The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1589: Don't listen to him talking nonsense, what is robbing, I...

With a small smile, Wu Meiniang offered the three beautiful tea soup and was about to get up.

Li Mingda held Wu Meiniang's hand and smiled. "Let's go with Sister Wu, there are no outsiders here, right?"

Li Ke's face was not a face, his nose was not a nose, and he hesitated. He always felt that his own brother was an outsider at this moment.

But what kind of person is Li Ke, his face can already be a sharpening stone, okay?

He smiled calmly and nodded with approval, took a sip of the sweet tea soup, and after a nod of praise, his eyes rolled.

"Sister, Miss Wu, this is a gift from Cheng Saburo to you."

"Cheng's pipa elaborately produced by Master Luo of Taile Shura."

As soon as he said this, Li Mingda's eyes lit up and he couldn't help showing a sweet smile.

"Thank you Brother Cheng San, you are so kind."

But Wu Meiniang looked at Cheng Saburo with stretched eyebrows, and those eyes that were like a spring of water fell on Cheng Saburo's face.

The smile on Cheng Chubi's face hardened, Xuanji took a deep breath, and the palm of his hand was lightly placed on the shoulders of Li Ke beside him.

"Brother Xian, you were right to remind you, busy drinking tea, almost forgot the serious things."

"Brother Chubi, let go" Li Ke couldn't help but take a breath, Te Niang, why this crude martial artist's hand strength is getting stronger and stronger.

Cheng Chubi smiled and handed the smaller instrument box to Li Mingda, then picked up the larger instrument box and handed it to Wu Meiniang.

"Wow, it's so pretty and cute"

Li Mingda took out the cute, small, and beautifully made short-necked pipa from the instrument box.

His eyes were sparkling, like seeing a favorite toy.

Wu Meiniang opened the instrument box and saw the Cheng's pipa inside. She was a little surprised, and her eyes lifted quietly.

I saw the third brother staring at Wu Wang Li Ke murderously, and Wu Wang Li Ke had a mean smile on his face, and almost couldn't help but babble.

"Brother Cheng San, is this really for me?" Li Mingda flicked twice with joy, and the sound of sweet music echoed in the room.

Li Ke stood up at this time, stretched out a big lazy waist, and swayed to the outsider to speak.

"Of course it was given to your sister. This is what your brother Cheng Sansheng snatched from the Tai Le Department."

"For my brother, please greet my mother, and come back to meet Brother Bi after half an hour."

Cheng Chubi stood up angrily, Li Ke already jumped out like a rabbit.

This **** actually dared to expose Lao Tzu's old bottom, and looked back.

Li Mingda's white face was flushed at the moment, covering his lips, and his watery eyes looked at Brother Cheng San.

Wu Meiniang next to her lowered her head and was raising her hand to stroke her forehead.

A word came out of both women's hearts. This man can really do it

Cheng Chubi sat down with embarrassed eyebrows, took a drink of the tea soup, hey, he hurriedly stuck his tongue out, wiped his face, and then he was very serious and authentic.

"Don't listen to him talking nonsense. What is robbing? My name is good."

"Yeah, I believe Brother Cheng San. You are so amazing." Li Mingda nodded vigorously, admiringly on his face.

As if Cheng Saburo did something serious, Cheng Chubi always felt that Li Mingda praised himself so much, there seemed to be a problem.

It's as if she stole the lotus leaves from the lotus pond in Jiucheng Palace, and went to the garden to sip your Majesty's Fangzhu. It seems that she is also in such a mode of exaggeration.

Wu Meiniang on the side looked at Cheng Sanlang, and she suffocated a word for a long time. "Three brothers do things, it's the father's style to do things."

""Cheng Chubi was in a bad condition. What a **** is the father's style, how could my father be such a person? No, it seems that my father should be able to toss better than me.

Seeing Cheng Saburo's expression, the two women finally couldn't hold back, and the virtuous and gentle men who had originally put on make-up broke their skills in an instant.

In an instant, the room was filled with laughter as Yinling's laughter one after another, and Cheng Saburo felt very disgusted in his heart. There are so many people with mixed eyes, so don't do that.

However, the two beautiful women laughed so beautifully that Cheng Saburo's eyes almost shook to the floor.

Fortunately, the two shrewd girls quickly stopped their laughter and looked at Cheng Saburo before them with watery eyes.

Wu Meiniang flashed her thick eyelashes and cast an apologetic look at Cheng Saburo.

"Thank you, Brother 3, for your gift. Brother 3, talk to your Highness slowly. I'll go and boil some water."

When Li Mingda saw Wu Meiniang leaving, he whispered.

"Brother Cheng San, I am not laughing at you, I just think that you are too cute just now."

"Reminds me of the happy days we spent together in Jiucheng Palace."

Seeing Li Mingda, whose face was red and pink, and his pretty face drooped in shame, Cheng Chubi couldn't help but warm up.

This is the cute little I grew up watching. UU Reading still remembers when I first saw her, I was squatting with the patron saint of ants outside the Da'an Palace.

At that time, she was really like a cute thing that only exists in a fairy tale, so beautiful and cute, so well-behaved and sensible.

Brother Cheng's gaze, Li Mingda felt that his little face was rolling, and he was so ashamed that he wanted to hide it quickly.

However, she still mustered the courage and raised the short-necked pipa in her hand towards Cheng Saburo.

"Brother Cheng, you gave me a gift, but I can't play it, you have to teach me."

"His Royal Highness's will is the minister's mission." Cheng Chubi hurriedly stepped forward, knelt on one knee, assumed the posture of being a second-degree in the past, and said the slogan that still appeared to be a second-degree in the past.

Hearing Li Mingda's heart sweet, his eyebrows were curled, and he stretched out his hand subconsciously, and raised his pinky little finger.

The little fingers of the two were linked together again, Cheng Chubi smiled honestly, and Li Mingda smiled brightly.

The melodious sound of Cheng's pipa sounded from inside the house, and soon the court ladies and eunuchs who were guarding outside the house gradually heard the smell.

One voice is thicker, and one voice is brighter.

The vigorous and textured plucking sound rang first, and after the break, the bright and clever plucking sound tense followed.

A lady of the palace couldn't help but cover her lips and smile, and even those with good things sneaked up to the door of the big beating room and looked inside.

Wu Meiniang came carrying the pot and heard the music from inside the house, as well as these sneaky figures outside the house.

I couldn't help but cough, and the lady of the palace hurriedly returned to you all honestly, lowered her head with a guilty conscience, and showed a pleasing smile at the closest comrade-in-arms of Jinyang Princess Jinyang.


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