The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1675: 1 stop to Si Gongfang, self-declared home, ha ha...

"Triple?" The shop owner took a breath of toothache, and couldn't help being a little jealous. "Only his restaurant has been open for many years."

"The taste is not good, and the business is not good, who is willing to make such a price?"

"Hehe, I really took a lot of money, it's the Chai Guanshi of the Luoyang branch of the Hantang Commercial Bank."

"Han and Tang Commercial Banks are really bad enough to waste money. With so much money, why not go to Beishi to buy it?"

"Who knows."

"You don't know, but the old man knows?"

"Oh, it was originally the shopkeeper Gu, what are you going to tell me?"

"I heard that it was the major shareholder of their Han and Tang Commercial Bank, that is, Cheng Saburo. I heard that the Luoyang Peony Festival will be held in this area this year."

"So let the steward Chai come here and buy the restaurant. It is said that he is going to do something big."

"What's wrong with them? The Luoyang Peony Festival will choose another place every year. I will be here this year, and I will not be here next year. Wouldn't they be blinded if they buy it?"

At the moment when the neighborhood of the restaurant was arguing, Cheng Chubi was standing on the second floor, watching the craftsmen, removing all the elegant partitions facing the west, which is the large open area on the north bank of Tianjin Bridge.

And only the supporting beams and columns and the railings below are left, and the rest of the decorations are all removed.

The location here is excellent, and the important thing is that you can have a sweeping view of Tianjin Qiaobei area. And the Peony Pavilion is not far away.

Standing next to Cheng Chubi, Li Zhen, who came over under the name of help, couldn't help feeling a little bit painful after hearing Cheng Chubi's description of the day of the event.

"Brother Chubi, wait until that night, don't our brothers go out to show up?"

Cheng Chubi looked at this veteran driver like Li Ke, and Li Zhen, who could not go to the pavilion every day, spoke earnestly and honestly.

"Lu, you have to show it, and you have to show it blatantly...Of course it's not the kind of exposure of the young lady with arms and legs."

"..." Li Zhen's face turned dark, and he showed his arms and legs. Lao Tzu could at best see if others showed up, but it must be of the opposite sex, and there must be an age limit.

"Brother virtuous, can you be more serious, for my brother, I'm talking serious with you."

Unexpectedly, Li Zhen, the Langhuo, also had a serious day when he said serious things. Cheng Chubi said haha.

"Cheng Chengcheng, no kidding, actually, brother, I am thinking of you brothers."

"Hide you first, and only show your name. Everyone will definitely be curious and even criticize."

"The sorrows and moks in the Central Plains, as well as the flamboyant young ladies in Na Si Gongfang, will definitely be thinking in their hearts..."

"Hey, where did this little-known rough man got it from?"

"How dare you be in our eastern capital, Luoyang, wanting to crack down on our Chinese language forum?"

Listening to Cheng Chubi's squeaky and crooked, Li Zhen and several Wu Xun's children who were walking with him had black lines on their faces, if it weren't for the fat and strong Cheng family nearby.

Regarding that everyone's talents need to be provided by Cheng Saburo, I really want to kick the kid.

But everyone understands what Cheng Saburo means, that is, first stir up the atmosphere, stir up, stir up.

Let the unhappy talents of the Chinese and the original language circles, the writers and the writers show their true ability one after another.

Then, when they were slapped in the face with literary works by the rough masters, they were killed.

In this way, the effect will be even more sensational. Similarly, the rewards brought by huge risks are naturally very generous.

At that time, as long as your brothers take the posture of conquerors, stop at Na Si Gongfang and report to their homes, ha ha...

Li Zhen's eyes were almost red, and of course he was not moved, but was stimulated.

There are also Chai Lingwu, as well as Liu Renshi and Li Qi, who like to talk to the unfamiliar young ladies who like to have a beautiful face.

Hearing Cheng Saburo's alluring explanation, Li Qi looked at Cheng Chubi eagerly.

"Brother Chubi, it's all up to you, if you can't come up with the final word.

Looking back, our gang of brothers, then we can only jump back to Chang'an with a disgraced face, and faceless will come to Luoyang again. "

"Don't worry, Cheng will definitely not embarrass you brothers."

"However, you have been shopping around, and the city has also entered. Hurry up and give me a joint training."

"Brothers, you must not forget. Although our brothers are the main fame, we must also make a name for our Han and Tang firms."

"Don't worry, as long as your poems are strong, virtuous brother, the original language is just a little bit, I will not wait for it."

Seeing this group of friends, friends and friends who were walking away happily and happily, Cheng Chubi couldn't help rolling his eyes.

As the saying goes, if you don't want to give up your children, you can't catch wolves, and if you don't put more bait, you can't hold back the shareholders of this group of Hantang Commercial Bank.

Cheng Chubi stood on the second floor under reconstruction, stretched his head out, and saw the eye-catching Peony Pavilion outside along the river.

However, besides the peony flowers, the peony pavilion of UU reading is also very ordinary. Even next to the pavilion, there are actually a few small vegetable plots.

Plants are all things like coriander. It seems that the talent for growing vegetables everywhere is passed down in the blood of the Chinese nation.

Cheng Chubi remembers that when his grandfather was a child, he also used the most big **** at the door of his house, well, the muddy land less than one meter in length and width.

I actually planted dog meat, chives, and coriander. When cooking at home and forgetting to buy spices, I open the door and just pull a few roots to solve the big problem.

This is all considered good. Cheng Chubi has even seen some families use flower pots to carry chives, and even grow peppers and tomatoes...

It seems that diligence and thrift, self-reliance, and plenty of food have always been the virtues of the Chinese nation.

Cheng Chubi wondered if he should also turn over the soil at the entrance of the teahouse of the expropriated Zhengjiazhuang, and add a variety of spices.

After all, when you make game yourself, you often use spice like dog meat. That stuff grows fast, and the more you pick it, the more you pick it.

"Brother Chubi, Brother Chubi?" A shout came from behind him, and he turned his head, but Fang Jun and his mother-in-law walked over, holding hands side by side.

Cheng Chubi took a leap, strode forward, and said after paying a tribute to the young couple.

"We are short on time and heavy tasks. Cheng will not be polite with you. You stand here and don't move around."

Fang Jun and Gao Yang Yiyan stood at the position designated by Cheng Chubi, and Cheng Chubi hooked their fingers towards Deng Chengxin, who was next to them.

Deng Chengxin hurriedly brought the script over. Naturally, Cheng Saburo drank and ate meat with Brother Yipiao yesterday and played cards until midnight.

After returning to his house, it took almost half an hour to create a stage script with painstaking effort.

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