The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1651: I came here to visit Pingding Gaochang...

In particular, Chen Guogong and Hou Junji are not only a well-known military general in Datang, but more importantly, his son-in-law He Lan Chu Shiguan lives in the East Palace with a thousand oxen ready.

He is also an important general in the East Palace, and Helan Chushi is courageous and strategic, and he is considered a top-notch young talent among the generals in the East Palace.

Even the prince Li Chengqian was highly regarded. It was precisely because Helan Chushi was a talented person that he was favored by Hou Junji and married his beloved daughter to each other.

If Hou Junji can be persuaded, if he is willing to cooperate, plus the fact that his son-in-law can thread the needle a little bit.

As soon as Li Tai thought, if something happened to the prince, even though the mother gave birth to three concubines.

But besides the prince, only he is an adult prince, and he is talented and prestigious. Who else can sit in the position of the prince?

Thinking of this, Li Tai felt like a fire in his chest, a fire that could destroy all reason.

"Mr. Jiang, what do you think this king should do? Ask Chen Guogong to talk about it in private?

No, no, no, in this case, Chen Guogong, who has a high self-esteem and a shabby man, might think that the king did not put him in his eyes.

How about this king personally visit Chen Guogong? "

Looking at Wei Wang Li Tai, who was obviously moved, and even seemed a little impatient.

Jiang Yaqing looked straight, and bowed to Wei Wang Li Tai. "Lord, the minister thought that nowadays, Chen Guozheng is worthy of depression and decadence."

"If the lord can help one or two, Chen Guogong will be grateful and grateful to the lord."

"Okay, come, come, sir, please tell this king carefully, what should I do?"

"The minister has inquired that although Chen Guogong is the honorable man of the country, he is a very new and rare treasure. He was in Gaochang before."

While listening to Jiang Yaqing's words, Li Tai continued to eat the sweet and crisp lard pastry, expressing his opinions from time to time.

Li Youyi was standing outside the study door at this moment, watching his Royal Highness and the Mr. Jiang whispering there, although he also heard a few words.

It must be related to the General Chen Guogonghou, which made Li Youyi glance at Jiang Yaqing with envy and envy.

It's a pity that I am an eunuch, not a counselor, otherwise, if his Royal Highness can board the big treasure in the future, he may be able to confuse his wife and son.

It's a pity, but even if I can't enjoy those things, as the confidant of His Royal Highness, isn't my future boundless?

After Lingyan Pavilion opened the pavilion for a banquet in the palace that day, General Hou fell ill again.

This time, he was really sick, um, very angry, and after returning to the mansion, he went drunk again, and finally failed to get up early the next morning.

Upon receiving this news, Li Shimin specially ordered the imperial physician to come over to Hou Junji for a look, and then gave him medicine and food.

And let him recover from his illness in the mansion, and return to the court when he recovers.

"Take it, the old man won't drink those medicines." Hou Junji was wrapped in a white towel on his forehead, his face was a bit haggard, but his temper was still so arrogant.

Hou Dingjiang tried to persuade him for a long time, but it was useless, but fortunately, his father was very angry now that he had a temper, and he could only let the maid take down the soup in angrily.

"Father, don't drink if you don't drink, you don't have to get angry"

Seeing Aiko's soft-spoken persuasion, Hou Junji snorted.

"You are still doing something here, are you not on duty today?"

"Father, you are ill on the couch, how can the child feel relieved?"

"Well, the body of the father is very clear for the father, that is, the depression in the heart is hard to disperse, alas"

Speaking of this, General Hou sighed with a deep sigh, and his face was sad.

For the few days when I was sick in bed, except for his majesty who sent an imperial doctor to send me medicine.

Except for some old members of Paoze, no one came to the door, although he looked down on those colleagues.

But at this moment, the bleak feeling of Menkeluoque still made him very uncomfortable with General Hou.

Think about the scenery he was when he was worshipped as the chief of the Jiaohe Dao march, and now this huge sense of gap.

Hou Junji's heart became more and more angry, his face gloomy, and he said nothing.

On the side, Hou Dingjiang spoke several times to comfort his father, but it didn't make much difference, and it was a headache.

But at this time, the housekeeper Hou Zhi came to report that it was Jiang Yaqing, who was in the Imperial Palace of the Wei Dynasty, who was enlisted in the army.

Hearing Hou Zhizhi's words, Hou Junji, who was originally depressed, suddenly flashed a light in his eyes, turned his head, and looked at Hou Zhidao.

"That's what he said?"

"Returning to master, that's what Jiang Senjun said. He also said that His Royal Highness King Wei had heard that the master was seriously ill and wanted to come and visit the master in person.

However, today the prince summoned him to the East Palace, and could only order Jiang Chenjun to come on his behalf. "

"Wei Wang" Hou Junji stroked his long beard and narrowed his eyes. Although he is lonely and lonely, he is also a talented general who is good at strategy.

His Royal Highness Wei has been watching the crown prince for a long time, and there are still a bunch of supporters around him. UU Reading

The important thing is that King Wei is still quite pleased with His Majesty, but in recent years, it seems that because of some private matters, His Majesty's attitude towards him is no longer the same as those in the past.

He sent someone to visit him, what kind of thoughts did he have?

Seeing his father stroking his long beard and staying silent for a long time, Hou Dingjiang, who thought his arrogant father was unhappy, began to persuade him.

"Father, the boy thinks, since it was His Royal Highness King Wei who sent someone over, it would be better for you to meet him."

Hearing Hou Dingjiang's words, Hou Junji put on a look to avoid embarrassment.

"The last thing the old man is unwilling to do is to see these idle people and so on. If that's the case, then I'll see you."

Jiang Yaqing stepped forward, carrying a heavy box with the two pros behind him.

After a short while, he came to the outside of the house, and Jiang Yaqing did not enter the house directly in the first time.

But outside the door where Hou Junji could be seen lying on the couch, he first supported the crown with a solemn expression, and then straightened his own clothes, and then said loudly outside the door.

"Wei Royal Mansion Records and Joins the Army. We are here to visit Chen Guogong on the order of Wei King"

Hou Junji, who was lying on the couch, naturally saw the other party's behavior in his eyes, although he felt that this person's behavior was a little artificial.

But Hou Junji's heart was extremely useful, and he opened the thin blanket to get to bed.

"Hurry up, please, Shu Hou has an illness and can't travel far."

Jiang Yaqing smiled courteously and courteously.

"How can you dare to work Chen Guogong to welcome you, a pillar minister like you?"

"Furthermore, when my Royal Highness mentioned Chen Guogong many times, he was full of admiration and spoke with each other."

"My Datang can pacify Gaochang and make the business roads of the Western Regions unblocked, and Chen Gong has no great merit."


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