The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1682: The aristocratic family’s Luoyang Peony Festival is to make a name for itself...

Cui Luoyang's face suddenly turned dark, and he subconsciously looked at Master Zheng Er.

Master Zheng Er also spread out his hands with a bewildered expression, indicating that he had no knowledge of this matter.

"What the **** is going on, what they want to do, virtuous brother, please go there in person and persuade them."

"Brother, let me go?" Master Zheng Er heard Cui Luoyang's instructions, and his whole body was not well.

Letting oneself deal with Cheng Saburo and His Royal Highness Wu Wang, it is not a trivial task.

"It's not you, don't you think they can be useful?" Cui Luoyang was also helpless, and these people present couldn't help the group of Wu family children.

Master Zheng Er glanced away, it was not Luoyang Ling's subordinate officials, or those old scholars, they were afraid it would be useless if they went there.

But how much better is it than for nothing if I go by myself? Although Master Zheng Er, who was not optimistic in his heart, was very reluctant, he could only nod his head.

Cui Luoyang rolled his eyes, and then suddenly reached out to stop Zheng Lao Er, lowered his voice and gave a secret instruction in his ear.

Zheng Lao Er looked at this scheming Cui Luoyang, his eyes widened exaggeratedly.

"This, how is this possible? Brother, you..."

Cui Luoyang gritted his teeth and sighed deeply.

"In this world, there are no impossible transactions. It only depends on the size of the benefits."

"You tell Cheng Sanlang, as long as he can persuade or stop those Wuxun children, don't ruin this highly anticipated Luoyang Peony Festival."

"Then the officer can persuade the shops in Beishi to sell the materials needed for the construction of the palace to the Hantang Commercial Bank at a fair price."

Speaking of this, Cui Luoyang looked at Zheng Lao Erdao. "Brother virtuous, you have to think clearly, the Luoyang Peony Festival is a lot of family members."

"It is specially prepared to make the talents of various families famous, if it is to make those Wuxun children bad things."

"Don't say whether Cui can continue to do this Luoyang order, it's that the pressure of your Zheng family will not be relieved when the time comes."


"What's more, there is a great family on the one hand, and your majesty today on the other. None of us can't afford to offend. We can only let this Luoyang Peony Festival be held as usual.

Even if you and I give up some benefits, it is better than losing everything. "

"What's more, the case of the assassination of His Royal Highness King Wu on the outskirts of Luoyang City was handed over to the embroiderer, and it has been hanging on."

"You and I have also spent nine years and two tigers, barely able to maintain the situation, and even have to be careful to be caught by the embroidered clothes."

Speaking of this, Cui Luoyang couldn't help but sigh with pain. "It's really better for us to let this step happen, and we can save ourselves."

"And we are also for the Luoyang Peony Festival, so that young talents from many families can continue to take this opportunity to become famous and prepare for their official career."

"Is the importance and interests here, how can it be unknown to those noble families?"

Cui Luoyang's remarks made Zheng Lao Er have to admit that he was very reasonable, even very reasonable.

The most acute contradiction between the aristocratic family and the Li Tang royal family lies in their interests.

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. What the aristocratic clan originally considered was that the imperial examination had already begun to promote the poor and into official positions, and had begun to seize the privileges that originally belonged only to the aristocratic family.

Only the "Clan Chronicles" that will inevitably accompany the Tang Dynasty, this is the last stubbornness of the aristocratic family.

However, after being rejected by His Majesty, several revisions were rejected by the emperor.

Even Li Shimin actually specified the compilation according to the surname order of "Shunliu Zhi Hundred Family Surname Nursery Rhymes", of course it is impossible to be that spoof.

At any rate, the emperor of Tang Dynasty also had to take care of the emotions of Manchu civil and military affairs.

However, almost all the family members who have passed on for thousands of years have been left behind.

Decrease bxwx.*cO*汜. In the front line, it is the Li Tang imperial family, after that is the descendant patriarch Sun, and after that is the clan of the crown prince's Su clan.

After that, it was arranged completely in accordance with the order of the twenty-four heroes of the Lingyan Pavilion, which made the great family members take a break.

But what happened to them about this prestigious emperor of Tang Dynasty. The re-editing of "Clan History" has already made many aristocratic families evil.

However, you don't dare to confront confrontation clearly, it is necessary to engage in confrontation secretly.

And standing on the opposite side of the emperor, in one sentence, if you agree, we will oppose it.

For the Zheng family, when they moved their capital to Luoyang, the Zheng family was originally a vested interest, and even many families in the Central Plains were profiters.

However, the basic board of the aristocratic family was smashed into the mud by your majesty. This was the reason that caused the aristocratic family to give eye medicine to the move of the capital, and to obstruct it from the inside out.

In fact, they want to make Li Shimin give in slightly, so they will naturally be happy to see it happen.

As a result, your Majesty didn't give up any farts. At this stage of stalemate, the aristocratic family had already begun to stalk the World Garden Palace project that Luoyang was about to build.

But no one thought that Cheng Saburo, who was responsible for the construction of the palace as a commoner, and His Royal Highness King Wu had just arrived in Luoyang.


His Royal Highness King Wu was assassinated outside Luoyang City, seriously wounded and dying.

Haha... Apart from anything else, the entire family of the Central Plains was also a little dumbfounded by the bad news.

After all, the aristocratic family knows the psychology of the emperor of Tang Dynasty very well, and it seems that he has experienced the power seizure in the early years of Zhenguan.

He wanted to get the country's laws and rules of conduct back on track, so he, the emperor of Tang Dynasty, set an example and worked hard to abide by the rules.

It is precisely because of this that a great family of great families dare to carry out various sorrow operations within the scope permitted by the rules.

Whether it is supporting the king of Wei, or obstructing the palace, it can be regarded as a rule or the like.

However, as soon as the assassination of the royal family came out, it was tantamount to breaking through the bottom line, or even stepping on the red line.

The great family members became frightened and began to inquire about each other, guessing, and wondering which one was too aggressive.

Doing things so irregularly, this will kill people, okay, but fortunately, this majesty's beloved son was only seriously injured and dying, not dead.

Otherwise, no one can guarantee that your Majesty will lose his reason, let the Central Plains land, and even let the blood of the Central Plains families flow into a river.

After all, it is them who obstructed the construction of the palace. Who else can they clean up without cleaning up?

Fortunately, His Majesty King Wu was still alive, and although His Majesty was furious, he at least protected his limited sanity and sent an embroiderer to investigate the case.

In addition, Luoyang, who has not had a captain for a long time, has once again added a captain of Luoyang.

Mi He Mi. All in all, Cui Luoyang also has his own plan, Luoyang has been watched too closely by His Majesty.

The governor of Luoyang is also about to take up his post. When that one comes, it means that his majesty has sent a confidant to ride on the head of his Luoyang chief politician.

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