The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1679: Producer Changan Pan An, special thanks to: Hantang Commercial Bank...

No one expected that it was the brave Princess Gao Yang who uttered this low chant.

At this moment, she was staring affectionately at the husband Fang Jun who was playing Cheng's pipa.

The red-eyed Princess Gao Yang, who had obviously cried, didn't care about the gaze around her. As long as her husband didn't stop playing, she wouldn't stop singing.

Before, in the performance behind the curtain, at that moment, Gao Yang could almost be said to have devoted himself to it.

It seemed that at that moment, she was the weak woman, and the husband was the protagonist who was extraordinary at that time.

Even the rough guys who made the soundtrack, all of them have red eyes and red noses at the moment.

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. They all stared at the chief director and narrator Cheng Saburo with bitter gazes.

Such a sad melodrama, even if it was a crude and vulgar martial artist, it was extremely uncomfortable in his heart.

Cheng Chubi did not expect that the effect of the official performance would be so good, after all, there was no co-acting before.

After all, there is not enough space, time is tight and the task is heavy, so I can only get on the court directly, even if the scene is a little chaotic.

But this novel way of deduction must be very impulsive for audiences in this era.

Cheng Chubi was also helpless, and hurriedly hooked his fingers to the side. "What are you doing now? Do you want to use the peony poems of your brothers?"

Li Ke looked outside with a tangled expression on his face. At this time, there were already suppressed weeping voices one after another.

Everyone’s mood is so sad that you can’t help yourself. At this time, you can make some good poems and use it as a fart, and you can’t scratch the sad crowd. Okay?

And if you do it like that, someone might accuse the Peony Pavilion restaurant of messing around and bad everyone's mood.

"Brother Chubi, save the poems. It seems that sweeping the literary world can only be left for a while to go to the main venue..."

Cheng Chubi smashed his mouth and nodded deeply. Yes, after all, the mood of the audience is still very low, and it is really not suitable for hipi.

"Satisfaction, come, let them put on the follow-up subtitles quickly."

汜减bxW 汜. Deng Chengxin sucked his red nose and hurried over.

After the decent subtitles disappeared, the more decent subtitles appeared again:

"Luoyang Peony Pavilion" original works: Shandong Song Yu, Chang'an Pan An.

Director: Shandong Song Yu, Producer: Changan Pan An, special thanks to all shareholders of Hantang Commercial Bank.

Special thanks: Fang Erlang and his wife.

Music: All shareholders of Hantang Commercial Bank.

Special recommended musical instrument: Cheng's Pipa.

Curtain special effects: The staff and shareholders of the Peony Pavilion Restaurant of Luoyang Branch of Hantang Commercial Bank escorted...

The last few lines of subtitles are: Thank you for watching, this is the end of the show.

For details of "Luoyang Peony Pavilion", please go to the shops of Hantang Commercial Bank Luoyang Branch tomorrow to buy...

At this time, everyone's emotions were finally under control and gradually stabilized, and I saw that "Luoyang Peony Pavilion" was actually on sale.

It also pointed out that it was the various shops of the Luoyang branch of the Hantang Commercial Bank. Many people have even begun to inquire about the addresses of the shops of the Luoyang branch of the Hantang Commercial Bank.

And some people are already asking if such a story really happened in Luoyang back then.

There are still some people who have already jumped to the Peony Pavilion and exclaimed loudly. As expected, there are all broken red peonies here...

Then, the scene became more and more chaotic, but fortunately, the soothing music was still there.

Coupled with the large number of fat body guards outside the Peony Pavilion restaurant to maintain order there, it finally did not make the scene excessively chaotic.

"Who is Shandong Song Yu? Who is Changan Pan'an? So, where did I see such a striking name."

"Oh, I think of it, the newspaper, the two most frequently appearing authors on the "Changan Xunbao", one is Shandong Songyu, the other is Changan Panan..."

""Luoyang Peony Pavilion"..."

I didn't know when I rushed over too. At this moment, Master Zheng Er, who was already standing with Cui Luoyang, inhaled frequently like a toothache.

Didn’t you say that you want to sweep the literary world? How come such a touching sitcom suddenly appeared.

And not only are there sitcoms, the important thing is that there are even books.

As the speaker of the Zheng family in Xingyang who sells books better than others, Zheng Lao Er feels that he can't sit still in an instant.

Cui Luoyang, who finally got rid of the sadness and sorrow brought about by the touching melodrama, took a deep breath, and landed his big hand heavily on the shoulders of Master Zheng Er, viciously and authentically.

"This year's Luoyang Peony Festival, let those talents and nephews of every family use their own methods. Otherwise..."

Cui Luoyang didn't say anything, and went straight into the car, but Master Zheng Er understood this very well.

This "Luoyang Peony Pavilion" is really attractive to Tai Te Niang, and it has been interpreted by this.

Now those people who came to attend the Luoyang Peony Festival specially before, the saucy, the talents and the beautiful ladies.

Everyone talks about the sitcom just now, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com also has a novel that is bound to be more exciting.

Tonight, if the Luoyang Peony Festival cannot show a few masterpieces that sing the world, hehe...the limelight will definitely be completely overshadowed.

At this moment, at the side entrance of the Peony Pavilion restaurant, I copied the famous weapons, oh no... I read it wrong.

The Wuxun children who copied the famous musical instruments are now filed out from the side door, and then jumped to the small pier not far from the Luoshui River, and boarded a boat of the Hantang Commercial Bank.

And on the second floor of the same boat, a group of sweaty guards are covering the second floor of the boat with tulle again.

After all, everyone just felt it. Instead of just writing on paper or lanterns, how can it be written directly on the boat, and then the arrogant night tour in Luoyang is more eye-catching?

Especially when those two pieces of music just came out, ha’s hard not to attract attention.

In particular, Fang Jun, a singer with a natural voice, came to sing a few more songs, not to take all the limelight of today's Luoyang Peony Festival into his arms.

How could the children of the Wu family who came to Luoyang after so hard to take a break?

After all, tonight, a brave boy from the Wu family worked hard to work for the literary works of the Han and Tang Commercial Banks.

Earn enough of the reputation of the poems and books of each family, or they will be busy eating, drinking, and having fun in the east, but they will return to Chang'an without doing anything serious.

Mi He Mi. Hehe, the elders of Datang Wuxun who like to use their hands and hands will definitely not let them go easily.

Although everyone's main purpose is to have fun in Dongdu, the part-time job as heir to poetry is also very important.

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