The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1659: Hou Qing has lost her old wounds these days, which is not conducive to...

Hou Junji waved his hand, his face full of bleak and sadness, looking at the withered flowers in front of him, sighing authentically.

"The old man has spent half his life in the army, and has worked hard to make suggestions for his majesty, and he went to the battlefield in person. Datang has made many contributions.

The result was that a small military judge was impeached, and the old man was imprisoned for his minor negligence. "

"The old man just missed a word because he was drunk, Zhang Liang, a dog thief, looked at his robe and his friendship, and went straight to the palace to appeal for credit."

"When Lingyan Pavilion assessed the merits of the hanging statue, His Majesty actually put these traitorous villains in front of the old man."

Listening to these complaints from Hou Junji, Helan Chushi was so angry that he could not help but whispered in a low voice.

"Your Majesty is so wise and martial, he will be deceived by a villain."

"Haha... Blinded?" Hou Junji smiled gloomily.

"If your Majesty is deceived by others, that old man is still unwilling, but still willing to fight for it..."

"My husband, what do you mean..." Helan Chushi's expression couldn't help changing, and he looked at Hou Junji in horror.

"My son-in-law..." Hou Junji's big hand fell heavily on Helan Chushi's shoulder, and his voice was so low that only two of them could hear him.

"Since the founding of the Tang Dynasty, how many people have been able to destroy the country and determine the state? Only three people, Li Xiaogong, Li Jing and the old man."

"Li Xiaogong, he retired early on his fascination, but he still died violently."

"Li Jing is so old that he had to keep his door behind closed doors. Only then was he able to live for the elderly."

"Today only the old man is in the prime of life..."

Helan Chushi's face instantly turned pale, and he murmured in a low voice. "No, it shouldn't be like this..."

"Let's think about it first, old man, I also want to seek a living, to seek a way to survive."

Speaking of this, Hou Junji walked away quickly, dropped Helan Chushi and stayed in place, tumbling with the stormy sea in his heart.

In the end, Helan Chushi, who looked worried, accompanied his beloved wife, Hou Shi, to leave Chen Guogong's mansion.

After two days of restlessness, I once again brought my wife into Chen Guogong’s mansion under the name of visiting my mother-in-law and husband-in-law...


"Husband, why did you change your mind again?" Empress Changsun was packing up the case table for Li Shimin, and saw a piece of paper spread out on the case table.

He couldn't help but turned to the side with a weird face, and looked at the husband who was sleeping in the cool breeze while lying there holding a ball fan.

"What's your idea?" Li Shimin opened his eyes, saw the thing on the case, nodded and replied.

"Originally, I thought that Fang Erlang would lead the soldier to Luoyang, so that he would be sitting for Cheng Saburo and Ke'er."

"But I didn't expect that the previous floods caused Chang'an to store grain again and again, alas..."

"I'm afraid we can't wait until the end of the summer, at most one month, we have to set off to the eastern capital.

There is an old man going to Luoyang, which is more effective than the Cheng Sanlang platform given to him by the division of a million. "

"If this is the case, it would be better to let Fang Erlang lead the roaring army to stay in Chang'an for defense.

Anyway, there are only a thousand soldiers and horses in his place, even if he stays, it will not consume much food and grass..."

Hearing this explanation from her husband, Empress Changsun nodded helplessly, thinking of the frequent disasters in Guanzhong area from last year to this year.

If it is not for the timely relief of the disaster and the effective distribution of food and grass, there will be refugees everywhere in Guanzhong.

You know, the Datang Kingdom is here. If the surrounding areas of the Kingdom are hungry and die, it would be the biggest blow to the newly reborn Datang Empire.

It would even weaken the dominant position of the Datang Empire and be criticized by others.

"Not only will Fang Erlang and his 1,000 soldiers be kept for her husband, but also Na Hou Qing and Ma Qing's family will stay with them to assist the Emperor Qian to supervise the country."

"Hou Qing is not conducive to traveling because of her old injuries these days, so she thought about it for her husband.

Since he wanted to stay, Ma Zhouyi, Wen Yiwu, and the officials of the Eastern Palace would assist Cheng Qian. "

"Oh... I thought that last year was a special case, but I didn't expect it, but this year is the same. It seems that if the husband and father do not move their capitals, it will be a hundred years later.

My children and grandchildren, I’m afraid it’s true to the words of Cheng Laosan: Chasing the emperor for food, the emperor on a horse..."

Empress Changsun glanced at her husband with a weird expression, as did the boy Cheng Saburo, Cheng Ri made some weird names and names.

Just like nowadays, in Chang'an, when you talk about the consecrated wine Kong Yingda, you will be jokingly called Kong Rangli in private...


At this moment, I was sitting lazily in the pavilion, looking sadly at the high sun swimming in the pool.

From time to time, he let out a long sigh of sadness. It didn't take long for him to get married with his husband, and his father actually wanted his husband to lead his army to Luoyang to guard.

It really made Gao Yang unhappy. She originally wanted to go to the palace to speak to her father, but she was finally persuaded by her husband.

But Gao Yang was still depressed. After all, he was used to listening to the wonderful music played by his husband every day, and listening to the singing of his husband's unfavorable voice.

Gao Yang even felt that his husband's voice, even if he sang "Shun Liu Zhi Hundred Family Nursery Rhymes, would seem so touching." UU reading

If the husband left and left him alone in Chang'an, it would really make Gao Yang very unhappy.

Thinking about this, Gao Yang couldn't help but sighed faintly, his eyes swept over the Cheng's pipa standing in the pavilion and the guqin on the table.

These days, I am practicing ensemble with my husband. I have just practiced two songs together, so I have to separate...

At this moment, he suddenly heard a faint call from his ears, and Gao Yang straightened his back subconsciously.

Sure enough, it was her husband's magnetic voice that Gao Yang quickly agreed, and got up and walked quickly outside the pavilion.

From a distance, I saw the tall and burly figure walking quickly, and saw my husband's face with a sharply contoured face.

A sweet smile appeared on Gao Yang's face and took a few steps forward. "The concubine has seen her husband."

"I have seen a lady..." Fang Jun also saluted Gao Yang very skillfully, and then stepped forward to pick up his beloved wife Gao Yang.

Seeing her face that became more and more charming, she couldn't help but feel a little sway in her heart. "Lady, you are getting more and more beautiful."

"My husband, don't make trouble, someone..." Hearing his husband's unceremonious and sure compliment, Gao Yang felt like honey in his heart.

But when I think of the imminent separation, I can't help but look sad.

"Why did your husband come back so early? Is it because my father asked you to lead the army to Luoyang?"

"No, but General Chai told me that for my husband, I want to lead a veteran to station in Chang'an. Maybe I won't leave?"

"Really?" Gao Yang couldn't help being overjoyed, looking at Fang Jun with bright eyes.

Fang Jun smiled and nodded. "General Chai shouldn't be joking with me when he thinks about it."

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