answered one by one.

After a long while, Li Shimin looked at the memorial in his hand with extremely complicated expressions.

"Where is the main messenger, you haven't moved?"

"Your Majesty, this person is in the Wei King's Mansion. He is close to the **** by His Royal Highness. The ministers dare not act arbitrarily. I hereby ask your Majesty to make a decision."

Li Shimin narrowed his eyes, got up and walked slowly back and forth in the hall for a long time before he spoke.

"You said, is it possible that the affairs of the East Palace were instructed by the king of Wei?"

Hearing this, the embroidered clothes soaked sweat on his forehead, and he hurriedly bowed to the ground, where he dared to open his mouth.

Seeing his appearance, Li Shimin waved his hand a little irritably.

"Okay, get up, what's new about the arson incident?"

"Your Majesty, the scene of the fire has been almost cleaned up, and the minister personally inspected it, and there are traces of grease infiltration on the ground."

"The minister dared to conclude that someone had deliberately set fire to the house with grease, so that the fire could cause such great damage in a short period of time."

"The official chef of the East Palace, the minister also went to inquire in detail, but there are many people in the restaurant, and the East Palace is not strictly inspected and the amount of fat is used."

Li Shimin sighed somewhat discouragedly when he heard the words of the embroiderer.

In the East Palace, Zhen Te Niang is like a fence, but Li Shimin also knows the reason.

If the Donggong were really managed by Qian Qian, it was like an iron bucket, as honey-tight. If you don't talk about others, you will be afraid of yourself!

"Check, continue to investigate, don't let go of any clues, understand?"

"Yes, the Weichen takes the order."

"Let's go down first." Li Shimin waved his hand and waited until the footsteps disappeared in the distance before he continued to walk slowly in the hall.

"Zhao Kun!"

"Your Majesty, the minister is here." Zhao Kun, who was standing at the gate of the hall, heard this, his heart suddenly stunned, and he quickly stepped into the hall and stood still.

"I haven't seen the blue bird for a long time. It happened to be fine today. I just went to see him. I heard that this kid seems to have gained a lot again, alas."

Although his majesty said lightly on the surface, but after seeing the embroiderer, your majesty will go out of the palace to visit King Wei, which is strange if there are no monsters.

"Take it."

"Why should I take this stuff? Brother Chubi, this is your thing."

"Can't you help me?" Cheng Chubi patted the silk bag with lead ingots in Li Ke's arms a little disgustingly.

Li Ke looked at the bag of lead ingots with a dark face. It weighed more than ten catties. This thing was worthless and deadly.

Carrying this thing does not fit the identity of his dignified prince at all.

"Why don't you take a musical instrument kid for you, like a gift-giver, he always feels something is wrong with this thing."

Cheng Chubi was squeezing the lost treasure, and it was impossible to give this thing to the Li family again.

"If it's all right, you can do it for me. I have to hold these two darlings properly. If they are handed over to you, who will be the one if they break?"

The two continued to move forward, and suddenly heard a burst of Yingying Yanyan's laughter coming over.

Cheng Chubi and Li Ke glanced over there subconsciously, but they could not see anything, so they decided to continue to bury their heads towards Xiao Sizi.

Arriving outside Xiao Sizi's residence, Cheng Chubi saw a curvy figure, but the familiar figure whose waist was thin enough to hold it was facing the door.

Directly there, the maids and eunuchs were sweeping the house.

"Mei Niang?" Cheng Chubi yelled subconsciously, and then he saw the slender figure and turned his head, a pair of beautiful bright eyes suddenly lit up.

"Three brothers, why are you here? See your maidservant, His Royal Highness King Wu"

"Girl Wu doesn't need to be polite, can Jinyang be inside?"

"His Royal Highness is listening to the book with the sisters over there at the moment. I should be leaving soon if I think about it. Third Brother, Your Highness, please come in quickly."

Wu Meiniang instructed the **** to prepare refreshments as soon as possible, and then sent someone to inform Princess Jinyang. Everything was arranged in an orderly manner. Li Ke couldn't help but take a look at Brother Chu Bi, the crude martial artist.

I don't know where Brother Chu Bi has so much good luck. This girl Wu is not a simple character, and her sister Jin Yang is also extremely outstanding.

But this kind of woman, no matter how she likes Brother Chu Bi, a rude martial artist who has a bad stomach. UU reading

"What are you doing while staring at me?" Li Ke's unusual look in his eyes directly showed Cheng Saburo to Mao.

"Oh, I'm just feeling, Brother Chu Bi, where did you get such blessings."

Speaking of this, Li Ke concealedly lifted his chin in the direction of the busy girl Wu.

"Hehe, it's not because of my unique personality that I can attract them."

"Just like you, your unique personality charm is very suitable for Pingkangfang"

Li Ke hurriedly coughed wildly, and frequently squeezed his eyes at Brother Chu Bi, who was full of complaints.

If it weren't for it, I would really want to play Wangbaquan to let this vulgar martial artist understand that the scholar also used an eraser to face the enemy. Why can't I erase the word? It's really strange courage.

When Cheng Chubi saw Wu Meiniang moving towards this side, he quickly restored her honest and honest face, and pressed the Pause Talk Pause button.

An **** soon brought a tea tray and a dry tea set, and Wu Meiniang smiled at the two men, lifting the pot and began to brew.

As the tea smelled slowly, Cheng Chubi heard the sound of rapid footsteps coming from outside the house.

When I looked up, I saw the panting and sweaty little cute Li Mingda standing outside the house.

Seeing Cheng Saburo's gaze, Li Mingda calmly breathed, showing a smile that was as bright as a spring flower.

"Brother Cheng San!"

"The minister sees your Royal Highness." Cheng Chubi quickly got up subconsciously and gave a salute to Li Mingda.

Li Ke on the side also stood up and coughed dryly.

"Oh, third brother, you are here too, so please sit down. The tea that Sister Wu makes is especially good for tea. You can be regarded as having a good taste."

"Well, well, today I want to taste the craftsmanship of Miss Wu."

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