The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1643: Dare to make up one sentence, I wish my family will die...

What kind of a ghost is his majesty, the wise Emperor of the Tang Dynasty?

That is, looking at Xiao Sizi's face, um, Li Shimin couldn't help rolling his eyes, raising his hand and rubbing his eyebrows.

Why would you get involved with that kid no matter what you consider?

It's not because that kid is indeed quite capable, Li Shimin also admitted inwardly about this.

Just like this time the prince was assassinated, although this kid's methods are a bit speechless, the effect is surprisingly good.

But it is to make people who don't know the inside story really startled, thinking about that day, he heard the news that Ke'er was seriously injured and dying.

At that time, his eyes were black and the experience of almost fainting made Li Shimin still have a lingering fear at the moment.

Anyway, your special mother's report in advance is good for the old man to be mentally prepared.

However, the matter was also a temporary motive for the two boys in the suburbs of Luoyang, so they did it directly, and then it was done.

Thinking about this, Li Shimin wiped his face dumbfounded, what else could he say? Can you say that he did something wrong?

At least in terms of ability, among the young talents of Datang.

There is really no one who can be compared, and it is not in vain that his own little Sizi loves this kid, at least he is a pillar of talent.

I can only hope that this kid will be a little more stable in the next two years.

"It's really a headache kid, hey put it around, it's a headache, throw it out, it's still a headache."

"But it makes people a headache while making contributions. This ability is really better than his dad."

Zhao Kun on the side heard his majesty's whisper, although his majesty did not name anyone.

But just hearing that makes people headache, can still make your Majesty talk like this, huh, is this still necessary?

In all likelihood, it must be Cheng Saburo's demon moth who doesn't feel uncomfortable even if something happens for a while.

The corner of Zhao Kun's mouth was just raised in a concealed manner, and he saw an **** looking inside the door.

Zhao Kun glanced at His Majesty, who was looking up at the painting and calligraphy art work in a daze, and came to the gate of the palace lightly.

I saw Zhang Liang, the new governor of Luoyang who was standing under the stairs, and couldn't help but stay in a daze.

Zhao Kun walked quickly into the hall with a calm face, and whispered to Li Shimin, who was lazily posing with Ge Youtan admiring the calligraphy and painting art.

"Your Majesty, Governor Zhang is here, saying that there is an urgent matter, your Majesty."

"Is it urgent?" Li Shimin sat up straight, raised his hand and swayed. The **** hurriedly put away the dazed calligraphy and painting masterpiece.

Not long after, seeing Zhao Kun's signal, Zhang Liang took a deep breath and adjusted the official uniform on Li's body, and quickly entered the hall.

Respectfully saluted Li Shimin, who greeted him sitting down with a smile. "The minister sees your majesty."

"Okay, Zhang Qing doesn't need to be polite, sit down quickly, what's the matter with you, is it possible that it has something to do with Luoyang?"

"No, this matter" Zhang Liang couldn't help but raised his head and glanced inside the hall.

"Zhao Kun, let people go down." Li Shimin waved his hand, sat upright, and looked at Zhang Liang.

"Your Majesty, I have to start talking about this matter at noon today. The minister is in the mansion. I heard that Chen Guogong and Hou Junji came to visit. The minister shouldn't neglect it."

Li Shimin looked at Zhang Liang in front of him with scorching eyes and listened to his careful statement before him.

It probably means that today, when Chen Guogong and Hou Jun gathered in the mansion to pay a visit, it was not just a simple gathering of old friends from Paoze.

In the middle of the banquet, Hou Junji began to complain about the unfairness he encountered and criticized the court's treatment of him.

"He suddenly asked the minister, Xian brother, you are quite accomplished in the Ministry of Industry, why are you suddenly squeezed out of Beijing?

Hearing this made the minister feel uncomfortable, he subconsciously refuted one sentence: who can be blamed even if you are squeezed out? "

"As a result, he sneered and said. I pacified Gao Chang when I came back, and I angered the emperor. How can I squeeze you out?

Now that you are just like me, you have encountered injustices, don't you have any other ideas? "

Speaking of this, Zhang Liang took a sneak peek at Li Shimin and saw that Li Shimin held his beard with one hand and tapped the case with the other, but his expression could not show any emotion.

He took a deep breath, and continued to speak with a hardened scalp.

"Of course the minister doesn't have any ideas, but when Hou Chui saw the minister was silent, he said with a drink of wine. Hou Mou was so sad that he couldn't live anymore.

If you are so aggrieved, you might as well want to do it again. Dear brother, you dare to rebel. If you wish, you and I will rebel together. "

Until Zhang Liang uttered the word rebellion, Li Shimin's hand that knocked on the case stood in the air for a long time.

A deep gaze with no emotion fell on Zhang Liang's face, and he remained silent for a long time.

Zhang Liang didn't dare to move, nor dared to move, so he could only meet his scalp and put on an appearance of a clear conscience.

"Your Majesty, if the minister dares to make up a sentence, I hope that my family will be dead and no place to be buried. UU Reading"

Li Shimin looked at Zhang Liang, who was swearing a curse, and the fingers that had been dangling would not fall.

It made Zhang Liang feel that this finger had become an extremely sharp blade, hanging high above his head.

The cold sweat on Zhang Liang's forehead became more and more, and when he felt that he was about to be unable to support it, he heard a clatter.

Li Shimin's finger finally fell on the case table again, his eyes wandering on Zhang Liang's face, and then he asked softly.

"Zhang Qing, you and Hou Qing have made outstanding contributions. Both are the heroes of the Tang Dynasty. I have always treated you kindly."

After talking about this, Li Shimin paused for a few more breaths before speaking.

"Apart from you, is there anyone else who knows this?"

Zhang Liang thought about it for a long time before shook his head. "The minister and Chen Guogong are both old acquaintances and robes, and there is no one else to do when they feast."

Li Shimin closed his eyebrows, tapped his fingers lightly a few times, and then he spoke.

"Except you, no one else has heard this. How can it be?"

"You are all heroes, and I also know that Zhang Qing's loyalty is beyond doubt."

"However, if I dispose of the state's meritorious minister because of one person's words, then in the future, in the court, I am afraid that everyone is in danger."

Hearing Li Shimin's words, Zhang Liang couldn't help being speechless for a long time.

"Your Majesty, the minister has never deceived your majesty, and the minister also knows that your majesty is kind, so please refer to your majesty for this matter."

Looking at Zhang Liang, who was lying in front of the case, Li Shimin said with peace and relief.

"Zhang Qing please hurry up, I don't know your personality, but you also need to know that there are laws to judge everything in the world, and that's me, and I must abide by it."

"This matter, just let it go, I should have never heard what Qing said."


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