The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1670: No, those two played cards every day in Luoyang...

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Li Chengqian stretched out his fingers and dug out his ears subconsciously, and couldn't help but ask again.

"You say it again."

Yu Zhan sighed helplessly, and repeated the words just now.

Li Chengqian raised his head, but he still didn't understand, Yuchi Baoqing and Qin Huaidao brothers.

It must be clear that he must accompany himself, the prince squatting lonely and coldly in this Chang'an prison.

Fearing that these two could not hold back, they rushed to Luoyang to find Cheng Saburo to have fun.

It's a pity that he is the kind of heavy duty his Royal Highness, and his wife is pregnant with twins.

Naturally, there is no way for me to leave Chang'an. Maybe I will have to wait for Brother Chu Bi to finish the Palace of the World.

In order to be able to jump to the Central Plains to appreciate the local customs, to appreciate the people's sentiments.

Because his father had discussed with him, he asked Cheng Saburo to gather all the things built in the palace, and he would rush back to Chang'an to prepare for the production of the Su clan.

Well, let's go. Since I'm looking for Brother Chubi, it's not a big deal.

"Fine, so be it, Yu Zhan's matter, this matter ends here."

Hearing this instruction from the generous Prince, Yu Zhan, who was in charge of the East Palace, was a little unhappy.

"But your Highness, they are clearly..."

"Gu understands that this is not a big deal. After they come back, the Gu will talk about them in person, um, that's it."

After saying this, Li Chengqian took his hands on his back and walked slowly towards the room where the Su family rested, leaving Yu Zhining and Ning Zhong behind.

Ning Zhong glanced at Yu Zhan who was in a very unbeautiful mood, his eyes rolled, and he couldn't help but vomit.

"His Royal Highness still protects Cheng Saburo so much."

Hearing Ning Zhong's meaningful words, Yu Zhanshi glanced at Ning Zhong, shook his head, and walked away quickly.

"Husband, what's the matter?" The Su clan couldn't help wondering when he saw that the husband was unconscious after entering the house.

Li Chengqian sat next to his wife Su and carefully tucked a thin blanket for her, which was helpless and authentic.

"Where did Weichi Baoqing and Qin Huaidao get sick, it was obvious that they went to Luoyang to find Brother Chubi and have fun on the grounds of illness."

Su Clan was stunned for a moment, and he turned to react, and couldn't help but whisper.

"...At this time, alas, my concubine remembered that this season should be the blooming season of Luoyang peony."

"In my early years, my concubine used to follow my father to Luoyang to appreciate peonies. It was so beautiful..."

Hearing the words of his beloved wife Su, Li Chengqian nodded suddenly, and whispered suspiciously when he felt that something was wrong.

"These brave and ruthless generals are actually interested in viewing flowers?"

"Everyone has the heart to love beauty, but my concubine remembers that before, General Cheng even caught the butterfly for our elephant to play with."

"But then the concubine asked Xianger if the beautiful little Caidie was released, but the kid said it was eaten, and said he was going to feed him with General Cheng together..."

"I ran away before finishing speaking, my concubine kept..."

Li Chengqian's expression changed, and he quickly interrupted and changed the subject. Never let the lady who loves butterflies know that those hapless butterflies have fallen into the mouth of ants.

When you look back, you have to confess to the elephant. If you want to suffer less skin and flesh, then don't reveal the irreconcilable things he did with Uncle Cheng.

"Ha, ah... yes yes yes, what the lady said is that everyone has a love for beauty, yes, brother Chu Bi is now in Luoyang."

"When he returns to Chang'an, I really have to ask him carefully about the beauty of Luoyang's full city peony."

Hearing what her husband said, Su Qiao smiled and nodded.

"The concubine still remembers that the poem written by General Cheng depicting Chang'an Qiuju in full bloom, coupled with the golden chrysanthemums full of Chang'an, is really beautiful."

"If General Cheng could also make a world-renowned masterpiece for Luoyang Peony, how good would it be..."

"Hey, the lady is right. She will write to Brother Chubi for a while, so that Brother Chubi can quickly find inspiration and try to write a masterpiece depicting Luoyang's full city peony."

"Is this suitable for my husband?" Su Clan could not help but hesitate when seeing his confident appearance.

"Madam, please be relieved. I promised my husband that he dared to pat his chest. As far as talent is concerned, Brother Chu Bi said that he was second, and he didn't dare to take the first place. Well, I really didn't dare to take the first place, hehehe..."

Seeing her husband smiling very sneaky, Su's face was dumb and cute.

Li Chengqian cleared his throat and muttered softly.

"Brother Chubi's Changhua is definitely this... Don't say a single song, it can be done by the Capital of Seven or Eight."

"As for other people who dare not take the first place..." Li Chengqian whispered to the lady's ear.

With a puff, Su Clan couldn't help but laugh out loud, and couldn't help but raise his hand and pat his husband.

Only then did Li Chengqian utter a sentence. "This is not just for the husband to make up for nothing. Who doesn't know about Chang'an. If you provoke the Cheng family, you won't be able to pass the year."


Chai Lingwu of Chai Shao's family disappeared, Li Qi of Li Keshi's family disappeared, Niu Weituo of Niu Jinda's family disappeared, and Yuchi Baoqing of Yuchi Gong's family disappeared.

Liu Renshi of Liu Hongji’s family disappeared, Li Zhen of Li Ji’s family disappeared, Qin Huaidao of Qin Qiong’s family disappeared, Fang Jun of Fang Xuanling’s family disappeared, Cheng Chuliang of Cheng Yaojin’s family disappeared...

Although in Chang'an, which has a population of over one million, this number is really small, but don't forget it.

These are a group of apex and noble children, and they can be regarded as Chang'an's top class. Suddenly they lost so much, and they didn't care at first.

However, after waiting for a day or two, it was discovered that this gang of Wuxun's children had lost so many people, and immediately some people began to talk about it.

After all, this group of Wuxun children mostly served in the army, and the generals quickly learned about the situation.

Although the elders of the Han and Tang Commercial Banks were surprisingly silent or tried to perfuse, they could not be suppressed after all.

Soon, Qin Huaidao and Yuchi Baoqing, two fat and strong Wuxun children, became ill, and a group of friends, friends and friends, used the pretext of sending their friends to Luoyang to see a doctor.

I rushed to the eastern capital of Luoyang to wave...

Of course, this news must have been fabricated without knowing the inside story, but such rumors have spread in Chang'an very quickly.

Then he stabbed directly into the palace and stabbed in front of the imperial case of the emperor of Datang.

Li Shimin wiped his face fiercely, and looked at the rumor sent by the embroiderer, and instantly felt that his brain was extremely painful.

"What's wrong with this?"

"The **** Cheng Saburo has already been taken to Luoyang. Why are these guys so sticky that kid?"

Empress Changsun, who was sitting next to her, also had a weird her bright eyes turned a few times, and her voice whispered in her husband's ear.

"Husband, what news is coming from Luoyang?"

"Luoyang, what do you mean... Zhao Kun, go, and take all the books that came from Luoyang for the past five days, no, nearly half a month."

Soon, Zhao Kun took a box from the cabinet on the side, and there was a record of news from Luoyang embroidered clothes ambassador.

Your Majesty will naturally go through it when he has spare time, and he won't appreciate the **** and **** of Cheng Saburo and King Wu in Luoyang without time.

After turning over for several days, Li Shimin couldn't help but wonder. "It's not right, it's normal. Those two boys just played cards every day and didn't do anything else."


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