The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1653: Less than Zhuxiang’s effort, a face-slapped crisis...

"So for the sake of my husband, I just let their trio of demon moths get together, so that they don't need to have manpower when they play cards."

Empress Changsun heard this, she burst into laughter, couldn't help but glanced sideways at her husband who was speaking in a serious way.

Not only burying his own children and his son-in-law, but also burying his prospective son-in-law.

Li Shimin happily took a sip of tea soup, his face full of pride and authenticity.

"The two boys who have been making troubles with monsters and moths are not in Chang'an. How comfortable is the old man in this day."

Seeing her husband's self-satisfied appearance, the Empress Changsun couldn't help being sweet and joking.

"Husband, don't talk too much. What if something happens, only the kid can do it?"

Hearing the words of Empress Changsun, Li Shimin let out a cry, raised his chin proudly, and smiled very confidently.

"Avalokitesvara maidservant, these words are too small to be a husband, how could it be impossible for a husband to do without that kid."

Just when the husband and wife were talking and laughing while continuing to play together, enjoying this wonderful leisure time.

Li Mingda, greeted by Zhao Kun and others, bounced up the steps, lifted the skirt and crossed the threshold and said loudly.

"Congratulations daddy, congratulations mother, you have two more grandchildren or granddaughters"

A sweet and crisp voice passed into the temple from the entrance of the temple in an instant, and passed into the ears of the husband and wife.

Li Shimin and Empress Changsun looked at the door with dumbfounded expressions, and they saw the little cute Li Mingda walked quickly with a smug expression after entering the temple.

"Just now I took Wu Mei to do a birth check for my sister-in-law, only then I found out that my sister-in-law was pregnant with twins."

"Twins?!" Empress Changsun also called out in surprise.

Li Shimin on the side was also directly happy. "Okay, this kid Cheng Qian, suddenly there are two more children"

"This is a big happy event, a great happy event, our daughter-in-law is also quite upbeat, hahaha"

Empress Changsun also took Li Mingda's hand with joy and smiled openly.

"Yes, our prince, our prince will add another word."

When the happiness passed, Empress Changsun suddenly became sad. "Husband, the bones of our daughter-in-law"

"" Li Shimin, who was still happy, and his face full of comfort, couldn't help but sink.

He raised his big hand and gently stroked his forehead. He still knew the body of his daughter-in-law.

When the first child was before, it was really scary to the extreme, and in the end the boy Cheng Saburo shot.

This allowed the good-grandson Li Xiang to be born safely, keeping his daughter-in-law Su and Li Xiang's mother and child safe.

After that, as Su's age has grown in recent years, his physique has indeed become stronger than before.

But this problem has arisen again, one-child twins.

Li Shimin knows that once a woman is pregnant with twins, it is also very easy to go wrong, and it is a big problem.

The eldest grandson's empress frowned slightly, and Li Mingda on the side looked at the frowning appearance of her mother and father, and leaned to her mother's ear and whispered.

Empress Changsun blinked and looked at the pretty face of the girl, she couldn't help but smiled, shook her little hand lightly, and shook her head with a weird expression.

"??" Li Mingda looked at his mother with a dull expression. Could it be that the mother felt that the unparalleled medical skills of the third brother Cheng could not solve this problem?

Seeing the girl's eyes full of curiosity, there is also a curious expression.

Empress Changsun took a peek at her husband, and then she got to Li Mingda's ear and whispered.

With a puff, fortunately, Li Mingda reacted in time and quickly covered his little mouth and looked at his father.

Fortunately, at this time, Li Shimin didn't notice the strangeness here.

Because he feels more complicated at the moment, um, the reason for the complexity is that he has already thought of having difficulty finding Cheng Saburo.

Empress Changsun also had a weird expression in the same way. Really, the husband just vowed to whisper there just now, and the two **** were kicked to Luoyang.

Finally I feel a lot more comfortable, and I don't have to feel upset in Chengri.

I even jokingly asked my husband, what if something happens, only the kid can do it?

At that time, the husband smiled very confidently. How could the old man not be able to do anything without that kid?

In the end, this was not enough for Zhuxiang, and he wanted to make the husband slap himself on the face, which was really unacceptable.

In the end, the empathetic Empress Changsun decided to solve the problem by herself, and she turned her gaze and fell on Wu Meiniang who was standing not far away.

"Wu Mei, please tell me carefully about the prince's situation"

Wu Meiniang stepped forward and explained the situation of the prince concubine clearly.

Empress Changsun smiled. "Since you know the situation of the crown prince so well, and the old man knows that you have a way to contact Cheng Saburo, how about leaving the matter to you?"

Wu Meiniang was slightly but she saw her majesty's old face that looked a little black.

She probably understands why the Queen Empress asked herself to contact Cheng Saburo and replied respectfully.

"The slave and maid obeyed Niang Niang's decree. If there is no other order, the slave and maid will retire first."

Seeing Wu Meiniang walking away quickly, she didn't have to slap her old face personally.

Li Shimin let out a sigh of relief, but his old face was still a bit embarrassed, and his mood became complicated.

Although Cheng Saburo's medical skills are unquestionable, but that kid's ability to make troubles with monsters is also top-notch.

Li Shimin remembers that since his daughter-in-law gave birth to Li Xiang, he hasn't seen any signs for several years.

He couldn't help being a little curious, so he asked Cheng Qian quietly, but Cheng Qian told him that it was Cheng Sanlang who had confessed.

Because the crown princess had a C-section, the safest way is not to have another pregnancy within three years.

Hearing this, Li Shimin could understand. After all, the stomach was slit and then sewed, and it did take time to fully heal.

However, Li Shimin also knows very well that the relationship between his son Cheng Qian and the prince Su clan has always been honeyed.

So he seemed a little worried, and faintly reminded Li Chengqian not to let his daughter-in-law take mercury. Although it has the effect of contraception, it hurts the body.

As a result, Li Chengqian categorically denied that he would take that thing for his daughter-in-law, saying that he strictly followed the physical contraceptive method Cheng Sablang taught him.

It won't hurt his wife's body at all, and she won't get pregnant.

Li Shimin was immediately stunned, and all kinds of complicated and unspoken pictures flashed in his mind for a moment.

Fortunately, the honest child Li Chengqian did not hide his father, and even gave him an appreciation for the good baby he used for physical contraception.

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