The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1680: The Luoyang Peony Festival has finally officially started...

The Luoyang Peony Festival, which is less than a mile away from the Peony Pavilion Restaurant, is actually a large area near Luoshui Peony Garden.

And at this moment, on the pier near Luoshui in the Peony Garden, there are already six beautiful flower boats of different sizes waiting there.

The largest and most beautiful flower boat is naturally for the nine talents who have been recorded in the "Luoyang Peony Collection" to eat, drink and have fun.

And the other five flower boats are naturally given to those talents who cannot be recorded in "Luoyang Peony Elegant Collection", but their poems can be regarded as excellent talents to enjoy the privilege of nestling in the green.

It can be said that even the poems of the talents and poems of the great families who came from all over the world cannot be recorded in the "Peony Collection".

At least they will be selected as excellent, and they will also board the flower boats to enjoy the relief and comfort of the young ladies.

This is the privilege of the talents of their aristocratic families. To those scholars from poor backgrounds, ha ha... sorry.

Unless your poems are really powerful, powerful enough to impress the judges present, otherwise, stay cool.

From previous years to the present, the poems and works of "Luoyang Peony Elegant Collection" can be included. At the most, the talented people of poor background can only account for one-third.

And most of the time, at most, because their poems are good enough, they will be given one or two places.

In this way, they showed that their family members would not bully the weak and the poor, and this was also to prevent the news from spreading to Chang'an.

Annoyed the emperor of Tang, who had been vigorously supporting scholars who were not from a family.

After all, these aristocratic families also rely on the court to get food.

It's okay to make small moves and conceal things, but once it touches the bottom line of the imperial court or your majesty, the consequences will not be affordable for their noble families.

Sacrifice is like sacrifice. #####

Many gorgeous young ladies and sisters have opened the window of the boat at this moment and frequently look outside.

And some just jumped over and had the privilege of admiring the young ladies of "Luoyang Peony Pavilion".

At this moment, she was wiping her red eyes, and while she was touching up her makeup, she told the little sisters that touching story.

And the song that made them feel heartbroken, and they all want to know who the singer is?

If you can spend a lot of money to invite this singer to their business premises and sing a few sentences every day, the effect, tusk tusk...

"Really, is it so powerful?"

"Sister, don't you know, that voice can almost tick people's hearts. When you sing to the point of sadness, my heart is almost broken for my little sister."

"And the "Luoyang Peony Pavilion" is simply too beautiful, the little girl dare not think about it, I am afraid that once I think about that scene, I will cry again."

"By the way, today I have seen a lot of elegant and romantic talents, one of them looks very handsome."

"Hehe, sister, are you talking about being pleasant or greedy, please don't drool?"

"Oh, what nonsense are you talking about my sister? My sister is not drooling, but when it comes to speaking, the most greedy thing is when the music first started.

The young man in white who was sitting in a wheelchair seemed to be seriously ill and his face was a little too pale. "

"That look, so handsome to be intriguing, and that frail and sickly look, alive a legendary guardian."

"Really, wouldn't it be more beautiful than your sister?"

"...Hehe, sister, you are wrong, that young man in white is more prettier than our sisters."

Those few lanterns and colorful flowers, ready to welcome today's victors and winners, are also the most frequently noticed directions of those who come to participate.

For the bold ones among the talents of those aristocratic families, they have already begun to stand confidently on the road to the shore, making comments on the flamboyant young ladies.

Of course, the one they commented the most was naturally the biggest flower boat.

It is also the flower boat that the young ladies who are carefully selected from the many Goulan Pavilions in Si Gongfang in Luoyang City take.

The owner of this flower boat was kindly provided by a wealthy merchant in Luoyang.

However, it is said that behind this tycoon businessman is the local snake Zheng family, and that tycoon businessman is just their spokesperson from Xingyang.

At this moment, the famous scholars from Luoyang and the surrounding areas, as well as several officials in Luoyang, and of course the second master Zheng of the Zheng family in Xingyang are indispensable.

A total of twelve judges have already gathered here. Why are there so many judges? Ha ha, who has more families.

Many scholars and Confucian judges come from family backgrounds. Even if they are not from a common family, it is those family members who invest in them.

In return, they naturally have to take into account the faces of those family members, and they must not allow the talents of the family members to become Canghai's legacy.


As Cui Luoyang stood up, he was full of anger and encouraged these sorrows from all over the Central Plains.

I hope they can enjoy the peonies all over the city in Luoyang when they are in full bloom.

Feel the prosperous and strong literary atmosphere of Luoyang, the gathering place of Central Plains literature, and create a lot of fine works.

In short, after all the nonsense, I began to announce that if there are good authors, they will come up with their own good works and enter the park.

Then let people hang in the peony garden, which is already full of countless lanterns, and let the people of Luoyang and the sorrowful people admire it first.

Then select the best one from them and hand it over to twelve reviewers for selection. In the end, seven or more reviewers have approved the poems and poems.

Will be recognized as excellent works, the author can jump on top of the flower boat.

After that, there will be a second round of screening among those excellent works.

Only those who have been unanimously approved by the twelve reviewers will be eligible to be recorded in the "Luoyang Peony Collection".

Following Cui Luoyang's deceptive speech, finally let the people who had been watching the sitcoms in front of the Peony Pavilion restaurant as well as the poets and writers.

汜豜汜. Finally stopped the discussion about "Luoyang Peony Pavilion" and focused on the annual Luoyang Peony Festival.

And the sorrows and mosques, one after another, pulled out their sleeves and stretched out their hands to touch them, of course, in order to find their own masterpieces.

Mi He Mi. Of course, there are also some unscrupulous guys who touched someone else's body. Well, this kind of hooliganism immediately caused a loud scolding and screaming, and of course there was also a loud shout of anger. .

Well, this kind of loud anger is generally not made by the person being touched, but by the guard responsible for maintaining order.

After all, who would be willing to do something to the rough masters? Um... there may be, but there are definitely very few.

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