The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1665: The old house of our poetry and book heirloom, why can't we show...

"Husband, you have been practicing pen and ink during this period of time. This technique has become more and more proficient. This ink bamboo looks like it is about to fall off the painting."

Seeing the glaring look of the lady Lu's eyes, the grandfather Fang was stroking his long beard and smiling so that his eyes were narrowed.

"Hahaha... The lady praised, and the old man himself felt that, um, every time you write, you will be quite profitable..."

Just as the grandfather of the Prince Fang was bragging, he saw the housekeeper Fang Shen standing at the door, holding an envelope and sneaking his head.

He couldn't help his face sinking slightly, and said loudly. "Fang Shen, what's the matter?"

Fang Shen didn't dare to neglect, and quickly answered honestly.

"Master, that letter from Cheng Saburo from Luoyang, addressed to the second son..."

"..." Master Fang's face turned dark, what does that kid want to do?

Cheng Sanlang and the two demon moths of His Royal Highness Wu went to Luoyang. His own Erlang is safe and stable these days, and finally looks decent.

I thought it could stop, but actually wrote a letter to harass my second child.

Lu Shi couldn't help feeling suspicious, glanced at Erlang, Fang Jun heard that it was a letter from Brother Chu Bi, and quickly walked over to take it from Fang Shen's hand.

But just when he wanted to open it, he couldn't help but hesitate. After all, what will be written by Brother Chu Bi is a mystery.

The main reason is that the Yan father and the loving mother are right in front of him. They open it at this time. It's better to say in case it's serious. Just in case...

Seeing Erlang holding the letter with a hesitant appearance, a flash of lightning flashed in the eyes of the squinted Master Fang.

"Jiro, why are you stunned while holding this letter? Is it possible that there is something that you must not let your father know?"

"How is it possible?" Fang Jun replied subconsciously.

"That's the case, don't open it yet." Fang Da Ma Jindao, the grandfather of the room, sat at the back of the desk and took a sip of the tea soup.

Only two eyes were staring at the letter, after all, it was Dad, so he couldn't **** it.

Lu Shi sat aside, raised the pot and added tea to his husband with a smile.

"Husband, that Cheng Saburo and Wu Wang went down to Luoyang. Remember to write to Erlang to prove their deep brotherhood."

"Well, this is really true. Their brotherhood is not deep, and it is impossible to play cards all night."

Lu's hand shook, he almost splashed the rolling tea soup on his husband's clothes, and gave him a dumbfounded look.

"..." Fang Jun rolled his eyes concealedly. What his father likes most is to expose his old bottom and turn over his dark history.

After copying out the letter paper, Fang Jun only glanced a few times. In an instant, his eyes went round exaggeratedly.

On the side, Master Fang and Lu, who seemed to be busy with other things, immediately caught the strangeness of their sons.

The husband and wife exchanged glances, and there was a drum in their hearts. Is it possible that the two guys who have already rushed to Luoyang want to toss what demon moths do not succeed?

Thinking about this, Lu Shi nodded slightly at his husband, then got up and walked over there, his face full of concern.

"Erlang, why did you look so shocked when you saw Cheng Saburo's letter? Could it be that something big happened in Luoyang?"

"No, no, everything is fine over Luoyang."

Fang Jun hurriedly collected the letter paper subconsciously, as if he had noticed that his actions were inappropriate, and he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

Lu Shi smiled and took two steps forward, and asked in a low voice in a voice that only Fang Jun could hear.

"Why, could it be that there is a big secret that even my mother won't let you know?"

"How could the child be hiding from his mother..." Fang Jun shook his head quickly, but he stretched his neck and looked at his father with some uneasiness.

Fortunately, at this time, seeing that my father seemed to be considering a major event, he even turned his face to the other side.

"Don't worry, your father can't hear you. Come and tell your mother. Your mother will keep it secret for you."

After receiving the promise from his mother, Fang Jun simply handed the letter to his mother Lu.

Lu Shi only scanned a few lines, his eyes suddenly stared, and then looked at Erlang, then glanced at the letter again, and breathed in a bit of toothache.

Fang Jun touched his embarrassed face a little embarrassedly, and whispered quietly.

"Mother, what do you think the child should do with this matter?"

Lu Shi glanced at the letter, then at his son, thinking for a long time, and gritted his teeth. "What else can I do? Naturally, it's up to the kid to make trouble."

"Hmph, even those vulgar martial artists can show their faces, why can't we show our old house of poetry and books?"

"Is this not so good?"

"You boy, you just have a thin-skinned face. Look at Cheng Saburo, your majesty and the emperor have been pushed up a tree. The next day, he came to you as if he was okay."

"..." Fang Jun touched his face and wanted to tell his mother that, in fact, his face was already much thicker than before he went to Luzhou with the two brothers.

However, considering the personal settings in front of the mother and father, forget it, let the mother as well.

After Fang Jun left and left, Lu Shi sat beside her husband with a look of joy, and the look of the eyebrows danced, making the grandfather Fang feel very troubled.

"Madam, tell me what the **** is going on?"

Seeing her husband's face almost scratching his head and ears in a hurry.

Lu's mouth pursed his lips, somewhat hesitantly. "The concubine can tell her husband, but you must never tell your husband, let alone stop them, otherwise..."

Upon hearing this, Fang Xuanling reacted immediately and replied immediately.

"If it is something that is suitable for Erlang, it will naturally not be blocked by the husband, and it will not be spread."

"The concubine will tell you quietly..."


Fang Xuanling sat blankly at the back of the desk, staring dumbfounded at the beautiful lady Lu Shi.

Can't help but say for a long time. "Lady, isn't this inappropriate?"

"What's wrong?" Lu Shi stared at Fang Xuanling a little unhappily.

"The kid Cheng Saburo is so talented that he would like it, what else is inappropriate?"

"That kid..." Fang Xuanling wiped her face with a headache. She always felt that this matter was good for her Jiro, but she always felt that something was wrong...

"Husband, you must not forget your promise. If it is good for our family, you must not leak it or stop it."

"Cheng Chengcheng, husband will definitely not leak it out, oh... there is a lady here, how can you stop it for your husband."

Hearing this, Lu couldn't help laughing out loud and glanced sideways at this husband who could actually speak naughty things.

When I think that it won't be long before, his own Erlang will also be able to make a poem and make a good name, don't mention how beautiful it is in my heart.

Well, I just don't know if Erlang's stupid boy will directly leak the bottom line with his wife, but the relationship between their little husband and wife is nothing wrong.

At this moment, the children of the great Tang Wuxun officials, including General Qin, General Chai, General Yuchi, Li Jing, Li Keshi, etc., all received letters from Luoyang...

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