The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1676: Still want to sweep the Chinese language arena, is it possible that they are...

After all, Cheng Saburo, who knows stage plays best in this era, feels that it is definitely enough for him to spend half an hour.

After all, I’m not serious about stage plays, so why should I be so serious and responsible?

Everyone just watched the excitement, mainly to arouse everyone's emotions, but also to create more opportunities for emotional exchanges between the couple.

After all, Cheng Chubi was very vigilant. After all, Gao Yang jumped to Luoyang by himself, which was enough to prove that this girl was not so courageous.

Therefore, in order to increase the sense of collective honor of their young couple, and also to make the publicity effect more sensational, this stage play was put on.

Finally, it is necessary for Fang Jun to use his already famous smoke voice in Chang'an to let these Luoyang comrades and ordinary people see the beauty of the singing voice of the Fang singer.

Cheng Chubi, who was holding the script in his hand, circled the young couple, arguing critically like a personal trafficker.

"Brother Jun, turn around, yes, face your daughter-in-law, but keep your head higher and try to show your chin."

"His Royal Highness, put one hand on your husband's chest, um...Don't be so close, step back a little, then lower your head a little bit, perfect."

"Has Painter Zhao come? Come up quickly, draw for me, just draw outlines, and trace the outlines of their husband and wife. I have great use..."

When the painter Zhao followed Cheng Sanlang's instructions, the silhouettes of the man and the woman were perfectly outlined.

Just hurry up for post-processing, and Cheng Saburo praised the young couple loudly.

"The male protagonist is tall and brave, while the female lead is petite and exquisite. Well, the image is perfect, which fits the image of the male and female protagonists in "Luoyang Peony Pavilion."

Cheng Chubi pulled up a piece of white cloth again, stood in the backlight, let them advance and retreat, and began to make various adjustments.

I also recorded all the things I need to pay attention to afterwards, which is useful for application during rehearsal.


Inside a high-end restaurant in Luoyang, a gang of people and people are calling for fun.

There are still some people who are thinking hard at the moment, creating their own heart-wrenching works for the upcoming Luoyang Peony Festival.

At this time, a young man talked to his friends about the rumors he heard today.

"My friends, have you heard about it? It is said that a bunch of talents have come from Chang'an, and they are going to sweep the Chinese language altar at our Luoyang Peony Festival."

"What?! What kind of talents dare to speak so loudly, is it possible that the talents of the Guanlong family are not successful?"

"No, no, I heard that they are talents from a group of military commanders."

"Puff... virtuous brother, can you please don't tease me?"

"Brother, brother, I really don't talk nonsense. It is said that it is the children of Wuxun headed by Cheng Saburo.

I intend to let us in the Central Plains, see the literary attainments and demeanor of those Wu family children, um, this is the original words. "

"...Are they crazy or something? A bunch of vulgar martial artists also want to come to Luoyang to make trouble."

"That is, I still want to sweep the Chinese and original texts, huh, is it possible that they came with a knife?"

In an instant, a burst of wild laughter one after another, spread throughout the restaurant, but such rumors, but more than one place.

It can be said that in just a few days, even the dogs in Luoyang City who can understand people know that a group of Wu family children have arrived in Chang'an.

It is stated that they will be above the Luoyang Peony Festival, and use their talents to sweep the Chinese original text.

According to the leaked news, it is said that this gang, which claims to be sweeping the Chinese language altar, is headed by the famous Cheng Saburo.

It seems that even Wang Li Ke, who was murdered by an assassin outside Luoyang city some time ago, was seriously injured and dying, and now his body is gradually recovering.

In addition, there are many children of the Wu family who are famous on the Lingyan Pavilion list and are members of this gang.

This kind of news has made the Luoyang literary world and even the talents of the Chinese and original texts sneer, but everyone is only strategically contemptuous, but tactically they still attach great importance to it.

Just like at this moment, in the very lively Miaomei Pavilion in Nasi Gongfang, a young talent from the Cui family of Qinghe is holding a picture-like, gentle-looking young lady in one hand, and is fed by this young lady. I drank a sip of wine by myself.

After two silly laughter, his expression was serious and authentic.

"My dear brothers, even though the children of the martial arts family, in my eyes, are just a bunch of people who kill dogs."

"However, the two of Cheng Saburo and His Royal Highness Wu, I must not be underestimated."

"My brother is right, Xiao has read those poems by Cheng Saburo, and each of them is a classic masterpiece that is endlessly sung."

"And that His Royal Highness King Wu is also a talented generation, although he has not seen his work, but his Majesty can be described as a prince of the British fruit class, it must not be a general generation."

"The words of the two virtuous brothers, Zheng also deeply agrees, even though Cheng Saburo from UU reading www.uukā is a rude martial artist."

"But his attainments in poetry, I really don't know how many literati."

"Now, the rumors that the children of the Wu family are going to sweep the literary world are coming out, and I wait for the talents of the Central Plains to deal with it carefully."

"If this is the case, the Luoyang Peony Festival will really make Cheng Saburo dominate, hehe...what else do I have?"

"It's just... the children of the Wu family, what kind of stuff, I'm afraid that they didn't even read the Analects, so how could they compete with me?

What I need to pay attention to is the two of Cheng Saburo and Wu Wang. "

"Listen, Cheng Saburo had a poem circulating before, and the person who can write the "Three Character Classic" is really not to be underestimated."

"You are all the leaders of our family of talents. For this year's Luoyang Peony Festival, you must work together to defend against powerful enemies."

"This son, Cheng Sanlang, must not let his poems appear on the "Luoyang Peony Collection."

As a local snake in Luoyang, he is also the backbone of the Zheng family, and is responsible for receiving Zheng Chang, who is a talent of the Central Plains family.

Seeing all the talents of the aristocratic family at this moment are full of fighting spirit, eager to fist, and they all want to fight Cheng Saburo against each other, suddenly my heart is slightly relieved.

At almost the same time, the second master of the Zheng family was at Cui Luoyang at the moment.

The two of them sat in the pavilion, dressed in casual clothes, and they were driven away early. Only the two of them sipped the grape wine with ice fish and talked quietly.

"Brother brother, I have heard that there are nine top Wuxun children from Chang'an.

In Chang'an, impeachment of their young people for slack and malfeasance continued. "

"But all were suppressed by your majesty. It seems that this time, your majesty has intentions to watch the excitement."

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