The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1611: This is not about golden tofu and silver tofu, your lord, you...

It is a pity that Cheng San's brother is not in Chang'an. The various delicacies prepared by those imperial chefs are inferior to the delicacies cooked by Cheng's third brother himself.

Especially lotus leaf chicken and bamboo rice

Li Mingda had already started to lose consciousness, but Wu Meiniang was once again lost in thought.

At this moment, a female palace came to the door and knocked gently on the door.

Li Mingda frowned somewhat displeased, and then got up and turned his head. "Is there a problem?"

"His Royal Highness, the manager of the imperial village, has sent all the spring account books."

"Well, I see, put it in my room first, and I'll check it later."

Li Mingda waved his hand and just sat down, suddenly his eyes lit up, and he raised his head.

"Yes!" Li Mingda said this.

"I thought of it!" Wu Meiniang said this.

The two shrewd women looked at each other with a smile, and said one word in unison: "Huangzhuang."

That's right, it is the imperial house, just like before, your majesty gave Li Mingda the imperial house outside Chang'an city.

It was originally an ordinary village, because after being rewarded to Li Mingda, the people of that ordinary village.

Their land will be nationalized. Of course, the court will resettle them in different places and re-give them enough land and money.

Luoyang was originally the Eastern Capital, where the Emperor of Tang Dynasty had set up the imperial estate.

Now, if one more imperial estate is set up, it is a matter for the emperor, even if the courtiers want to oppose it, there is no sufficient reason.

Li Mingda and Wu Meiniang couldn't help but smile at each other, and they really felt a sense of sympathy for each other.

Soon, these two elite women with super IQ and EQ also began to whisper quietly.

Hearing that the manager of the firm who had rushed over from Luoyang said something like this.

Cheng Chubi's face suddenly sank, and Li Ke couldn't help being surprised.

"What's the matter, is it impossible? Who else dares to come out and make it difficult for us to do things in Han and Tang Commercial Banks?"

"Is it the Zheng family of Xingyang, Luoyang Ling, or which family?"

Guanshi Chai shook his head bitterly, and then explained the difficulties he had encountered these days.

A few days ago, the situation was pretty good. After all, what Han and Tang Commercial Banks wanted to build was the residence of His Majesty the Great Emperor of Tang Dynasty.

Moreover, the territories were all divided by the court, and naturally no one dared to be crooked.

But afterwards, all sorts of minor troubles appeared. Fortunately, this steward Chai was also a very capable person, so he could solve the problem by his own method of mobilization.

If you can’t solve it, you can either write to Chang’an and communicate with Cheng Saburo and other shareholders to resolve it.

For example, there are not enough people to recruit here. Nowadays, professional technical teams have been recruited from various factories and mines in Luzhou. Five of them have arrived early, with a total of five to six hundred people.

After all, burning cement, bricks, and tiles are both technical and hard work. How to do things with fewer people?

However, Te Niang’s Luoyang Ling ordered more than a month ago to build a dam in order to cope with the upcoming rainy season.

At this time, almost all the local people who originally entered the cement factory to work in the cement factory were taken away.

This is a serious matter after all, and Han and Tang Commercial Banks were unable to stop it. For this matter, Guan Shi Chai went to Chang'an to ask for help.

The only way Cheng Chubi can think of here is to continue to shake people from Jiannan Road. Fortunately, the Luzhou people on Jiannan Road are not resistant to working in different places.

After all, Cheng Saburo had caused the engineering team to sway, and the south of Jiandao was in chaos.

Let them come to Luoyang now, although it will slow down the construction plan of Jiannan Road Cement Official Road, but at least it will not let the upcoming construction of the palace even have workers.

What's more, those squandered people, whether they are building roads or building, are all standard skilled workers, and they are definitely the kind that can be used when they are just hired.

But the problem is that the cement factory that was built before was close to the bank of the Yellow River, and the palace was selected in the suburbs of Luoyang.

So if you want to transport cement, you have to choose the nearest road.

But the problem is that the road that the Han and Tang Commercial Bank transport teams used to take before has changed.

"This is the north of Luoyang. There are fields everywhere, and there is only one road that can easily reach the site of the palace."

"If you can't do this road, you have to go up the Yellow River for twenty miles first, and then go south, back and forth, I don't know how much time will be delayed."

"Originally, we could transport cement four to five times a day with a single vehicle, but now.

Because the road was piled up by the people in Zhengjiazhuang and set up a shop to operate it, it was simply difficult to pass. "

"Before, our carriage knocked over a tofu stall and caused the young woman selling tofu to fall to the ground."

"Just for this, it took a full fifty shots to settle the matter."

"Fifty quinces? Does he sell golden tofu or silver tofu?!" Li Ke, His Royal Highness, who has always been thinking about loincloths all the time, just got a lot of even if the king is going to ping. Kang Fang finds the most beautiful young lady, and it doesn't cost so much in a day.

Of course, there are also reasons why you can speak well, but these are not the main points.

The point is that the tofu seller who was knocked down is still more beautiful than the top lady in Pingkangfang?

"This is not a matter of golden tofu or silver tofu. Your Majesty, please hold on first, and you will continue talking about Chai Guanshi."

Cheng Chubi couldn't help feeling very bad after listening to Chai Guanshi's whistle and crooked, his eyes rolled.

"Since it is Zhengjiazhuang, it must have something to do with the Zheng family of Xingyang."

Guan Shi nodded his head before speaking.

"This idea, the villain has also thought about it, so I went to find the Zheng family, and wanted to ask them to make peace."

"Zheng's side also specially sent a steward to come over. After he tried to persuade him, it was better for a day or two, and it was still the same afterwards."

Speaking of this, butler Chai sighed helplessly. "The other party is ordinary people, and we really can't make any rashes about this matter."

"The villain went to look for the Luoyang county magistrate, but the Luoyang county government directly told the villain that the road was originally built by the people of Zhengjiazhuang."

"As long as they have nothing to violate the law or discipline, it is impossible for the government to come forward to deal with the matter."

"The villain even thought about spending money to settle the matter, but guess what."

"Don't guess, it's definitely no show." Cheng Chubi pulled his face and couldn't help rolling his eyes.

I originally thought that after I arrived in Luoyang, I could flex my fists and splash around in the palace.

As a result, he was given a hammer as soon as he arrived in Luoyang.

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