The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1683: I haven't started to pinch the Chinese language altar, I have already...

It will be more difficult for me to make small moves in the future, what should I do? The best way is naturally to let go.

In this case, using this as an exchange of benefits is the same as selling to consumers a product that is about to expire.

Zheng Lao Er looked at this Cui Luoyang, the other side's image suddenly turned into a feather fan towel, which is considered exhaustive.

This brain is indeed much better than a guardian dog like her, and...better than a guardian dog like her own.

No wonder that back then, his father only let his eldest brother and his third brother into official positions, saying that he could only be regarded as a moderate man, and he was enough to keep his family.

"Thank you Cui Shixiong for the point. No wonder Cui Shixiong can stay in this position in Luoyang for several years. The future will be limitless."

Cui Luoyang smiled coolly, waved his hand, his tone was rather bleak and authentic.

"Let's go through this barrier first and talk about the rest, you have worked hard, virtuous brother."

"The younger brother will definitely live up to the trust of the world brother." Zheng Lao Er raised his front breast after a salute toward Cui Luoyang, and ran down the viewing platform in a depraved manner and ran towards the pier.

Not long after, he boarded a flat boat, urged the boatman, and greeted the ship swaying towards the building.

Cheng Chubi was staying on the third floor at the moment, looking at the venue for the Luoyang Peony Festival, which was not far away.

With his hands wrapped around his chest, he was surrounded by a fat-bodied Wu Xun son, and a group of people were already ready to go.

All of them have put on the new clothes that they think are the most upright, and also the best to show off their literary style. Sacrifice as Sacrifice as

Everyone's expressions are also very serious and attentive, but they are very uneasy inside.

After all, everyone is Wu Xun's children who like to use their hands and feet more than their brains.

It is nothing more than sports such as riding and shooting skills or martial arts competitive activities.

Of course, they have not participated in elegant competitive activities, including but not limited to playing cards, playing sieves, gambling money, fighting wine, etc...

However, in the talent competition, they are really big girls on the sedan chair for the first time.


"I said Brother Baoqing, how do you always pull my sleeve?" Li Zhen muttered, turning his face to the side with some unwillingness.

Yuchi Baoqing smiled shyly at Li Zhen, and slapped him to explain something.

"For my brother, my hands are sweaty.

Li Zhen got a hairy straight away and touched his sleeve distressedly. Te Niang's was almost wet by the sweat on the palm of his hand.

"Brother Baoqing, why don't you rub yourself against yourself."

Yuchi Baoqing pulled the light gray brocade robe he had carefully selected towards Li Zhen, plausibly authentic.

"Brother, this is a light-colored dress. It's easy to see the sweat. Brother Xian, your color is dark and doesn't get in the way."

The **** Li Qi beside him happily leaned forward.

"Oh, after listening to Brother Bao said that, I also think that your clothes from Brother Jingyang are the most suitable for sweating. Come on, let me also rub your clothes..."

"Fuck, whoever rubbed my ass, stay away from me, and then come closer, I will turn my face."

"Oh, what's wrong with turning your face? Believe it or not, our brothers even turned the boat for you."

Fang Jun, who was grinning happily at the side, was pulled aside by Gao Yang's blushing face, who was still dressed as a menswear.

Well, hurry up and let the simple but versatile husband stay away from this gang of demon moths.

I am really ashamed to be with them. This has not yet begun to pinch the Chinese language altar, since it has already been inscribed.

Both legs were tied to a wheelchair and couldn't stand up. Li Ke, whose face was covered with thick white powder for the sake of makeup, became more delicate and tender.

Seeing Brother Chu Bi holding his arms and looking far ahead, the old **** was there, completely ignored the gang of Hupengou friends, and could only stand up for justice.

"Brothers, my sister is here, can you be more serious."

The group of friends who were joking and joking around finally converged a little bit, but after the trouble, the previously tense atmosphere and psychology were relaxed a lot.

Cheng Chubi quickly saw a flat boat coming swiftly. On the bow, someone swayed desperately holding a lantern. Cheng Chubi quickly saw who came.

Oh, I really didn't expect that these guys actually have this brain, and they want to come over in advance to intercept it, but is this useful?

Although it was useless, Cheng Chubi didn't want to just ignore it. After all, the brothers behind him were going to sweep the Chinese language world.

It's really unwise to turn your face now. If you want to play, you just have to play with each other in the same rule. This kind of coolness will be even more hilarious.

"Uncle Jie, let the boat family's boat stop first. Someone is coming. Your Highness, stay here and don't move around. When I get down, the old boy of the Zheng family will be there for a while."

"Brother Chubi, let me go down too. As the saying goes, one person counts the shortcomings and two counts the length. The little brother is really boring here."

Li Ke stared at Cheng Chubi eagerly, mainly because those who were standing on the third floor watching the excitement at the moment were all Wu Xun's children who were about to appear on the scene. It was really annoying to stay here.汜减bxW x.cO 汜

After all, I also had a share of the work of Brother Bie at Bai whore, UU read and became famous all over the world.

However, who special mother made the "Luoyang Peony Pavilion" too tempting, plus, there were nine brothers who came.

Brother Chubi has already made up his mind to retire. If he doesn't retire, hehe, maybe he will complain.

Therefore, after getting half of the signature rights of "Luoyang Peony Pavilion" by Chu Bi brother, Li Ke also retired very happily.

Therefore, it is very uneasy to stay here and listen to the show of these masters who are not going to participate in the competition.

Cheng Chubi nodded helplessly and tilted his head. Li De and Li Min hurriedly lifted Li Kelian and the car down.


Zheng Lao Er jumped upstairs and saw Cheng Saburo and the haggard King Wu, who had just recovered from the serious injury, were there.

I couldn't help feeling happy, and hurried forward, but after only two steps, I heard a choking sound. Both Li De and Li Min's horizontal knives were out of their waists.

Shengsheng scared the second child Zheng back to his place and didn't dare to move a little bit, only then did Cheng Chubi straighten his face.

"Mr. Zheng, you can just stand here and talk."

"His Royal Highness Wu has recovered from a serious injury, and he is most afraid of getting close to strangers. Forever, people have unpredictable hearts, and the hidden weapon stabbed His Highness again. I can't afford it."

As for His Royal Highness King Wu, he looked weak, and he reluctantly tugged at the corner of his mouth, which was considered a laugh.

Seeing this scene, Zheng Lao Er naturally did not dare to complain, especially when he saw the fragile appearance of His Royal Highness Wu at the moment.

He was also afraid that if he got close, His Highness King Wu suddenly pulled over, what should he do? Mi He Mi

Being chopped by a random knife on the spot, there is nowhere to cry.

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