The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1684: Brother Chu Bi, who can make Taishan collapse, shut down my life...

After meeting the two, Zheng Lao Er hardened his scalp and said.

"Actually, Zheng came here to congratulate the successful performance of the Peony Pavilion restaurant of the Hantang Commercial Bank.

For the second time, it is naturally to congratulate Changan Pan An and Shandong Song Yu. Today, just watching the interpretation of their content, Zheng dare to be sure.

"Luoyang Peony Pavilion" will definitely be a masterpiece handed down from generation to generation, and it will surely spread to the world in the future..."

Upon hearing this, Cheng Chubi and Li Ke couldn't help but stretch their eyebrows. Zheng Lao Er is still quite good at life.

They didn't expose the true identities of the two authors, but also took advantage of the trend and took a flattering, which was really refreshing.

Seeing Cheng Chubi's chiseled, heroic face with a little more smile, Zheng Lao Er hurriedly hit the snake with the stick.

"These three are naturally for this Luoyang peony event. Presumably the third son of Cheng is also aware of this Luoyang peony event, but it is Luoyang city and the surrounding area..."

Cheng Chubi looked at Zheng Lao Er with a smile.

I hope you all the distinguished children from Chang'an, you have something to say, after all, this Luoyang Peony Festival is a gentle sport of gentlemen.

If you fool around at this grand event, not to mention that it will displease hundreds of thousands of people in Luoyang.

I'm afraid it's spread to Chang'an, you also have to consider the consequences. Of course, Zheng is just a kind reminder, absolutely no other meaning.

"Thank you Mr. Zheng for reminding me, Mr. Don't worry, I also ask him to tell Cui Luoyang and ask him to take a hundred and twenty hearts."

"Cheng and your brothers are also officials in the imperial court. How could they violate the law and discipline?"

"Don't worry, if you come to participate in this Luoyang Peony Festival today, you will naturally follow the rules."

"If anyone dared to use his hands, he doesn't need Cui Luoyang to take action, Cheng will kill his relatives righteously."

"..." Master Zheng Er wiped his face with a black line, God's righteousness to destroy relatives, is righteousness to destroy relatives used in such a place?

In any case, now that Cheng Saburo patted his chest in front of his face to make a ticket, Zheng Lao Er secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the Cheng family has a notorious reputation and is not easy to provoke, they are not perfidious, so they believe in Cheng Saburo.

"With the promise of Cheng San Gongzi, Zheng is more relieved, but Zheng, Zheng has one more request..."


Zheng Lao Er glanced at Li De and Li Min who were present. These words are really inconvenient to say so clearly.

"Also invite the third son of Cheng to come, Zheng has something to discuss."

Hearing this, Cheng Chubi couldn't help being a little suspicious. He turned his head and glanced at Li Ke. After exchanging a glance with him, Cheng Chubi and Zheng Lao Er stood on the ship's side.

Subtract B*xW*x.*co汜. Cheng Chubi was confident, this guy dared to make any changes, he could definitely kick this guy directly into Luoshui with one toe.

However, Zheng Lao Er really didn't inflict on the thoughts of this wicked and vulgar martial artist. Instead, he whispered in Cheng Saburo's ears the exchange terms that Cui Luoyang had said before.

Cheng Chubi looked at Zheng Lao Er with a dumbfounded expression. His eyes were almost like a bandit who had just descended from the mountain to prepare for a robbery. He saw a fat sheep who had taken the initiative to send him to the door.

But this fat sheep still didn't realize it, and continued to look crooked and crooked, looking very stupid and cute.

"Luoyang Ling and Zheng's move were also for the sake of the overall situation, and hope that the third son of Cheng and His Royal Highness Wu will be fulfilled."

Speaking of this, Zheng Lao Er was very courteous. Even if he is the dog of the Zheng family in Xingyang, he is not a brainless person.

Sacrifice such as Although Cheng Saburo had the same reputation as the other Cheng family members. But he always likes to be tough with people.

It is definitely not a bully who is afraid of hardship, or that whoever dares to compare hard with him will definitely lose.

Of course, your Majesty and His Majesty the Supreme Emperor, the two big men who can take up the sword and drive Cheng Saburo into the East Palace are special exceptions and are not in the normal range.

But as long as you scream, this guy will feel dull, and he will stop if he decides.

It is precisely because of this that Zheng Lao Er decided to go straight ahead, but this knife is soft and not hard at all.

Cheng Chubi looked at Zheng Lao Er's expression carefully, and it took a long time to be sure that this guy was telling the truth, not talking nonsense.

"Um...Mr. Zheng, or wait a minute, and let me discuss with your Highness for one or two."

"If you have work, I also ask Cheng San Gongzi and His Royal Highness Wu to seriously consider the suggestions of Zheng and Cui Luoyang."

Li Ke, who was not far away, looked curious at the moment, because Brother Chu Bi's expression was too exaggerated. After all, he knew Brother Chu Bi very well.

Brother Chu Bi, who was able to make Taishan collapse, had a big change in my face, fearing that things would definitely not be trivial.

Then, seeing Brother Chu Bi strode to the front, Li Ke subconsciously wanted to straighten up.

Cheng Chubi's powerful hand preemptively held it down, winking at him.

Then he murmured in his ear, Li Ke was also shocked by the news, what is this special lady's name?

Did someone bring pillows when I fell asleep? What's more, latex pillows that repel insects and mites are also given.

Zheng Lao Er stood in the distance, watching Cheng Sanlang and Li Ke muttering there with a strange expression.

This made Zheng Lao Er's heart very nervous. The trump card he gave here, I don't know if he can seduce these two pushy young talents. UU reading www.

Li Ke took a breath of toothache and whispered.

"Brother Chubi, if we do this, won't it seem unauthentic?"

Cheng Chubi hehe directly, and slapped Li Ke's shoulder with a big slap.

"It makes sense, I will tell you brothers at that moment, that you, brother virtuous..."

"Stop, stop, Brother Chu Bi, you don't need to say any more, you are the master of everything."

"It's not me, it's our brothers, we have a pot to carry." Cheng Chubi withdrew his big hand with satisfaction, and then walked towards the second Zheng who was already waiting for anxiety.

"Cheng has discussed with His Highness, and His Highness felt that for the sake of the overall situation, he decided to agree to Mr. Zheng's proposal."

"As for Cheng who has no officials and no job, hehe... Naturally, he also listens to His Royal Highness."

Hearing Cheng Chubi's words, Zheng Lao Er's eyes lit up, and his face was full of excitement toward Li Ke, who was paralyzed in a wheelchair, dying.

Although Cheng Chubi raised his hand to stop him in time, Li Ke still felt that there was a problem here, a big problem.

However, Brother Chu Bi has pulled Zheng Lao Er far away. "His Royal Highness, Cheng will send a gift to Mr. Zheng."

Li Ke muttered to the two confidant guard leaders with a black line on his face.

"...You said, did Cheng Saburo cheat the king again?"

"This...isn't it?" Li De can't say, after all, he can't provoke the wicked guy whose mind is not much bigger than the eye of a needle.

Mi He Mi. Li Min also shook his head. "His Royal Highness and Cheng Saburo are in the same spirit, so it shouldn't be possible."

"Oh... a misstep will become a hate for the ages." Li Ke was paralyzed in the wheelchair with a face that was not as good as death.

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