The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1612: My virtuous brother, haha...they said it's like a jade guard...

Li Ke took a breath of toothache and couldn't help but vomit. "If it is said that this matter has nothing to do with the Zheng family, I don't believe it when killed."

"But the other party has already come forward and perfuse, even if we write back to complain to the emperor, we are afraid that we will not be able to solve the problem."

"Write a letter back?" Cheng Chubi said directly.

"If we can't even deal with such a small problem as Sesame Mung Bean, we have to write a letter and wait eagerly for your father to give us advice.

Help us fight the ring with those people, wouldn't it make your father think that we two are incompetent? "

"What should I do?" Li Ke touched the strip of cloth on his head, and felt sick again, and couldn't help his head crooked and retched.

Seeing that Chai Guanshi looked dazed, Cheng Chubi waved his hand in disapproval.

"It's fine, just vomit. Your Highness is the brain, oh no, it's a broken head, some concussion."

Li Ke retched, trembling with his fingers, trying to refer to Brother Bi.

Cheng Chubi chuckled, took a horoscope, and began to think about what to do on the side of the road leading to Luoyang City.

No, no, how to solve the problem, but it is really a headache, after all, it is a bunch of ordinary people.

This made Cheng Chubi feel that his current situation is very similar to some famous scenes in later generations.

He is a person with a moral bottom line if he doesn't deal with the process, he can't do the kind of demolition work that is neither black nor white.

And now you can't do this in an official capacity, the difficulty of this thing is really not small.

As a prince, Li Ke just hurt his body and mind because of his careless shot.

Feeling that just staying on the side of the road so stupidly, it is really detrimental to his status as a prince, and couldn't help but make suggestions.

"Brother Chubi, why don't we go to the city? After entering the city, we will figure out how to stay here. The sun is too hot."

"Don't worry, I want to be quiet." Cheng Chubi raised his hand impatiently and shook it, then continued to pace, strolling along the roadside.

After all, to solve a problem sooner rather than later, the sooner the problem is solved, the smaller the loss that has been suffered.

At the same time, it can also shock to the greatest extent those lawbreakers who want to interfere with the construction of the palace, as well as those aristocratic families who want to stab the monster moth.

But how to resolve force? No, no, use of force is the most pleasant and most satisfying solution.

But the consequences will be very serious after the settlement is completed, and Cheng Chubi is also a person with a conscience and moral standards.

The powerful combat power of the Cheng family was used to deal with foreign enemies, not against ordinary people.

Cheng Chubi couldn't help sighing, his gaze fell on the official road, the traffickers and pawns rushing back and forth.

They were all for a bite, so they had to wake up and greedily run around on the road, using their blood and sweat in exchange for some profit, in order to survive.

No matter the posterity is still in the present, the vast majority of ordinary people work hard every day for three meals a day.

Especially when I saw those who were biting their teeth and carrying goods on their shoulders, they were the same type of work as the couriers of later generations.

They all rely on helping others deliver goods and make a little hard money. Fortunately, in this era, there is no middleman to make the difference.

However, in this era, there will be guilds and evil forces, which are also exploiting these working people.

Cheng Chubi still remembered that when he went to the provincial doctor for further training, he once saw a courier delivering meals.

The time for the food delivery was about to go by with a worried expression on his face, but he was a little anxious because he started the car.

The result happened to be a guy who was obviously not a good bird at first glance. This guy who drove along the water used extremely exaggerated limbs to interpret the scene of him being knocked to the ground by an electric donkey.

This one took a trip to the ground, holding one leg, his expression was extremely painful, and his voice seemed miserable.

It seemed that he was not rubbing against the eDonkey but Te Niang's locomotive. His leg was not just a piece of red skin but a comminuted fracture.

Then he stubbornly pulled the wheel with one hand and made the most reasonable request he felt hoarsely there.

Either you Alipay and give Lao Tzu two thousand, or you take Lao Tzu to the hospital for a full physical examination.

Young and vigorous. Cheng Chubi, who had never been accustomed to such scenes, jumped over and revealed his identity as a doctor.

Cheng Chubi just jumped forward, and a police car also arrived in time. Finally, the police and the family resolved this.

I don't know if this cargo has a criminal record. After seeing the police car, he almost wanted to jump up with a carp.

Finally, under the mediation of the uncle of the police, the guy who was smashed by the locomotive and left his leg cursed.

The courier was not blackmailed at all, but he also delayed the delivery of the meal and was criticized by others.

I don't know when, Li Ke, His Royal Highness King Wu also jumped over and stood beside Cheng Chubi, staring at a carriage approaching on the road with bright eyes.

"Brother Chubi, Brother Chubi? Are you trying to find a way? Little brother, why do I think you are watching the excitement"

" kind of hilarious?" Cheng Chubi glanced at the ever-changing official roads with a bewildered expression, and glanced at Li Ke subconsciously.

Then he followed his gaze and looked over, hehe, at this moment, a carriage gradually moved on. The carriage curtains are rolled up.

A young lady with picturesque eyebrows and beautiful eyes is looking at the scenery outside.

But at this moment, being stared at by the turbulent prince with a jade-faced face, the delicate young lady was obviously unhappy.

He subconsciously raised his hand to lower the curtain, but the corner of his eye swept Li Ke's little tit-like face like a crown.

The young lady's face was full of dissatisfaction, and gradually turned into shyness. When the carriage passed by, she looked back and smiled at Li Ke.

Li Ke couldn't help but show a pretty charming smile. As soon as he raised his arm, he saw the sullen face of Brother Chu Bi, which is not close to strangers.

"Brother virtuous, hehe, I think it's better for you to take over both your princess and your concubine."

"Ha! Brother Chubi, don't make trouble, my little brother, I am a love of beauty, and everyone has it. No other intentions, no other intentions."

Seeing his squeaky and crooked face, Cheng Chubi's eyes lit up, and he slapped Li Ke's shoulder.

"Virtuous brother, I have a way to solve the problem for my brother."

"What problem to solve?" Li Ke craned his neck and wanted to look over Brother Chu Bi's tall body and looked behind him for a moment.

"Nonsense, of course how to solve our current predicament."

"Really?" Li Ke looked at Brother Chu Bi in disbelief, and this king came to the outskirts of Luoyang.

You have just thought of a way after just flirting with an unfamiliar young lady on the sidelines of the official road for a while?

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