The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1686: If anyone has a malicious negative review, Cheng Mou will have a good chat with him

A gang of judges all had black lines on their faces, puffed up eyes and stared at the plausible, shameless Cheng Saburo.

Shente's skill of asking for advice and martial arts was just like the old arms and legs of the king judge.

Wang Jie looked at Cheng Saburo, who was standing in front of him, with a head more than himself, with a strong physique, and the fierce brilliance among the eagle eyes.

I couldn't say a word for a long time, but at this moment, Cui Luoyang walked over.

"Cheng Saburo, what do you mean? What do you want to do to Mr. Wang?"

Cheng Chubi looked at Cui Luoyang, who had a very ugly face, spreading his hands and looking innocent.

"Cui Luoyang, Cheng did nothing, that is to say, I kindly asked this old gentleman about his ins and outs, so I can talk to my good brother when I look back."

Just after explaining to Cui Luoyang, Cheng Chubi turned his head and smiled at that Wang Juyi evil charm.

"It turns out that my husband's surname is Wang. It seems that he is not doing things for the Wang clan of Taiyuan or the Wang clan of Langya."

Hearing this, the eyes of another judge turned green, and he hurried over.

"No, no, he is here for the Qinghe Fang family, and has nothing to do with our Wang family."

"Oh... So you are on behalf of the Wang Clan of Taiyuan and the Wang Clan of Langya platform, right?

OK, Cheng is staring here, I want to see, who among you deliberately belittles my brother's excellent work. "

"Of course, our East Acheng family is also a gentleman who is a heir to poetry and books. Cheng certainly doesn't know how to use it, but it's hard to say about my brothers."

"Cui Luoyang rest assured, Cheng dare to guarantee that they would definitely not dare to make trouble at this Luoyang event, but after the event, no one can guarantee it, you say yes."

"..." The faces of more than ten judges all turned into the color of the pot, and they couldn't be more black.

This special lady hasn't started judging, you have already said that your brother's work is the best.

What's the reason for such a blatant threat review?

All eyes fell on Cui Luoyang. Cui Luoyang was also very painful, and his angry eyes were red.

However, facing the shameless Cheng family, he also had the feeling that a dog took a hedgehog and had nowhere to lay his mouth.


Li Ke, who was paralyzed in a wheelchair, did not dare to look ahead, but raised his head to look at the sky, and his body twitched from time to time. There was no way he could not control his emotions.

Brother Chu Bi, the cheeky, made a big fuss in the judging room today, fearing that it would be spread out tomorrow, alas... Why did he get his brain hot at the time and promised to come with him.

It seems that reading poems and books, long-sleeved dancing, and self-cleaning, will also be affected by it.

The Wang Jue who spoke for Qinghe Fang's whole person was about to be messed up in the wind. I didn't expect that, I just spit out such a sentence.

But now, Cheng Saburo is clutching himself like this. At this time, if he refuses to accept the weakness, it is not only himself who is unlucky, but also the Qinghe Fangshi who has spent a lot of money to support him.

Thinking about this, Wang Jue did not hesitate to give his own conclusion.

"The third son of Cheng, the old man, I have nothing to say for the talented person, and I am sorry to the third son of Cheng. The masterpiece of this son of Yuchi, in Wang Mou's eyes, should be an excellent one."

Seeing Wang Jue's sensible appearance, Cheng Chubi couldn't help but stretch his eyebrows and waved his hand with a smile.

"It's okay, since it was Wang Juying's unintentional mistake, Cheng certainly didn't make any calculations. It is not a stingy person who wants to come to General Yuchi and Young Master Yuchi."

After finishing Wang Ju, Cheng Chubi's evil gaze swept left and right. Seeing that the old judges felt chills, the chrysanthemums tightened.

Zheng Lao Er quickly stepped forward and bowed to Cheng Chubi. "Young Master Cheng, can we say something if we have something to say?"

"Of course you can. Cheng Fa, Cheng Da, Xinxin, you three, watch me carefully, and see if there is any malicious bad review when I give a rating, and Cheng will have a good chat with him."

"..." Cui Luoyang raised his finger, but didn't know how to speak.

These words of Cheng Saburo seem to be in violation of the rules at all, but the problem is that with his evil appearance and the concealed threat, how can he resist it when he is judged?

The judges were all old treacherous and slippery generations. Seeing Cheng Chubi's fierce brilliance, he couldn't hold it hard, so his eyes turned and fell on the person who is talking about today.

"Luoyang Ling, this is so good, how should I judge it, and ask Luoyang Ling to set a tone for me?"

Cui Luoyang couldn't help but feel terrible, and looked at this shameless old man and shouted.

"You are naturally judged according to the poems and essays. Do you still need to ask the official?"


"Thank you Luoyang Ling for the point, the old man understands." The old judge's eyes lit up suddenly. It's okay if you don't speak, you said something, hehe...

Seeing this old reviewer's actions, the reviewers also saluted Cui Luoyang one after another.

Anyway, we are only in charge of the review, the culprit naturally wants you, the Luoyang Order, to memorize it.

As for offending you Cui Luoyang, it's just offending Cui clan. The big deal is that I won't be able to wait for Cui clan's place in the future.

Cui Luoyang's face was dark, and he was unwilling to look at Cheng Saburo. After sitting for a few minutes, he took a sip of tea and tried to calm the anger in his heart.

The twelve judges all gave excellent comments. In an instant, all the people and the sorrows who participated in the Peony Festival also exclaimed and cheered one after another.

However, Yuchi Baoqing, who had already landed on a light boat, learned that his work of white prostitution had actually obtained the qualification to be recorded in this year's "Luoyang Peony Collection".

The wild and arrogant laughter instantly resounded across Luoshui.

At this time, a steward from Miaomei Pavilion jumped over.

"The villain has seen Young Master Yuchigui, and asked Young Master Yuchigui to board the ship."

Yuchi Baoqing triumphed triumphantly, then lifted his front breasts, and headed toward the largest flower boat trip The Datang Wujiacai who stood on the building of the Han and Tang Dynasty Commercial Bank at this moment The eyes of the handsome guys went red directly.

"It's me, brothers."

"No, no, it's up to me, let me first."

Just when the elders of Yipin nearly fought to grab the second place, Fang Jun quickly stood up and shouted.

"Brothers, brothers, don't have to argue. Brother Chubi and Brother Weide have already left a list of orders with me. Everyone is quiet, quiet..."

It's a pity that the vulgar taker on this ticket is not a bird at all. At this moment, he has a posture to move his hands and feet.

At this moment, a small white hand copied the list from Fang Jun's hands.

"Brothers, if the trouble continues, you may not have a chance, let's listen to the little sister."


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