The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1652: His wife is pregnant, the prince who is very happy

With just this word, he directly scratched Hou Junji's itch, and the reserved and arrogant face on his face was melting like an iceberg.

Seeing the change of expression on Hou Junji's face, Jiang Yaqing smiled secretly in her heart.

What kind of person you are, the old man will use whatever means to deal with it, and I don't believe you are not hooked.

In the end, when Jiang Yaqing left, Hou Junji personally sent this low-ranking person to Jiang, who represented the will of His Royal Highness King Wei, to the gate of the courtyard.

Watching this Jiang Yaqing, who was very witty and well-spoken, left under the company of the housekeeper.

The smile on Hou Junji's face gradually disappeared, his brows were slightly frowned, and he returned to the house.

Sitting in the study, lightly tapping on the case table with his head lightly, seeming to be thinking about something embarrassing.

And the confidant Hou Lue, who was waiting outside, couldn't help but whispered to the side Hou Tao.

"Boss, younger brother, I think that Jiang Chenjun, when he talks, is flattering his master everywhere, for fear of being uneasy and kind."

Hou Tao glared at Hou Lue unhappily, then turned to glance at the master who was muttering in the room, and then whispered.

"Why don't you feel good about it? Isn't all of our master's feats fake?"

"That's also true. Our master is so accomplished, yet being ridden by Zhang Liang's thief on his head is really embarrassing."

The two confidants outside the door didn't murmur loudly, but Hou Junji still heard some, and his face grew gloomy.

After pondering for a long time, he finally shook his head dejectedly, regardless of what Wei Wang had.

At least, he knows how to behave better than the prince, and knows people better. Let's take a look first

Li Chengqian paced outside the house a little uneasy, while his eldest son Li Xiang was at the door, poking his head inside.

Seeing the appearance of the strong eldest son, Li Chengqian whispered helplessly.

"Xiang'er, why don't you hurry up to do your schoolwork, just stay here and do?"

"Father, the child is also worried about his mother." Li Xiang turned his head and smiled flatteringly, and then looked inside.

"Don't worry, your mother will definitely be fine." Li Chengqian warmed his heart when he heard this, and raised his hand and stroked his son's head.

At this time, Li Chengqian heard the voice of conversation from inside the house, including the voice of his younger sister Li Mingda and the voice of the Wu girl.

Hearing the relaxed voices of the two, Li Chengqian was also relieved. With little effort, he heard a greeting from inside.

Only then did Li Chengqian lift up the front, and Li Xiang squeaked into the house all at once. The agility of his skills really admired Li Chengqian, his father.

"Aunt, aunt, how is my mother, is my mother going to give me a younger brother or younger sister?"

Li Mingda smiled and scraped Li Xiang's small fleshy face. "It's hard to say, but yeah, maybe I have both my brother and sister."

"???" Li Chengqian, who had already stepped into the hall and walked towards this side, couldn't help but be stunned when he heard this.

Li Mingda turned his head and smiled brightly at his elder brother, and stepped forward with a salute.

"Congratulations, Brother Hexi, Sister-in-law is twins this time."

"Double? Twins?" Li Chengqian looked at the crown princess Su who had her head down shyly, and at the Wu Meiniang who was packing up her stethoscope and other inspection equipment, and when she saw Wu Meiniang nodded very surely.

The whole person almost twitched in joy, and kept his mouth grinning to the left and right.

"You are actually twins, madam, you are pregnant with twins? I heard that right, you are pregnant with two at once."

"Husband" Princess Su Clan looked at her husband's nagging appearance, raised her hand and stroked her forehead with some headaches.

"Husband, sister and elephant are still there."

"Oh oh heh heh, okay, then you lie down and have a good rest, that sister, come, come, let's go out, don’t bother your sister-in-law."

"" Li Mingda looked at the eldest brother who was already at a loss, only knowing the smirk and nonsense, couldn't help rolling his lovely eyes.

Leaving the house with Wu Meiniang who was smirking and pursing her lips, fortunately, under the reminder of his beloved wife, Li Chengqian finally realized his mistake.

He quickly jumped out again and expressed his gratitude towards Li Mingda and Wu Meiniang.

"Brother, you should hurry back and stay with your wife, younger sister, I have to go back first. By the way, tell my mother and father the good news."

"Yes, yes, you have Lavender, I, then I'll go back first? Ning Zhong, send Jinyang and Wu girl well for Gu."

"Big brother really." Li Mingda couldn't laugh or cry when he saw the big brother who opened his eyes and smiled and jumped back to the house.

"But it's really great news. I believe that my father and mother will be happy.

Previously, I only diagnosed my sister-in-law with a happy pulse, but I didn't expect that you would be able to diagnose twins. "

Wu Meiniang shook her head, UU reading explained to Li Mingda in a low voice.

"It's all thanks to the stethoscope invented by Cheng Saburo. Otherwise, it would be really difficult for the servants to distinguish them."

"After all, nowadays, the crown princess has only been pregnant for less than five months. I only think that her pregnant belly is slightly larger than that of normal pregnant women.

If you don't have a stethoscope, you might have to wait a while before you can judge by touching the body surface. "

Li Shimin was in the Temple of Ganlu, playing with the Queen of Longsun, looking around with ease.

"Hey, it's really strange. Xiao Sizi would definitely come and wander around at this time in the past, but he couldn't come today."

"Perhaps something has delayed it, my husband, it's up to you."

"Well, wait for your husband to take a good look." Li Shimin looked at the tangled mid-game and began to take a long test.

Then he fell down, smiled triumphantly, and took a refreshing sip of the wolfberry chrysanthemum tea which can clear the liver and improve eyesight.

"Husband, my concubine just listened to what you meant. I was planning to let Fang Erlang enter the East Palace?"

Empress Changsun held one, looked at the chessboard, and asked.

"Yes, I did want that kid to go to the East Palace before, but now that I want to go, let him go to Luoyang first."

"After all, Zhang Liang, the governor of Luoyang, is in a high position, and besides, he doesn't deal with that boy Cheng Saburo."

Empress Changsun looked at her husband curiously. "Why didn't the concubine hear that Cheng Saburo had a conflict with Yun Guo."

"That must have been for several years. The boy Cheng Saburo beat the only son of Zhang Liang for a woman."

"Zhang Liang also impeached Cheng to bite Jin Jiaozi for nothing, and as a result," Li Shimin, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, had a smirk on his face.

"The little lady who was helped by his righteousness is Wu Mei who is now beside Xiao Sizi."


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