The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1674: You still need to rehearse and rehearse well.

At dusk, about an hour after Gao Yang arrived at Zhengjiazhuang, a group of young talents from the Han and Tang dynasties were all fat and sturdy.

Finally, surrounded by a group of relatives and guards, he jumped to Zhengjiazhuang in the northwest of Luoyang.

And Fang Jun was riding close to Zhengjiazhuang, laughing and joking with a bunch of brothers.

Suddenly, the person next to him who inherited his father's bird-fighting hobby, with bright eyes, suddenly yelled.

"Brother Jun, your wife."

Fang Jun glared at Li Qi unhappily, then lifted his eyes subconsciously.

"Don't let me be silly. My daughter-in-law?!"

What did he see? He saw the second floor of the two-story tea house at the entrance of Zhengjiazhuang.

Even though he was wearing a hoodie, he could still clearly see the bright eyes and teeth, and he was smiling at himself.

He is his wife, and the princess Gao Yang who is naughty in affection with him.

"How is this possible?!" Fang Jun grinned exaggeratedly. When he left, his wife kept telling herself to go to show her talents, and don't worry about home.

And when he rode his horse to leave home, it was the lady Gao Yang who stood at the gate of the mansion to see off in person.

But now, his wife Gao Yang was standing on the second floor of this teahouse, waving a hand at herself.

At this moment, Cheng Chubi was sitting in the wheelchair with his face like a crown jade, but it was His Royal Highness King Wu, whose belly grows more and more gratifying, coming out of the teahouse.

Wu Wang Li Ke also specially held a light feather fan in his hand, with a suave look, but his smile looked a little waved, very proud.

"Brothers, you let me and Brother Chu Bi wait..."


Brother Yigan finally gathered in Luoyang again. Cheng Chubi asked people to take out the banxian drunk, and started cooking by himself, and the brothers ate each other.

And the one who drank the least today was naturally the Gao Yang and Fang Jun who rushed to Luoyang to meet her husband after seeing off her husband in Chang'an.

Even when the young couple was drinking and eating meat, they were still frolicking and whispering.

"Since you are coming, my lady, why don't you say hello to me..." Fang Jun whispered.

"The concubine is not worried that you are unhappy."

"Hehe, how could you be happy to come over, why would I be unhappy?"

Just as the husband and wife opened their eyes, Cheng Saburo picked up the wine glass and wandered over.

"Come here, I will toast you and your wife a drink, and Brother Jun, I have a bold idea for my brother.

I have already discussed with your wife, cough, with Her Royal Highness Gao Yang. "

"His Royal Highness is also very interested in this project to be able to have a talent show with your husband and wife, and then it depends on whether you are happy."

Fang Jun glanced at his wife Gao Yang with a bewildered expression, and then at the brother Chu Bi, who looked confused.

Cheng Chubi happily slapped Fang Jun's shoulder. "I've already told your wife about the matter. Let her tell you."

"If you discuss a result and talk to Cheng later, I will prepare."

"At that time, you and your husband will need to rehearse and rehearse well, and strive to shine at the Luoyang Peony Festival."

Gao Yang nodded his head vigorously, then quietly stretched out his claws, and scratched Husband Naojun's palm under the case.

"The third brother of the Cheng family, don't worry, our husband and wife will discuss it carefully and give you an answer as soon as possible."

Fang Jun, who was so close that half of his body was almost crunched by the affection of the lady, heard the lady whisper in his ear.

If you want to sing, you have to perform, but the problem is that you don’t have any talent for acting?

But seeing his wife looking at herself with pitiful eyes, she kept encouraging herself.

One of the first two big Fang Jun finally sighed helplessly. "Come on, let's go, I will try for my husband."

Gao Yang couldn't help feeling happy when he heard this, and his eyes waved. If it weren't for the crowds, I'm afraid they would all want to kiss her husband's sharp, tough face.


At the moment in Luoyang City, peony flowers are blooming again and again, and in Luoyang City, many people in front of and behind their houses are also blooming various peonies one after another.

The peony flowers are in full bloom, which also represents the coming of the Luoyang Peony Festival, and more and more people come from all over the world.

While admiring the flowers, while carrying on the conception of literary creation, of course, there are also many literary writers who are not high in literary creation, but with a high level of consumption.

They frequently linger at Si Gong Fang, which is located next to Luoyang North City, causing the Si Gong Fang, which was originally a good business, to be very popular now.

Even the flower boats on the Luoshui River have opened a dozen more, and many places are still brightly lit at night.

In Luoyang, Cui Luoyang was also very considerate of the people's livelihood and allowed the people to wave for a long time on the night before and after the peony event, before the curfew started at midnight.

Of course, compared to the ordinary sorrows, talents from aristocratic families have also begun to show their faces in Luoyang.

Each of the talents of these aristocratic families represents the face of a family that has been passed down for hundreds of years.

Therefore, not only the demeanor and demeanor, but also the talents of each of them are undoubtedly top talents in the family.

During this time, the unmarried young ladies in Luoyang were also dazzled by the handsome little milk dogs who came from all over.

After all, the gentleman, huddled in the house all day holding books and studying hard, it is rare to see the sun once, and there is no effect of light aging.

In addition, they are young people with white teeth and red lips, which fits the definition of a little milk dog.

Anyone who looks older, or has thick eyebrows and a square-faced face, of course can't be called a little milk dog. It belongs to another type of young lady likes.

Um... stop talking about gossip, UU reading www.uukanshu. At this moment, the land along the river south of Tongtuofang is not far from the Peony Pavilion.

A restaurant near the Tianjin Bridge, which is horizontally framed above Luoshui River, is undergoing major renovation.

A shopkeeper not far away was stroking his long beard, whispering to another tea shop owner standing aside.

"Treasurer Zhao, what's going on, although his business can't say how good it can be, it's not bad.

A few days ago, he also showed me that he was going to refurbish the restaurant, and strive to make a good profit during the Peony Festival. "

"Why did the restaurant suddenly change hands?"

The owner of the tea shop saw it with a shrewd face, stroking his long beard, and raised his brows proudly to show the inside story he knew.

"You don't know this, right? Lao Zhao's restaurant was bought at three times the price.

You said that if anyone is willing to spend the price of a shop in North Market and buy your shop, would you be willing to sell it? "

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