The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1661: Bring your Highness to the opposite restaurant and let him watch...

Cheng Chubi and others swayed all the way, while Li Ke, who was still sitting in the carriage at the moment, watched the excitement for a long time.

Finally decided to take a stroll in a wheelchair, after all, hiding in a carriage, it is difficult to appreciate this Luoyang humanity.

However, in order to take care of his own face, or to show others in a low-key way, he wittily put on a veiled hat.

Li De, the head of the loyal guard, is pushing such a novel wheelchair, compared to the heavy and uncomfortable wheelchairs of this era.

The gadget designed by Cheng Saburo is very ergonomic. It not only has pedals, but also supports the waist, and there are soft armrests made of leather and cloth on both sides.

In addition, the front and rear wheels are equipped with springs that are made to absorb shocks to a certain extent. Therefore, the comfort is not inferior to that of the carriage that Li Ke rode before.

The appearance of Li Ke carrying a drapery hat and sitting in an odd-looking wheelchair did not attract too much attention from others.

After all, in an international metropolis like Luoyang, there are many people who just sit in a wheelchair even if they are lying on the door.

Not to mention that there are also those who lack arms and legs. Of course, those who lack their heads will definitely not wander here. After all, this is only historical time and space, not Te Niang's supernatural time and space.

As he was strolling around, Li Ke suddenly stopped, then pointed to the north side and said.

"Let’s stop going east, north, north..."

Cheng Chubi couldn't help but curiously asked why he was heading north. Li Ke directly told Cheng Sanlang to continue eastward towards Tongtuofang and Shanglinfang, where there was nothing to shop around.

If you go straight up, you will go straight to the North City, which is a good place to go for a stroll.

Only then did I know that this stray prince had also been to Luoyang for several trips before, and he was very familiar with Luoyang.

To be honest, Cheng Chubi was really happy to wander around like this, looking at the people of this era, there are all kinds of strange clothes, it is very novel.

Just walking, I suddenly heard Li Kehua's voice, and suddenly stood up directly from the wheelchair.


"??" A group of guards surrounded by His Royal Highness Wu who had "unhealed leg injury" all stared at him dumbfounded.

Cheng Chubi got rid of his hair, and directly drew the iron mace from the scabbard on the waist, looking dangerously at Li Ke's standing leg.

"Hyun brother, what do you want to do?"

Li Ke had already reacted, and quickly sat back in the wheelchair, and quickly explained.

"Oh, it's nothing, little brother, I seem to have seen an old acquaintance. I'm really embarrassed. I can't help but stand up."

Cheng Chubi glared at Li Ke grimly, and then inserted the iron mace back into its sheath.

"I'll remind you Brother Xian again. Anyway, it's your father who will take care of you at that time. Don't you be afraid, ha ha... Don't tell me to stand, I won't stop you if you want to jump on the tree."

Li Ke's face under the hood was a little darkened, watching Cheng Sanlang still clinging to the scabbard sadly, and couldn't help asking.

"Brother Chubi, the younger brother just now was just in a hurry and stood up for a while, but what did you do with that thing?"

Cheng Chubi patted the good baby beside his waist and explained very seriously.

"Oh, of course I was watching you stand up in a hurry, thinking you found some danger.

You never think I want to discount your legs with this thing? "

"..." Li Ke's whole person is not good, and the gods can be dangerous. I see you clearly that the last sentence is the truth.

Cheng Chubi sniffed, quickly turned off the topic, and diverted Li Ke's attention.

"By the way, who did you look at, brother Xian, who can make you feel so emotional, is it possible that your old friend in Luoyang is good?"

"...What a good old friend, so vulgar, can you pay attention to what you say, Brother Chu Bi."

"Who is that, your worship brother in Luoyang?"

"Of course not, it's a confidante."

"..." Cheng Chubi rolled his eyes unwillingly. Why is this not an old friend?

"Huh? That's not right, your old friend, virtuous brother, uh, uh, your confidantes are usually in unscrupulous situations. Is it possible that this is also nearby?..."

Cheng Chubi looked around suspiciously. At this moment, Cheng Jie, the leader of the soldiers who followed General Cheng Dacheng to the north and south, murmured in a low voice.

"San Gongzi, you are really right. The Si Gong Fang on the edge of Beishi City is just as famous as the Ping Kang Fang in Chang'an, cough cough... the kind of slanderous place."

Cheng Chubi looked down at Li Ke, and asked, where did this guy come to Luoyang for a stroll, and it was obvious that he came here for a purposeful stroll, okay?

Cheng Chubi's slap fell on Li Ke's shoulders, his words earnestly and honestly.

"Okay, it's all here, you can't let Brother Xian go for nothing, right?"

Hearing this, Li Ke couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and he opened the veil on the drapery hat with surprise to look at the understanding brother Chu Bi.

"Brother Chubi is worthy of being a younger brother..."

Cheng Chubi hesitated, and the next sentence directly made Li Ke almost want to lift his hat and turn his face. UU Reading www.uukanshu. com

"Come here, take your Highness to the restaurant opposite to the Miaomei Pavilion, and let him have an eye addiction."


Li Ke sat unhappily by the window, looking at the people who came in and out of the Miaomei Pavilion opposite, as well as those who were greeted and sent.

I feel that my whole life has become unsatisfactory, and I didn't expect that one day I would have to watch it eagerly because of national events.

Cheng Chubi was eating Luoyang-style food and drinking wine from Luoyang. The low-alcohol wine tasted quite good.

Seeing Li Ke's sluggish expression made him resemble the rhubarb in the neighbor's house that he saw when he was a child.

This is a similar expression whenever he sees other dogs wandering freely in the yard while he is locked in the door by a collar.

Although the species are different, Cheng Chubi can feel the same sadness and sadness.

Cheng Chubi persuaded him after sucking the bone oil from the bones and smashing his mouth happily.

"Brother Xian, don't be too depressed. For my brother, I am not thinking of you.

Do you think you, a seriously injured person who hasn't healed, can do serious things when you go to an irregular place full of delicate young ladies? "

Cheng Chubi was whistling crookedly when he suddenly heard loud talk and laughter from the next room.

"This time, I heard that if you can win the first place, you can choose to spend the night with Girl Liuying from Nuancai Pavilion.

Or enjoy a night tour of Luoshui by the ladies of the Baihua Pavilion Flower Boat..."

"Luoyang takes peony as the most important thing. At this time every year, major businesses will take out their belongings and invite those talents from the Central Plains family to come."

"Our Luoyang Peony Festival this year has received great assistance from many businesses. They have spent huge sums of money to organize them."


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