The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1660: Holding Lao Tzu in that shameful posture, still alive...

When Gao Yang heard Fang Jun's words, his face was full of joy. "That said, we don't need to be separated?"

"Well, it should be." Fang Jun nodded.

Hearing this, Gao Yang, who was completely worried and worried, simply led Fang Jun into the pavilion. "Husband, my concubine wants to hear you sing again."

"..." Fang Jun looked at this wife who was looking at her with bright eyes. Okay, she would like to listen. Can she be happy to sing?

Besides, it is not a good thing to have such a wife who appreciates her talents and listens to her talents a lot?

"Well, well, the lady likes to listen, so I will sing it to you for the sake of her husband... Please also ask the lady to order a song."

The young couple were in the yard, mixing oil with honey, and the maids quietly retreated outside the pavilion, very witty.


In Zhengjiazhuang, Cheng Chubi drained a large glass of goat's milk in one gulp, and started chewing for breakfast.

Li Ke on the side looked at the four-wheeled thing, his face turned dark. "Brother Chubi, can we change something else?"

Cheng Chubi happily enjoyed a hearty breakfast. As the saying goes, the plan for a day lies in the morning. If you don't eat breakfast, you won't be in good spirits all day.

"Don't forget, the previous description of your injury was that you broke your leg and suffered a serious injury caused by excessive blood loss."

"What? Replace with two door panels, so you can't lie on it?"

"Not only that, but before going out for a while, I have to put some white powder on your face.

Looks a little bitter and bloodless, and then you sit on it, and it looks like you have just recovered from a serious injury.

Of course, it's best to wear a drapery hat. After all, you are very energetic when you see a beautiful young lady, which is easy to misunderstand. "

Li Ke had a black line on his face. His Royal Highness, Lao Tzu's dignified prince, said something like lying on the door, and it wasn't that he was too drunk and slapped on the door.

Cheng Chubi finally ate and drank enough, took up the towel and wiped his mouth and walked to Li Ke's side, patted his shoulder and spoke with earnestness.

"So, Brother Xian, I want to go into the city and wander around, no problem, but I can only accompany you, and you have to sit on this thing."

"Otherwise, if the flaws are seen, there is nothing to lose for you and me, but you have to consider the consequences. How will your father deal with you?"

It's okay not to mention his father. When he mentions his father, Li Ke immediately succumbed to the tragic situation of being convinced by his own father.

"Come on, just sit down, brother, I will continue to hold back here, I must be crazy."

Well, Li Ke came to Luoyang, the eastern capital, not to mention Luoyang City. Even Te Niang's Luoyang city wall took a long look at the same day.

Was seriously injured after that, and then kept under house arrest in the name of recuperating? Er, it should be called self-imprisonment in this Zhengjiazhuang teahouse.

Everything, of course, is for the smooth construction of the palace, but the long time of not going out makes Li Ke, who likes wandering around the most, almost crazy.

Under his strong request, Cheng Chubi was also worried that if something went wrong with the goods, he could only get him a wheelchair.

Planning to take him into the city for a wandering around today is really a wandering around, after all, everyone is not familiar with Luoyang City. Just go shopping frantic.

Let His Royal Highness Wu enter the city to breathe in the noisy popularity, and go to the city to see if he can admire some beautiful young ladies.


"Okay, get up quickly, Cheng Fa, take this wheelchair out first and tie the carriage back, what do you want to do, Brother Xian?"

Cheng Chubi was appointing personnel, and when he saw Li Ke stepping away excitedly, he wanted to go outside and slipped back straight away.

"Let go, how can I get in the car if I don't go out, brother?" Li Ke retorted unwillingly.

"Brother virtuous, do you think it's really not a problem for you to walk out of the teahouse like this? Let people look at it, don't you just miss the stuffing?"

Cheng Chubi hated iron and shook his head. If he is not careful, he will easily cause a leak.

"That Li De, he was stunned to do something, hurry up and hug your Highness out."

"Hug?" Li De looked at his belly, his Royal Highness Wu, who was obviously not too heavy now, couldn't help but hesitate.

"Let your majesty put your hands around your neck, and you will hold his waist with one hand and his leg with the other, just like holding a child."

Li Ke's face turned green, and I was an adult anyway, so let a big brother hold me in that shameful posture, would he still be alive?

"No, Li De, come here to carry my king."


Luoyang City, in fact, compared to the Chang'an City, Luoyang is more brand-new than Chang'an. After all, the predecessor of Chang'an City: Daxing City of the Sui Dynasty was built in the early years of the Sui Dynasty.

Luoyang City was built in the early years of Daye, but Chang'an City was hardly devastated by war at the end of the Sui Dynasty and the beginning of the Tang Dynasty.

So it was kept very intact, but Luoyang City, Tsk Tsk, is really the place of the Central Plains four battles.

At the end of the Sui Dynasty, the Yang Xuangan jumped over to do and then everyone did it. Well, as far as Cheng Sanlang knew, Wang Shichong, Li Mi, and Li Shimin, anyway Almost at the turn of the Sui and Tang dynasties, powerful forces have come here.

It's one thing to win without being stupid, but being stupid, causing Luoyang City, which was built in Chang'an City for more than 20 years, to be so stupid that the city walls are full of cracks.

The entire Luoyang City, especially the southern area of ​​Luoyang City, is in a mess, almost into a wilderness.

Over the years, the population has recovered a lot after the rest of the Tang Dynasty, but it is still far behind the Sui Dynasty.

Nowadays, it is found that the situation is better in the north of Luoyang, that is, the area north of Luoshui, which is very prosperous and lively.

But the south is too dilapidated. Numerous battles have caused the south of the city to be almost completely destroyed.

And the bones were so heavy that even beasts appeared in the south of the city.

Cheng Chubi hasn't been there yet. Today is also his first visit to the city. The north of Luohe is called Luobei Lifang District, which is the residence of Baiguanfu and the people. The streets in the city are crisscross and adjacent to Lifang.

This Luobei land has a total of 29 squares. In the north of the city, there is also a huge bazaar: Beishi.

This is different from that of Chang'an. Chang'an is a city of east and west, while Luoyang is separated by Luoshui, so Xuan is specially set up as a city of north and south.

Since the Luonan area is still in an undeveloped area, the commerce in that area is not prosperous. Nowadays, the busiest area in Luoyang is Beishi.

I have to admit that although it is only the Luobei area, the prosperity and excitement here are not inferior to Chang'an.

It is worthy of being another international metropolis that can rival Chang'an. There are not only a large number of Chinese people.

There are also a large number of Huren with red eyebrows, green eyes and deep eyes, as well as business travelers from surrounding countries whose clothing is not a Tang Dynasty.

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