The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1677: Where did the strange little milk dog that popped out, unexpectedly grow this...

Cui Luoyang stroked his tight eyebrows and sighed faintly.

"Cui is a little worried, this is not a bunch of young people on a whim, but the majesty's conspiracy."

"Huh? Yangmou..." The second master of the Zheng family looked at Cui Luoyang with a gloomy expression on his face.

What kind of conspiracy can be carried out by a sordid conspiracy, such as a vulgar swordsman who only knows how to drink and fist, and can't move his hands and feet?

Seeing the dull look of the second master of the Zheng family, Cui Luoyang, who believes that both IQ and EQ are a bit higher than the other party, has a sense of superiority in his heart.

Decided to mention the other party, and vomit by the way, to express his inner depression.

"If that group of young and vigorous vulgar martial artists have your majesty backing them up, they will make a big fuss in Luoyang on the day of the Luoyang Peony Festival."

"At that time, what do you think Cui should do, dispose of it or not?"

"This, of course, must be dealt with." The second master of the Zheng family said without hesitation.

"If you don't deal with it, let's not say that it is from Chang'an. I am afraid that the people in Luoyang will not agree."

"Well, the nine top Wuxun children of the Tang Dynasty have all made trouble, you say, I have to deal with it all?"

"If you add that Cheng Saburo, and the Royal Highness of King Wu..."

Hearing Cui Luoyang's words, the second master of the Zheng family felt that his scalp was numb, and he couldn't breathe.

"Well, doesn't this have to face the anger of nine or even ten important court officials?"

", what do you think Choi should do?"

The second grandfather Zheng began to think, stroking his three long beards and whispered.

"Does your majesty want to prevent our Luoyang Peony Festival this time?"

Cui Luoyang let out a cold snort, nodded slightly and said softly.

"Perhaps there is such an idea, but virtuous brother, this Luoyang peony event has not been interrupted since this dynasty."

"If only because of the arrival of those Wuxun children, we would anxiously announce that the Luoyang Peony Festival will not be held this year. What do you think will happen to you and me?"

Master Zheng Er almost broke off three strands of his long beard, inhaling with a toothache, it turned out to be Yangmou.

Your Majesty may be satisfied and comfortable over there, but the question is what should I do with Cui Luoyang?

If it is from other aristocratic families, seeing the words of the Zheng clan in Xingyang, the people are so embarrassed, I am afraid that the entire Zheng clan will be despised or even excluded by the aristocratic families.

And Cui Luoyang, the competent official promoted by the Qinghe Cui clan, will also disappoint the family with fear of the matter.

It is even possible that it will make it difficult for him to get the asylum of the family, and may even lose more because of it.

"Fine, let's not scare ourselves, we can only take one step at a time, but brother Xian, you must tell those family talents."

"We must let them do their best to press the box this year, and don't let them succeed."

"The Luoyang Peony Festival is a place for literary struggles. If the gang of Wuxun children dare to fool around, the officials don't want official hats on their heads, and they can't let them fool around."

After hearing Cui Luoyang's words, Master Zheng Er naturally understood what he meant.

"Brother don't worry, I will definitely help my brother. In addition, I will say hello to the following, so that the merchants in Luoyang will come up with more things to win prizes this year. In order to inspire the literary talents..."


Time has finally advanced to the day of the event in Luoyang, and on this day, Han and Tang Commercial Banks sent a large number of people to hand out small flyers.

The main idea is to tell everyone, tonight, before the Luoyang Peony Festival, next to the peony pavilion.

Ye has been renamed the Peony Pavilion Restaurant of the Han and Tang Commercial Banks, and there will be a grand performance. Everyone is welcome to come and enjoy it.

Because the Luoyang Peony Festival will begin every year after four quarters of the hour, and this year is no exception.

The performance of the Peony Pavilion Restaurant was arranged at the turn of the Youxu, and the venue of this year's Luoyang Peony Festival was really held only two hundred steps away.

In other words, you only need to quietly enjoy the grand performance here, and you can wait for the Luoyang Peony Festival to be held with a twist of your hips.

When this unprepared news reached Cui Luoyang and the second master of the Zheng family, it was already less than six hours before the opening of the Luoyang Peony Festival, and it was impossible to temporarily transfer the venue.

However, Cui Luoyang had considered that the Wu family children who had jumped over by Chang'an would make a demon moth, so he had made sufficient preparations.

As long as they are really performing, then let them go, regardless of whether they are dancing in the hotel or wearing a loincloth.

As long as it doesn't interfere with the activities of the Luoyang Peony Festival, anyway, today, everyone is relying on artistic talents and poems.

Time was advancing bit by bit, and Cheng Saburo and a group of brothers had already entered the city, and they had come to their respective positions and were ready.

It's just that Yiping originally thought that he should be standing in a place where he would face the top, under the eyes of everyone, the rough masters who chanted poems in public.

At the moment, I can only stay aggrieved in that restaurant, taking care of their musical instruments.


As time gets closer, there are more and more people around here, and even the Tianjin Bridge is full of people coming to watch the excitement.

It is the talents of the great family, who are all surrounded by relatives, and they come to this restaurant and want to see what the **** the sordid martial arts from Chang'an want to do here. Moth.

Just when the time was about to arrive at the turn of the Youxu, a large number of fat and strong guards who seemed to be absolutely not kind, finally cleared a large area on the Tianjin Bridge.

At this moment, a very beautiful melody suddenly sounded in the Peony Pavilion restaurant.

With the sound of the melody, the noisy sorrows, mosques and the people gradually became quiet.

Soon, a wheelchair was slowly coming from the south. UU Reading www.uukā, a very pale but very handsome boy who was dressed in a creamy white brocade and jade belt, sat in that wheelchair...

This turbulent Shijia son was very handsome, even a bit prettier than many of the women present.

A group of onlookers looked at each other and pointed.

Fortunately, the protagonist guards who are fat and strong are by no means good are maintaining order, and there is no commotion in the scene.

Those family talents, one of them couldn't help feeling a little jealous, the strange little milk dog who jumped out from where they were actually so beautiful.

However, what comforted the Yigan family a little bit is that this little milk dog is handsome and handsome, but his belly is quite a bit spicy.

Accompanied by the sound of music, the wheelchair of the turbid Shijia son has already arrived in Tianjin Qiaobei. He seemed to point to some wonders.

The stiff attendant behind him pushed him to the Peony Pavilion, just as his wheelchair passed the few vegetable borders.

Suddenly, a very deep and extraordinarily loud voice came from the restaurant.

"Who is Baiyu, return to Tianjin to cross Tianjin. Watching Hua Dongmo, alarming Luoyang people..."

And every time that person chanted a sentence, he would hang down a piece of white silk from the second floor of the restaurant, which happened to be the poem he chanted...

When these four sentences were over, the sound of music suddenly became loud.

From the roof of the second floor of the restaurant, a piece of white silk was hung down so huge that it almost completely covered the face of the restaurant's door.

On the white silk, there are a few big characters with rich colors: Luoyang Peony Pavilion.

And the following authors: Song Yu from Shandong, Pan An from Changan...

And beside these words, there are the outlines of a man and a woman. The man stands upright and the woman is delicate...

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