The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1671: You are also the emperor anyway, can you not be so straightforward...

Empress Changsun bit her red lips and couldn't help but glared at her husband with anger.

Li Shimin laughed helplessly, continued to check the content, turning his face black.

He saw it, and saw an embarrassing message in the embroiderer's report.

Cheng Saburo's cheeky blatantly bribed Wang Shaojian, who will serve as a prisoner with food, and asked him to write some flattery.

This kid is still so shameless, no, it should be called Tian shameless.

After reading through it, I finally saw that Cheng Saburo had a bold idea and a bold plan...

Li Shimin stared blankly at the detailed description of the embroidered clothes ambassador, and inside it was that Cheng Saburo was preparing to call friends and call friends to sweep the Chinese language altar.

Let the original "Luoyang Peony Elegant Collection" become the "Luoyang Peony Han and Tang Commercial Firm Talents and Elegant Collection."

Seeing this, Li Shimin wiped his face and slapped the case viciously.

"The old man knows that he can't get rid of those two bastards."

Empress Changsun took the news from her husband, and after reading it carefully, she didn't know what to say for a long time.

"How could Cheng Saburo come up with such a weird means of revenge?"

Li Shimin sipped a sip of chrysanthemum and wolfberry tea, which is good for liver and eyesight, and collapsed on the couch, helplessly authentic.

"Hehe, that kid's method has never been passed through."

The corner of Empress Changsun's eyes has been looking at her husband's micro-expression, while tentatively speaking in a low voice.

"My husband, what should I do with this matter?"

Li Shimin chuckled, his expression revealing a wicked joke.

"What to deal with? Deal with Cheng Saburo, a civilian who has not violated Tang law?"

"Or to deal with those Luoyang merchants who also didn't break the law, and those aristocratic families who are hiding behind the calculations?"

"None of them violated the Tang law, and I can't deal with anyone, just because they can watch the excitement with peace of mind."

Hearing what her husband said, Empress Changsun couldn't help but raise her hand and stroke her forehead.

This is the truth, but you are also the emperor anyway, can you stop watching the excitement with such arrogance?

But at this moment Li Shimin didn't care about so many, he continued to smile with joy and misfortune, and he didn't understand his hatred.

"That kid is right, the palace construction is up and down, and the merchants in Luoyang are in trouble at all times. It is clear that they have been instigated.

Raise the price, or simply not sell the goods to Cheng Saburo. "

"The aristocratic families in the Central Plains, on the surface, are conscientious, but in private, they still don't move."

"With that kid's temper, I can bear it down, the old man admires him a little.

I never thought, once this kid gets revenge, tut tut..."

Empress Changsun nodded appreciatively. "It's also time to beat and beat them. If you make a move with your husband, it would seem inappropriate."

"This Cheng Saburo shot, but, hey, my concubine doesn't know how to describe it..."

"When I think of the ten or so martial arts children at the peony festival in Luoyang, the eastern capital, they swept the Chinese language world with their talents, and the concubine's scalp was numb."

"This time, the Luoyang Peony Festival, if it really makes Cheng Sanlang and the son of Wuxun make a mess."

"I really don't know if those Central Plains talents have the courage to go to Luoyang again next year."

Li Shimin chuckled out loudly and slapped his lap severely on his thigh.

Also, "Luoyang Peony Elegant Collection" is a collection of some excellent works of poetry and poetry, and I have not seen too much in these years.

If it is full of talent, Cheng Saburo, who can create outstanding literary works with a fierce hit, is like letting his father face up with that honorable minister in the past.

Tsk tusk tusk...I am afraid that it will be at least three to five years. If the Chinese language community cannot have a masterpiece, doesn't it mean that a bunch of cultivators can't hold their heads up?

Thinking of such a big scene, Li Shimin was really taken aback, and he couldn't wait to jump directly to Luoyang to watch the excitement.

Take a look at the erudite, versatile and talented gentlemen sent by the family of poets and heirs.

How did he get a slap in the face by a bunch of rough men who only know about drinking and playing punches.

"It's a pity, it's a pity that I have to prepare for the east tour, otherwise, I really want to visit Luoyang privately.

Take a look at how the children of the Wu family have made their name in the Chinese language altar, hahaha..."

Zhao Kun, who was standing outside the Temple of Ganlu, heard the laughter of His Majesty from time to time in the temple, and couldn't help but feel a bit of toothache.

Needless to guess, it must have been Cheng Sanlang who was doing things in Luoyang, the eastern capital, but his majesty would be happy to see what he did.

Otherwise, your Majesty would not laugh so much, but maybe his black face, stomping his toes, and pointing his fingers to the east.

Empress Changsun shook her head helplessly when she saw her husband's smile.

But having said that, what the husband said, she was really taken aback, and wanted to see it, um... forget it.

After all, the husband is still here, so I can't just leave him alone just to have a good time.

Besides, if UU reading went on her own, it would be strange that Li Mingda didn't stick to it.

There is also the father-emperor who likes to join in the fun, maybe he will also jump over, um, the scene is too difficult to control.


The manager of Jinyang Printing House is now standing in front of those water-powered printing machines.

Looking at the original white Chengjia paper, it passed the mechanical printing, and it was densely covered with clear fonts.

It is eight pages printed at a time. You only need to wait until it is dry and cut with a big guillotine to turn it into neat pages.

Today's hydraulic printing machinery has been improved to the 3.0 version.

Many wear parts have been replaced by bronze casting parts.

The durability of the machine is greatly improved, and the failure rate is also reduced a lot.

The manager picked up a printed piece of paper and carefully looked at the content there. The typeface of this type of lead type was naturally smaller than the handwritten type.

But every handwriting is very clear, and it will not be dirty and make people unclear.

After examining a few pages, the steward put the piece of paper back with satisfaction, and continued to move to the other side, to the place responsible for making the cover.

I saw a few large characters on the dark and thick cover: "Luoyang Peony Pavilion."

Then, under the big characters, there was a line of small characters that read: the author Shandong Songyu, Changan Pan'an.

Seeing these two pen names that screamed Tiantian, the manager's face was very strange, and he took a breath with a toothache.

What can I do, although these two pen names are so hot-eyed, they have been frequently appearing in the "Changan Xunbao".

Almost every issue is not published, and in the past few years, the "Changan Xunbao" has almost become a Datang Food Tourism and Business Guide.

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