The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1642: Chasing the emperor of grain, the emperor of horse racing... These two make people...

At this moment, an **** standing next to him couldn't help but step forward.

"Grandpa Li, it's not that he doesn't want to, but that the East Palace is thrifty. His Royal Highness's diet tends to be light, so there are usually no oily pastries at the restaurant."

Li Youyi looked at the little **** of the East Palace who was struggling with his neck, furious, and slapped him in the face.

"Even if my Royal Highness arrives in the palace, Your Majesty prepares some cakes that my Royal Highness likes.

Since my Royal Highness comes to the East Palace, you don't even know how to prepare for such a small matter in advance, so dare you to complain? "

"If you are in the Palace of the Wei, a dull fellow like you, you should pull it down and pick up a long memory."

At this moment, standing not far away from the left side of the East Palace, the elite is a little unhappy.

"Grandpa Li, if you have something to say, why do you still start?"

Li Youyi squinted unwillingly to look at the elite left inner rate, and directly snorted contemptuously.

"Our family is here to help His Royal Highness adjust the eunuch, what do you do?"

These words directly aroused the anger of this elite left inner rate, and he wanted to go over to the theory.

The companion on the side hurriedly stretched out his hand to stop it.

"Okay, don't be familiar with people like him."

Hearing this, Li Youyi's eyes bulged, but his sleeves tightened quickly.

As soon as I turned my head, I saw Jiang Yaqing with cold eyes, and I couldn't help feeling cold, and then returned to the pavilion to stand still with a grunt.

Seeing Li Youyi, who had a much stronger temper than the previous Li Youzhong, Jiang Yaqing couldn't help but stroked her forehead with a headache.

This bastard, if at this time, there is something unpleasant with the people of the East Palace, it is simply a serious matter for your Royal Highness.

Li Tai glanced at Li Youyi lightly, ignoring the confidant butler who was a little embarrassed at the moment, but looked at Jiang Yaqing who had already stepped into the pavilion.

Jiang Yaqing stepped into the pavilion, smiled at Li Tai, and smiled calmly.

"His Royal Highness, don't worry, there's nothing wrong, it's just the little eunuchs in the East Palace fighting for the momentum."

Li Tai nodded slightly, tilted his head and Li Youyi said in a deep voice.

"Be careful, don't cause trouble, otherwise, this king won't forgive you."

"Yes, the maidservant understands." Li Youyi felt a chill in his heart, nodded vigorously, bowed his head and retreated to the side.

Seeing that the people in the East Palace were far away from the pavilion, Li Tai motioned to Jiang Yaqing to let him get closer, and then lowered his voice.

"Mr. Jiang, this king will do this all this time?"

Jiang Yaqing looked around warily, and approached Li Tai quietly.

"The lord...the lord must always remember that you have to be in front of your majesty and civil and military officials.

Leave a good impression that you and His Royal Highness have cleared up their previous suspicions. "

"Only in this way can it be convenient for us to act in the future."

Li Tai looked sullenly at the East Palace where the prince lived, and nodded heavily for a long time.

"Nevertheless, this king is just as Mr. said, but the East Palace is so heavily guarded..."

Jiang Yaqing shook her head and smiled very confidently.

"The lord does not need to worry about these issues. The lord only needs to be like the past, and be a talented, good-looking and loving-wen His Royal Highness."

"Do more research and study with those well-known and well-known people, and get close to your majesty and empress."

"For everything else, ministers plan for the Lord..."

Seeing not far away, Prince Li Chengqian was walking quickly, Jiang Yaqing shut his mouth in good time, and returned to the back of his case.

And Li Tai, also on that round, fat face, squeezed a very friendly smile and stood up with difficulty...


Li Shimin leaned back lazily on the couch, admiring the work of the former calligrapher who had been suspended high in the hall.

If that major event hadn't happened in Luoyang, Li Shimin was still sighing sadly.

Thinking about how to solve the problem of setting up a new imperial residence in Luoyang in the shortest time.

But now, the Luoyang officialdom is in panic, and the great families of the Central Plains are not much better, and everyone is in danger and anxiety.

And a large number of murderous people are not birds, and the arrival of the embroidered clothes ambassador who only obeyed the orders of the emperor of Datang made the powerful and powerful in Luoyang shudder.

Naturally, there is no time to make eye drops and eye drops in the construction of the Palace of the Kingdom of Nations.

Although now, ministers and workers have begun to jump out and attack embroidered clothes to make them too powerful, your majesty should not let the embroidered clothes do such things and interfere with normal officials.

However, it was just a few stunners, and Li Shimin directly suppressed it lightly.

As for those honorable ministers who knew greatness, they all tacitly didn't speak.

After all, His Majesty King Wu even wrote blood books, and the incident happened in the suburbs of Luoyang. His Majesty only asked for troubles in Luoyang's officialdom and did not clean up everyone.

Even Zhengjiazhuang did not take other large-scale arrests and interrogations. It can be said that it has been extremely restrained. What else do you want to do?

Even the aristocratic families had different reactions to this matter. After all, it was confirmed by the Luoyang elite guards and the three famous Luoyang doctors who were on the spot.

It was already certain that His Royal Highness King Wu was indeed seriously injured, and the bloodshed almost stained the entire carriage red, even on the ground.

If this special lady is not seriously injured, what else can it be? The reason why he was able to be rescued, after all, everyone has to thank Cheng Saburo, who likes to use a knife to heal his illness.

If it weren't for him, I'm afraid that His Royal Highness Wu is not only seriously injured, maybe this meeting is already a cup of loess.

Then the whole Luoyang officialdom was full of people, and the Xingyang Zheng clan who was deeply involved in this case did not know how many people could survive.

In short, although the courtiers were unwilling to touch Li Shimin's brows, Li Shimin was not good at continuing with the imperial estate.

After all, the previous idea was to engage in that Zhengjiazhuang, UU reading is now not good, Zhengjiazhuang has become a suspected gang.

Therefore, it is not appropriate for Li Shimin to mention this matter at this time, so at this moment, Li Shimin is taking his time off.

Since last year, Guanzhong has been plagued by disasters, and the grain storage in the granary is definitely not enough to support the autumn harvest.

Coupled with the lack of harvest due to multiple disasters, I am afraid that this year I will have to go to Luoyang to eat in advance.

As for the time to come back, I'm afraid it will be delayed. After all, I can't just jump back to Chang'an to see that Te Niang didn't have enough food to eat, so he slapped his **** back to Luoyang?

Thinking of this, Li Shimin felt that his head began to hurt again.

The emperor chasing grain, the emperor of racing horses... These two adjectives that sound so painful are from Cheng Saburo's mouth.

And it seems that it has spread in a small area, which makes Li Shimin feel bad, and he can't wait to take the big stick and smash the boy to Luoyang to beat the boy out.

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