The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1672: "Luoyang...

It is not depicting the various cuisines, teas, wines, and scenery of Jiannan Road or Jiaozhou.

I'm just telling everyone what is missing and what kind of goods are needed in the south-central area of ​​Jiannan Road or Jiaozhou.

Or what kind of goods need to be sold, high quality and low price, large quantity favorably.

But having said that, although the "Changan Xunbao" has become less and less like a literary newspaper, its popularity has not diminished in the slightest.

Even in Chang'an and the entire Guanzhong, even Luoyang, every issue will sell tens of thousands of copies to Luoyang.

It is said that there are second sellers who sell the "Changan Xunbao" to the south of the Yangtze River or to the land of Jinyang or Youyan in the north.

As for the former rival, "Chang'an Collected Works" is still half-dead, and even the distribution scale has not seen any expansion.

It has almost become an elegant book for the talents of those great families, um, they bought it.

At most, there are some old drivers who like high-tech literature who are willing to pay, or some arty people use it to pretend to be forced.

The steward inspected the busy printing workshops and carefully counted the days. Fortunately, the "Luoyang Peony Pavilion" has not many words.

Therefore, two days later, it is completely possible to send the 5,000 copies of "Luoyang Peony Pavilion" that Cheng San Gongzi wanted to Luoyang.

Naturally, he has appreciated this manuscript. Although the whole book is only seventy to eighty thousand words, the content is so wonderful that people can't put it down.


There is as much abuse as it is. This is a moving story told in the tone of a white-haired general.

It is about the last years of the Sui Dynasty. The speaker is a good friend of his, just like him, an ordinary low-level officer of the Sui Army.

However, his friend was excellent in martial arts, only because he was not from a family, and he was not promoted for a long time.

At the Peony Pavilion in the south of Tongtuofang in the north of Luoyang city, his career was frustrated, and he was useless, and he was depressed and met a beloved girl.

When this Sui army officer started talking about marriage with the beloved girl, the turmoil in the late Sui Dynasty began.

The whole world is in turmoil, and Luoyang, the eastern capital of the Central Plains, has become a battlefield that has been frustrated.

The young officer, who was ensnared, became Wang Shichong's subordinate. He saw Wang Shichong's brutality, and then went through wars.

The girl was snatched by Wang Shichong's generals to be a concubine, and the officer gathered a group of brothers to kill and saved the girl.

Originally, they thought they could escape from birth, and they all ran to the shore of Luoshui, but as a result, a friend betrayed him and informed Wang Jun.

In the face of countless Wang Shichong soldiers, this superhuman officer rushed in and out, and finally had to retreat with her to the Peony Pavilion because of the injury of his beloved woman.

In the end, he and his beloved woman, who were already covered in blood, ended their lives under the Peony Pavilion where they first met.

And their blood dripped on the blooming peony, turning into a bleak red and white color.

And this speaker, the comrade who accompanied him, was unconscious because of serious injuries, and was thrown into Luoshui by Wang Jun as a corpse.

He escaped a catastrophe with his extraordinary wateriness, then joined the glorious Datang Wuben army and fought back to Luoyang.

In the end, he took care of the general Wang Shichong who let his comrades-in-arms and lover be in the Peony Pavilion.

He went to the Peony Pavilion to pay homage to his good brother. At this time, he was surprised to find the white peony in the Peony Pavilion.

The flowers blooming now are all red and white broken colored peonies, just like the blood dripping from a comrade-in-arms and his beloved woman...

The whole story climaxed one after another, and it was like a tear-jerking one to see the kind of explosion.

This manager who was over 40 years old, when he finished reading "Luoyang Peony Pavilion", he was already crying, and he couldn't put it down with a pair of red eyes.

But when I saw that the book at the end of the book was fictitious, any similarities were purely coincidental.

The manager who was in charge of the entire Jinyang Printing House suddenly felt very evil in his heart, so he directly crossed out this sentence.

He felt that such a thing must be true. Otherwise, how could he be so touching, even an old driver who has been in the printing industry for many years was moved like this. Could this be fake?

Well, even if there are places where there is artistic processing and artistic exaggeration, there have definitely been love stories of joy and sorrow like this.

Besides, I don’t write early and don’t write late. Those two coquettish nobles did not write until they arrived in Luoyang. They must have prototypes, otherwise, where is the source of inspiration?


A voice similar to working as a carpenter came from outside the house, which made Li Ke helplessly open his eyes.

Unexpectedly, someone would disturb me after a nap, but at this time, I heard the sound of communication from outside.

It seemed that Brother Chu Bi was muttering with whom, and he didn't know how to stay away. UU reading www.

Li Ke yawned greatly, and after putting on his outer clothes, he pushed aside the room and saw Brother Chu Bi, a Cheng family, and Li De.

Three people were manipulating their wheelchairs there.

Li Ke couldn't help being surprised and walked over. I saw Brother Chu Bi on the wheelchair, punched his eyes, and fastened a leather belt to it.

"Brother Chubi, what are you doing?"

"Brother Xian, you're awake, come here, and quickly try the wheelchair I made for you with a seat belt."

Li Ke directly said with joy. "Seat belt, can this thing be invulnerable?"

However, seeing that brother Chu Bi was eager to help him out, he still took the initiative to sit in the wheelchair wittily.

Cheng Chubi took up the seat belt and fixed Li Ke's two thighs and calves to the wheelchair.

Li Ke looked at his two immovable legs with a dazed expression. What kind of fable is this special lady doing.

Cheng Chubi looked at the brown-painted wheelchair and Li Ke, who was fixed to the wheelchair.

Then I saw the leather seat belts tied on his two legs, so he had two seat belts in each of his hands.

Then, on his head, there is also a holster to fix his head, or a masked holster.

Pull two more wires behind the wheelchair, press a switch, or use a hand-held switch.'s the style of the electric chair from the First World War, but Li Ke is at best an unscrupulous waste.

There are no serious mistakes, no serious crimes, so naturally he is not qualified to be on the electric chair, but he might consider a visit to the Lightning King Yang.

After all, the addiction of this guy who likes to visit Goulan Pavilion is a bit too big, and I don't know if Raiden can cure this addiction.

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