The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1678: "Luoyang Peony Pavilion" sitcom performance officially opened...

The people of Luoyang, as well as the people who came from all directions, have never seen such an opening.

The kind of opening they imagined was a show of acrobatics, or a showy young lady glaring at each other.

No one has seen such an opening before, and in an instant, it captured the hearts and attention of everyone present.

At this moment, the setting sun gradually fell, and the lights gradually ignited in the second floor of the Peony Pavilion Pub.

And the large screen of the "Luoyang Peony Pavilion" on the outside floor slipped down. At this time, everyone was noticing that the original second floor was at a certain time.

Covered by a very thin white curtain, the light can come out very clearly.

Then, the sound of the music suddenly changed, and a sad music began to sound in the desolation.

Turning to a sad and moving, hoarse but high-pitched voice rang from the Peony Pavilion restaurant.

"A sorrow, standing alone at the window..."

The singing only heads together, instantly like a magic hand, grabbing everyone's hearts and souls.

And at this moment, in the light on the second floor, the lyrics sung by the singer with a fascinating voice.

One by one, I don't know if it is a tulle or a piece of white paper, hanging from the tulle to show the lyrics, and then wait for the singer to sing it. Sacrifice as Sacrifice as

Then it slipped down, and the form of showing the lyrics in such a vivid way was nothing like Te Niang's ever seen before.

It's eye-catching, if it weren't for the singing voice, it would be too attractive.

People don't even want to breathe loudly, and fear that they won't hear the song that is full of emotions enough to move people's hearts.

Only the moving voice of the singer, and the lyrics that appeared and disappeared again and again appeared.

There is neither a young lady who plays tricks, nor a lively and noisy impurity trick performance. Some are just the moving music and the touching singing, even the singer hasn't shown his face.

But the more it is so simple, it happens that everyone is surprisingly quiet and listening silently...


The singing gradually ceased, and there was another turning point in the musical transition, and then, only the tulle area where the lyrics were originally displayed.

Everyone saw the silhouette of an old man who stooped down, walked with a cane, and staggered.

At this moment, a young and strong figure rushed over. "Father, father, why have you come to Peony Pavilion again?"

Peony Pavilion? This ordinary, inconspicuous peony pavilion located in the south of Tongtuofang, on the bank of Luoshui, suddenly aroused the curiosity of all the audience.

Even after listening to that intoxicating song, they are strong in their composure, and want to continue to express some words of underestimating and slowing down the enemy.

He couldn't help but moved his mind, pricked up his ears, and stared at the tall and hunched figure.

"The old man is here to pay homage to his old friend and his unattended lady...Ah... have you seen the sad red on those white peonies."

It is my good brother, and his unattended lady, who was stained by the dripping blood when he squatted..."

"Father, you're not kidding, but just some ordinary broken red peonies."

"Asshole things, the old man witnessed it with his own eyes back then, can it be faked?"

"My good brother from Wenneng Anbang, Wu Ke Dingguo, met his beloved woman under this peony pavilion..."

The figure of the old and the young gradually disappeared, accompanied by the sound of the music, everyone saw it, this time, the figure through the tulle.

It is clearly a young warrior with a helmet and armor and a very bold posture. He led several brothers with spears, accompanied by the ups and downs of fighting...

In the light and shadow of those swords, spears, swords and halberds, they marched hard and rushed to kill.

As the voice faded, the old but majestic voice that had just spoken rang again.

As a narrator, he began to tell a story that happened in Luoyang, just under the Peony Pavilion.

Behind the tulle, from time to time, as the voice said, there will be pictures after battle, or men and women are in love, holding hands.

Or maybe before the war came to prison, it was hard to say goodbye to tears...

The heart-breaking excerpt from "Luoyang Peony Pavilion" has already begun unconsciously.


At some point, Cui Luoyang, dressed as a rich man, also appeared nearby. At the beginning, his heart was also full of disdain and contempt.

But when he heard the moving singing, looked at the scene on the tulle, and the touching description of the narration.

It seems that even he has fallen into the turbulent memories of those years.

With the narration of that old and strong voice, scenes of flickering scenes, between the light and shadow, attracted everyone's minds. UU reading

I was saddened by the joys and sorrows of the couple, and sometimes gritted his teeth for their bumpy love story, and sometimes felt warm.

Even when she shed tears when she couldn't help herself, especially those women who were emotionally rich and easy to express their true feelings, they resisted the cry of tears and covered her lips.

His eyes widened, for fear that he might miss any scene.

It was the talents of those family members who had originally come here to explore the enemy's situation.

The mind is now completely empty, completely attracted by the ups and downs of the plot, full of joys and sorrows, full of the golden and iron horses, the epic love story against the backdrop of the turbulent era.

Especially when the pair of men and women were forced under the silhouette of the Peony Pavilion by countless weapons, the man laughed loudly and asked loudly.

"The most reluctant person in this life, you are the only one."

"Fortunately, my concubine can go to Huangquan together with my husband..."

Then I heard the sound of choking, and the scene was frozen quietly at this moment.

Slowly, there was a soft and gentle sound of music, which was a kind of sound that people present had never heard before. Mi He Mi

But it was very pleasant and melodious, and gradually rang. The ethereal voice of a woman also rang, without a word of lyrics.

It's just making the wrong accent, accompanied by the performance of the plucking instruments, it seems to be singing freely and casually.

At this moment, the subtitles appeared again: The Tang Dynasty was finally established on this land, and the people began to live and work in peace and contentment.

The huge trauma caused by the past wars is gradually being healed, and countless sorrows and joys are quietly buried...

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