The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1617: Those who dare to make changes shall be treated as the same party as the assassin, an

Steward Chai's face was pale and stunned, and he said yes to give a signal, what about the signal?

No, no, it's no longer the problem of signal failure, but His Royal Highness Wu was assassinated in broad daylight.

"Deng catches his head! His Royal Highness is in trouble, what are you doing in a daze?!"

Steward Chai turned his head and shouted sharply. It was finally Chai Guan, who was a personal soldier of General Chai, who knew the severity.

There are a few yamen arresters in Luoyang County in front of them, they are local snakes anyway.

Even if they weren't able to help much, they could yell a few while standing next to them.

Head Deng grabbed the weapon beside him, screamed, and rushed directly outside.

"Come and save Your Highness, hurry, hurry!"

If something happens to a Prince's Royal Highness here, those who are staying nearby and eating official meals will not have good fruit without losing their heads.

The old Zheng clan in the teahouse on the second floor jumped up directly, looking pale at the cavalry who had come with a murderous knife from the fat body Zhuang.

The whole person almost exploded, and inside that carriage was actually the dignified Royal Highness.

Rather than the kind of small officials and landlords with small households that I imagined...

"Brother Chubi...Help me..." His voice trembled and seemed weak.

If it wasn't for the wrong time and place, Cheng Chubi would want to give Wu Wang Li Ke a good applause.

Quickly stepped forward and raised the curtain, Cheng Chubi saw a **** face, and set the corner of his eye directly. Ouch, did you act too hard, Brother Xian?

Li Ke burst into tears from the pain, tilted his head up and covered his nose with one hand and the back of his head with one hand.

"Brother Chubi, hurry up, brother, I bumped my nose, you quickly show me if my nose is broken.

And the back of my head hurts so much, I feel bleeding..."


Cheng Chubi hurriedly got into the carriage and checked, um, it was okay, except for the scary nose bleeding, nothing major.

I wanted to leave this guy behind and continue the plot, but considering the emotions of the royal toolman, I finally got into it with the end of my temper.

Quickly tore off a strip of cloth and rolled it into a roll, making Li Ke raise his head, and then plugged the cloth roll. Well, a typical physical hemostasis.

Also, the bag that had been swollen on his head was already torn, and blood was also leaking out, but fortunately, the damage was not large.

Cheng Chubi quickly bandaged him, just at this moment.

Dozens of horses have already rushed around the carriage, Cheng Jie, General Cheng's personal leader.

He was very good at handling such sudden incidents, and immediately swung his sword and shouted loudly.

"Arrange the formation, the sword and shield will dismount to protect Your Highness! The bow and arrow are high, hurry!"

I don't know who among the Zheng family, who was originally dumbfounded, yelled.

Then, the Zheng family, who had originally been here to watch the excitement, were frightened by the incident and fled in all directions.

Cheng Jie sniffed, galloped to the side of the carriage, and saw Cheng Saburo come out of the carriage with blood on both hands. The eyeballs suddenly bulged.

Li De on the side staggered even more, his face trembling pale. "His Royal Highness, His Royal Highness..."

Cheng Chubi looked at the blood on his hand and body, and subconsciously understood why their emotions were so agitated, so he quickly calmed down a few words.

Hearing that his Royal Highness just accidentally bumped his nose, causing a lot of bleeding, Li De couldn't help crying and laughing.

Cheng Saburo, who was sneaking around for a long time when he was about to open his mouth, grabbed him and murmured.

Li De looked at Cheng Saburo with a black line on his face and couldn't help but glance at the bottom of the car with some hesitation, oh, it was in the car.

"This, isn't it good?"

"What's not so good? Get it right away. You are responsible for taking care of your highness, and by the way forge, ahem, and set up the scene."

"Cheng family, come with me! Gratitude, my weapon."

With Cheng Chubi's stern shout, the fat and strong Cheng family suddenly promised, Deng Chengxin passed the heavy iron mace before riding his horse.

Cheng Chubi took the pair of iron maces that Deng Chengxin had thrown over, and started striding forward.

At this moment, only the few Zhengjiazhuang idlers who had stayed on the pile of debris before were stared to death by the murderous guards, and they dared not move.

And those who have gone farther, still can't control the inner commotion, the Zheng family who probed the lively Zhengjiazhuang all looked bewildered.

I didn't understand why there was a big incident attempting to assassinate His Royal Highness.

As ordinary people, the Zheng family, who were afraid of not seeing big people several times in their lives, craned their necks and looked over here.

Of course, he was afraid of the weapons in the hands of these people, and the bows and arrows did not dare to come forward to join in the fun, otherwise he would have gathered around to see what the emperor’s baby looked like.

After Cheng Chubi jumped onto the pile of debris, his eyes were like electric shields and the few still stood on the pile of debris.

Before, it was babbled and crooked, but nowadays, there are a lot of idle men in Zhengjiazhuang who dare not move a little.

With both hands, he squeezed the pair of iron maces that his father brought to Uncle Qin's house in the middle of the night a few years ago.

Binoculars scanned the surroundings like electricity, and saw the bold Zheng family, standing sparsely in Zhuang Nan's place and looking towards this side.

Cheng Chubi couldn't help but feel bad in his heart, and his tongue was spring thunder. "Everyone listens, put down their weapons, and don't move.

Anyone who dares to change will be treated as the same party as the assassin, and no matter what the killing! "

With a cry, a Zheng family who was holding a dung spoon in his hand came over to watch the excitement, subconsciously let go of both hands, and put the dung spoon in his hand on the ground.

On the side, a Zheng family, who was holding a piece of old tofu that could knock people out and still intact, quickly threw away the tofu in his Zheng Biao, the idler head of Zhengjiazhuang, stared at him blankly. That heroic young man who was more than half his head.

Holding a pair of iron maces in his hands, shaking them up, stirring up a cloud of silver light, and bringing up a low whimpering iron mace, the whole person is numb.

Cheng Chubi swung the iron mace in his hand, almost poking it directly on the tip of Zheng Biao's nose.

"By the way, a few of them, just now they deliberately entangled with me and gave the assassin the opportunity to destroy the carriage and plot to assassinate His Royal Highness, and search for me!"

With the promises of the Cheng family members, a wolf-like Cheng family directly jumped forward.

The Zheng Jiazhuang's idlers who originally looked fierce and vicious, compared to these fat-bodied Chengs, are like a weak lamb facing a group of evil wolves.

Facing the Cheng family who are like wolves and tigers, how dare these Zheng family gangsters dared to resist, they were as meek as a sheep and let the Cheng family take their hands.

"San Gongzi, there is nothing..."

Soon, Cheng Fa threw the scattered things in the arms of the Zheng family in front of him, and shouted at Cheng Sanlang with a grimace.

Cheng Chubi gave Cheng Fa a frustrated look with hatred, and strode forward, and took a pair of scissors about the length of a palm from the bits and pieces of the place.

"Isn't this a killer weapon?!"

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