The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1616: Protect His Highness, His Highness King Wu was assassinated in Zhengjiazhuang...

The Zhengjiazhuang idle man, who was just startled by Cheng Saburo's tall and sturdy figure, didn't expect it.

This guy actually used the Luoyang County Yamen to scare the people of Zhengjiazhuang.

At this time, the Zheng family who were setting up a stall on the South Street of Zhengjiazhuang were directly happy.

Someone directly raised his voice and responded loudly. "You can go to the county office to sue if you have the ability."

"Tell you, this is Zhengjiazhuang, and the Zheng family is happy to pile dirt here, what can you do?"

"Just look at your big cow, big eyes, and bulging eyes, what's the matter, you can still beat the old lady?"

Cheng Chubi's face turned black, and his fingers nodded to those Zheng family who had come to watch the excitement and said angrily.

"This road belongs to your family, isn't it?"

"Of course, it's our Zhengjiazhuang road, what's the matter?"

Those in Zhengjiazhuang were also united, and they started to whisper and crookedly.

The old Zhengjiazhuang clan who was drinking tea on the second floor of the teahouse looked up at the extremely corrupted stupid man with a smile, and continued to sip the tea soup.

Zheng Sanfu, the owner of the teahouse who came to sit and drink next to him, saw this scene and couldn't help laughing.

"Where did this kid come from, he was so stupid, he still wanted the government to come out? It's a joke."

"Hasaburo can't say that, we Zhengjiazhuang, naturally the court can manage it. But ah, this road is our Zhengjiazhuang road."

"Yes, yes, yes, what the Seventh Master said is, I heard that Cheng Sanlang, who is notorious in Chang'an, is about to go to Luoyang. I don't know if he will come to Zhengjiazhuang like this stupid boy."

Master Zheng Qi smiled authentically while stroking his goatee. "If he dares to make trouble like this, then Zheng Gou'er's gang will come up and tease him.

As long as Cheng Saburo and the others dare to move a finger, we can go to the government."

Seeing those babbles and even all kinds of swear words from the market began to rush toward his face, Cheng Chubi had a black line on his face and angrily swept his sleeves.

"Okay, I'm unlucky, we'll talk about it when we're done."

When Cheng Chubi turned around, his eyes glared at the idle man who was still standing in front of him.

This hippie smiling idler was a little bit weak when he was stared at by Cheng Saburo's knife-like eyes.

Seeing Cheng Saburo's gesture, the groom didn't dare to neglect, so he could only harden his head and drove the car straight ahead.

And Cheng Chubi strode down the mound, walked to the side of the carriage and tapped twice. "My brother, pay attention."

Li Ke, who was nestled in the carriage and listened to the words from the outside, was already full of anger. He heard the words of Brother Chu Bi at this moment.

Can't help but poke his head out of the protected area, spit out frantically under his throat.

"Don't worry, my little brother understands that I will definitely not delay business matters. This group of Zhengjiazhuang people are really arrogant and domineering to the extreme, and they don't even pay attention to the court."

At this moment, the carriage was already on top of the mound, and the experienced old horseman did not disappoint Cheng Saburo's expectations.

One wheel was on the flat ground, and the other wheel was riding high on the mound.

However, the height of this mound is really not enough, and the carriage has no possibility of overturning at all.

Fortunately, in addition to Plan A, Cheng Saburo also had Plan B. As soon as that wheel reached a high point, the vehicle had already tilted about fifteen degrees.

Cheng Chubi exhaled, grabbed the wheel on the flat ground with both hands, and concealedly broke it off.

The crackling sound of the wood cracking, vigorously suppressed those Zhengjiazhuang people who were still talking.

Then the carriage that was slowly moving forward suddenly tilted towards the bottom of the mound and smashed to the ground.

At this moment, Li Ke, who was busy making complaints, didn't expect that the accident would happen suddenly, so he had only time to bury his head halfway in a panic.

The whole person fell as the carriage overturned, and instantly the nose became sore, the eyes became hot, and then the nose became hot.

Cheng Chubi carried the wheel that he broke off, and watched the carriage smashed to the ground.

In an instant, in the carriage that turned over on the ground, there was a scream that was as stern as a ghost.

The sharp voice could almost be described by piercing Yunxiao, and Cheng Chubi couldn't help showing his convincing expression on his face.

Just because of this scream full of horror, anger and anger and depravity, Li Ke should indeed take a small golden figure.

Cheng Chubi hurriedly threw the wheel aside for the first time, and shouted loudly.

"His Royal Highness Wu is assassinated, protect Your Highness! Protect Your Highness!" Cheng Chubi's domineering roar instantly swept the southern area of ​​Zhengjiazhuang.

Old Master Zheng Qi of the Zhengjiazhuang clan sitting on the second floor of the teahouse was drinking tea soup and sprayed the tea soup directly from his nostrils and sprayed it directly downstairs.

It fell on the heads of the Zheng family who were standing on the street watching the excitement at the moment.

All the Zheng family are dumbfounded, UU reading www. What did just hear? His Royal Highness Wu was assassinated? Where was assassinated?

Cheng Chubi twisted his head, put his fingers into his mouth, blew a whistle, and then raised his arm with a strong wave.

The family members of Yigancheng and the guards of Prince Wu's mansion, dozens of steps away, had just heard the screams of His Royal Highness Wu.

After hearing Cheng Saburo's anger and gestures.

Dozens of people all drew knives in their hands, running wildly with their reins, roaring wildly.

"Hurry up and protect Your Highness, Your Highness was assassinated in Zhengjiazhuang"

He was leading the Luoyang County officials into the chai steward of Zhengjiazhuang, found a restaurant, and led these officials to just sit down and wait for the food to come up.

While pondering, Cheng Saburo's previous explanation, Cheng Saburo did not say clearly what kind of signal he would give himself.

Only when the time comes, as long as there is a commotion in the south of Zhengjiazhuang, all I need to do is to lead the gang of officers to the south of Zhengjiazhuang as soon as possible.

But, what kind of commotion will happen? Guanshi Chai looked out of the restaurant frequently.

Just when they saw that the store clerk had just brought up the wine, the steward Chai and the other officers heard the screams from Zhuang Nantou and the loud roar of Cheng Saburo.

Guan Shi Chai immediately struck a spirit, my mother, what kind of commotion was this, it was actually that His Royal Highness King Wu was assassinated? !

The head Deng had just picked up the wine glass with a shake of his hand, and the wine glass fell directly back onto the case, his face changed drastically in an instant.

"Wu, His Royal Highness King Wu?! Assassinated?!" The guards beside him repeated these words nervously.

"Which King Wu, isn't it the King Wu who is said to be coming to Luoyang to do business?"

"We Datang, it seems that there is such a His Royal Highness King Wu, he, he was actually assassinated here."


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