The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1666: The two of your brothers have reached the corner, 3 sets and 2 wins, the winner is go

Yuchi Baolin and Brother Baoqing squatted in the hall together, looking at the letter in Baolin's hand.

The two fat-bodied, very dark-skinned, densely-haired Yuchi twins squatted together. There is really a posture of two blind bears guarding an empty honeypot and looking at each other.

"I said the boss, how do you do this? Or, eldest brother, stay in Chang'an, little brother, I don't have much business, I will represent our Yuchi family."

"Shao Te Niang's nonsense, as the saying goes, the eldest brother is like a father. I don't want to go and it's better for me to go."

"Big brother, I'm your brother, shouldn't you let me do such a showy thing?"

"Then why don't you know Zun Lao, I am your brother, do you not listen to me?"

"..." Outside the hall door, the members of the Yipiao Yuchi family were all busy with their own things.

Even the Jia Ding of the Yuchi family who entered the hall to pour drinks was not even willing to lift his eyelids, and walked out after he was busy slapped his buttocks.

Anyway, the two brothers were just like this when they were young, neither of them were good-tempered characters.

Today this is just a quarrel. After a while, everyone will stand aside and persuade them. It is impossible to pull a frame.

After all, the tonnage and physique of these two brothers are not something ordinary people can pull apart.

While the two brothers were still crooked and crooked with red eyebrows and green eyeballs, General Yuchi walked slowly into the hall.

Seeing that the two brothers saw their own father entering the house without saying hello, General Yuchi suddenly snorted unhappily.

"You two little rascals, arguing? Don't you even know how to salute dad when he comes back?"

"My boy has seen Dad, Dad, please persuade your eldest brother, he is in a confidential place, so he can't delay.

My child is different. It’s just hanging around in the East Palace. It’s no problem to take a few days off and go to Luoyang. "

Fortunately, this was said at home, otherwise the prince who was stripped and fleshy would definitely feel insulted again when he heard this.

Yuchi Baolin couldn't help being furious. "The second child, you can ask for leave in the East Palace, why can't I? Father, don't listen to the old man's nonsense..."

General Yuchi, who was almost sprayed on his face by the saliva of his two sons, suddenly felt very evil in his heart and puffed up his eyes and shouted.

"Shut up both of you to the old man."

Soon, the two sons sat in front of the case, and General Yuchi sat in front of the case, looking at the autograph letter from His Royal Highness Wu.

The letter stated in detail that the Luoyang Peony Festival will begin soon.

In addition, I described the grievances between the Han and Tang Commercial Banks and those Luoyang merchants in detail, which increased the feelings of the enemies.

The topic was naturally thrown out later, that is, Cheng Saburo, whose talents can be sold in wholesale, had a bold idea.

Just like that year, General Cheng and Yi Gan Paoze swept the Mid-Autumn Festival with their literary talents.

Prepare to call friends and friends, go to Luoyang to participate in the annual Luoyang Peony Festival, and let all the brothers have the opportunity to show their faces.

Strive to make the annual edition of "Luoyang Peony Collection" directly become "Luoyang Peony Collection of Talents of Han and Tang Commercial Firms".

General Yuchi stroked his thick beard and couldn't help but chuck.

"These two little bastards, this is for you to go to the eastern capital of Luoyang to smash the venue, and make you stink the Luoyang Peony Festival in the eastern capital."

"Father! How can we be stink, we are just going to have fun, besides, my eldest brother and I can have a chance to show our faces anyway."

"Yeah, the child also wants to be like his father, and can also show off his talents, let those people know that our old Wei Chi's family is also a literary talent."

Seeing these two dolls jumping up and down, General Yuchi couldn't help feeling a headache.

"Okay, let's Yuchi's family, your brothers and dad don't favor anyone. Your brothers got in the corner and won in three sets. The winner will go to Luoyang, and the old man will stay honestly in Chang'an if he loses."

"Nuo!" Hearing the words of my father, the time interval between births would not exceed Zhuxiang, and even Yuchi Baolin and Yuchi Baoqing, who had a strength value between them, began to undress happily.

"Yuchi sledgehammer, he was so stupid and stupefied, he didn't hurry up on the wine and the meat, so that the two dolls can eat and drink well, so that they can have strength when they play."

Upon hearing this, Yuchi Baolin and Yuchi Baoqing hurriedly fastened the waistbands that were half untied.

Yes, yes, good stuff first, and only when you are full do you have the strength to pinch.


Li Ji pulled his face and looked at the brothers Li Zhen and Li Siwen. At this moment, the two of them were standing in the school grounds of the British mansion.

Each of them held a bow, took ten arrows, stood up, looking at each other with fighting spirit.

Li Ji raised his hand and wiped his face fiercely. It's so special...Unexpectedly, Cheng Sanlang's demon moth had already fluttered and hit its wings and went to Luoyang.

I thought I would be able to settle down for a while, wait for your majesty to tour east, and then tease the kid in the past.

The result was not bad. He hadn't even set off on his side yet, so the kid took the initiative to provoke Du.

But the problem is that the two sons almost pinched up for that talent. Fortunately, his father, who has a lot of power, managed to control the scene in time.

After thinking about it, I finally decided to go to Luoyang to show the talents of literature and art through bow and arrow gestures.

Of course, there can be other gestures, but Li Ji feels that whether it is more than swordsmanship or weapons, it is easy to become a fight between two sons.

Therefore, I decided to use archery, which is very gentle and in line with the ancient controversy between gentlemen.

"The old man, let's say it first. Everyone scores ten shots, and one point is scored for a heart. If a heart is missed, no score is scored. After ten shots, the winner can go to the eastern capital of Luoyang."

"If you lose, let the old man stay at home honestly and don't make trouble with monsters."

"Baby, follow your Brother, I won't let you my brother today."

"Hehe, it sounds like brother didn't let you in the past, come and come, after ten arrows, your kid will just stop crying..."

"Shut up all of you to the old man, and shoot the arrow as soon as possible." Li Ji straightened his face and shouted.

In fact, I was so relieved in my heart. I am worthy of being the old man's own son. These two little rascals have even used the strategy of attacking the mind.

It seems that in the future, the old Li's generals should still have talents.

But in the residence of Master Li, only the youngest son Li Qi was present. This kid sat beside his father happily, massaging his old waist.

"Father, you can help Haier talk to General Xue, Haier went to Luoyang, also because of our old Li family's reputation and glory."

"You think, the uncle's side, the cousin who is going to work abroad, he will definitely not come back, the second cousin has already gone to the Western Regions, and it has long since disappeared..."


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