The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1650: If your majesty is not confused, he won't defend the prince like this

  Chapter 1657 Your Majesty would not defend the Prince in this way if he were not confused (seeking subscription for votes)

  "Mr. Jiang is here?" Li Tai, who was enjoying the delicious lard pastry as a good reading companion, raised his head when he heard the report.

  Not long after, Jiang Yaqing stepped into the study, respectfully saluted Li Tai, and winked at that Li Youyi first.

  Li Youyi knew how to raise his hand to indicate that the maids and eunuchs who were serving in the study obediently retreated to the outside of the study.

  Li Tai saw Jiang Yaqing and Li Youyi's small movements in full view, and then took down the scroll in his hand and motioned to Jiang Yaqing to sit down.

   "Mr. still comes to see this king at this time, but what's the point?"

  Jiang Yaqing did not sit, but first made a solemn salute to Li Tai, which was full of joy and authenticity.

   "Congratulations to the lord, congratulations to the lord, it seems that God blesses the lord to achieve great things."

  Li Tai looked at the joyful Jiang Yaqing before him, and subconsciously stretched out his hand to scratch the corner of his itchy mouth.

   wiped the lard cake residue on the corner of the mouth into the mouth, and sipped it intentionally, so that it was so pleasant and authentic.

   "Why did Mr. Jiang say this?"

  Looking at this His Royal Highness Wei, who didn't let go of even a trace of food residue, understood the hardships of the people in farming, and cherished the Chinese food.

   Jiang Yaqing smiled more and more kindly. "Does the lord know about General Chen Guogong and Hou?"

  Hearing this title, Li Tai's eyelids twitched and his eyes were full of questions. After seeing Jiang Yaqing nodded slightly with confidence.

  Li Tai's face showed an expression of joy that could not be concealed.

   "You mean... this general Hou Junji Hou, who has just killed Gaochang and has a megatron overseas, wants to join the king?"

   Hearing some nonchalant nonsense of his Royal Highness, Jiang Yaqing smashed his mouth.

  "...Lord, ministers are 90% sure, and General Hou can use them for the lord."

   "What the **** is going on? Come on, Mr. Jiang sits over.

  Li Banban, let people hurry up and get another plate. No, two plates of lard crisps, another pot of tea, go quickly. "

  Hearing the three words lard cake, it was still two discs. Li Youyi at the entrance of the study and Jiang Yaqing sitting in the room both had eyelids jumping wildly.

  Especially Jiang Yaqing couldn't help but touch her dry belly. Last time, His Royal Highness Wei also gave him a plate of lard crisps.

  You should know that Wei Wang Li Tai, who has always been very fierce to protect food, can share his most beloved lard pastry with others, which represents his affection for each other.

  As a result, I have always eaten a light diet and can't eat my greasy self. After returning home, I have a full day's stomach.

  It seems that His Royal Highness Wei Wang is so happy today, I am afraid that he will not be able to avoid this disaster.

  Inconvenient work, two plates of lard pastry were delivered, and of course there was a pot of tea. Well, the tea was also prepared for Jiang Yaqing.

  Last time, after eating that stuff, he just fed the lard pastry into his stomach with tea, otherwise, he felt that he could not eat even one piece.


  I took a piece of lard pastry, and it looked so grateful on the surface, and then after putting it in the mouth, I had to chew it carefully with intoxication.

   Seeing that His Royal Highness King Wei showed a satisfied smile, he also started to pick up a piece of lard cake by himself.

   Jiang Yaqing forcibly endured the oily smell that made him roll his eyes, took a sip of the tea soup, and finally felt that he was alive again.

  He then asked his cousin about the series of changes that Hou Junji had experienced since Pingding Gaochang and returning to Chang'an.

   and the reaction of the General Hou, told the Wei Wang Li Tai in detail.

   "In the past, Chen Guogong returned to Chang'an and was imprisoned. At that time, this king also felt a little inappropriate."

   "After all, I just established the pillar of the immortal minister, but because of some money and money, he was put to jail. It is really a big fuss."

   "Chen Guogong is extremely talented. Not only is he very knowledgeable, he is also a rare general in the Tang Dynasty, but he is much better than those rude martial artists who have a rough background."

   "That Zhang Liang is just like Nomura, without any ink on his chest, and no military strategy..."

   "Father is really confused, and he actually put Zhang Liang on top of Chen Guogong in Lingyan Pavilion, alas..."

   Jiang Yaqing nodded, lowered her voice and said in a low voice bewitched.

   "The lord's words are extremely true, but if your majesty is not confused, he will not defend the prince again and again."

   Hearing this, the face of Wei Wang Li Tai couldn't help but turn black. With his big fat hands, he patted the case heavily, and his eyes were full of unwillingness and sorrow.

   "Enough, don't mention the prince again."

   Jiang Yaqing said insincerely. "The minister has failed to say anything, please also ask the lord..."

  Wei Wang Li Tai looked gloomily at the lights outside the door, and pondered for a long time. This was a leisurely and authentic way.

   "It was my father who offended General Hou, not the prince..."

   "The minister understands, but the minister understands better. General Hou has suffered such humiliation, and he wants to avenge his majesty, hehe..."

   "If he really kills the king, then his Hou Junji must be the public enemy of the world."

   "It can be said that the world is so big that there is no place for him. Even the Hou family is afraid that the whole family will not be there. It is very possible."

   "But if he can have a helping hand, your majesty has lost his most beloved son, and afterwards, his Hou Junji can continue to be safe, even in the future..."

  Listening to Jiang Yaqing’s words, Li Tai had to admit that this Mr. Jiang said so well-founded and convincing.

  Especially hearing the words of your majesty's loss of his most beloved son, it made Li Tai gritted his teeth. Back then, he was the cub that his father loved the most.

   But nowadays, the emperor seems alienated to himself, on the contrary, he pays more attention to the prince who is clumsy and clumsy, and whose talents and knowledge are far inferior to his own.

  How does this make Li Tai not annoyed or jealous?

If I look at things from the perspective of Hou Junji, the crime of killing the emperor, and the day of genocide are in But if I can have a prince who conspires with me, I will get a prince who will be able to board the big treasure in the future. The prince of Blessed.

  In the future, the prince will be leaned on as a brachial, so why not do it?

  The important thing is that killing the emperor is too difficult, but killing the prince might surprise everyone.

  Think about it, the father was in the Jiucheng Palace frequently, and even the third brother Li Ke was assassinated in the suburbs of Luoyang.

  I heard that the circle of officials and family members in Luoyang is already panicking, and everyone is suspicious.

  But, I am afraid that no one will think that there will be people who are bold enough to do things in Chang'an. But it is precisely because of this that this can exceed everyone's expectations.

   What's more, compared to the heavily guarded palace, the East Palace also has its own formed army after all. Although the number is small, the defense force is not weak.

  The biggest problem is that the East Palace is known as the East Palace like a fence. Naturally, this name is not in vain.

  Here, naturally there is also the slack of the Donggong related civil and military affairs, as well as the prince’s indulgence, even indulgence, and the father’s indifference...

  (End of this chapter)

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