The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1687: Don’t let the Dalang of Yi Guo Gong be taken by E Guo Gong’s 2 Lang...

The crisp and somewhat sharp delicate female voice finally calmed down the rough masters who were about to turn into a pot of porridge.

Niu Weituo wiped the stinky sweat on his forehead, and smashed away the two brothers who were about to pinch in front of him.

A salute to Gao Yang, who wears a hoodie as a menswear.

"I wonder what is your command?"

Gao Yang was a little bit embarrassed, but he still stubbornly said the words of his husband.

Niu Weituo breathed a sigh of relief, turned his head and glanced over the brothers murderously.

"Brother Li, Cheng Lao Er, you are with me. If you are not willing to come in order, let's throw him into the river together."

Cheng Chuliang happily began to pull his sleeves in his sleeves. In terms of brute force, he really hadn't been afraid of anyone in Cheng.

It means that Lao Hei and Er Hei of the Yuchi family are between the first and the Cheng family, and the others are all the five scums of the war in Cheng Chuliang's eyes.

Chai Lingwu stubbornly raised his neck unwillingly and pointed out the main person responsible for the chaos just now.

"It sounds like we are willing to make trouble. It was Cheng Lao Er that you made the most trouble in the beginning."

"Shut up Du Te Niang!" Niu Wei Tuo had a black line on his face, and quickly slammed the situation, turning around to urge the stunned Gao Yang princess.

"His Royal Highness laughed, please express the list quickly."

"The second one should be the youngest Qin Jiadalang, the third is Li Zhen, and the fourth is..."

The sturdy rough masters looked at the charming princess Gao Yang, holding a piece of paper seriously and reading there.

Fang Erlang stood beside his petite wife as a security guard with a frightened expression on his face.

The main thing is to face this group of wolves and tigers, the pressure from the fierce Xiongtai is really too great.


Just sent the first martial artist who is both civil and military to the "Luoyang Peony Collection."

A group of judges gathered together and whispered, no matter what, this Yuchi Baoqing, he and others really can't afford it.

In particular, Cheng Saburo, the demon moth, jumped repeatedly in front of him, which was really painful.

I only hope that in the future, the talented people of the great family can do a little better, and quickly also come up with an outstanding talent who can board the "Luoyang Peony Collection."

But then, the excellent works of several consecutive family talents were not ideal, if it weren't because they belonged to the family.

This group of judges were not willing to give it to them, they could only put them on the other flower boats, which was considered as a consolation prize.

After all, these reviewers are only responsible for commenting, and they have to be recognized by a group of literati, poets, poets, and people in Luoyang who came to participate in the Luoyang event.

Only in this way can it truly become famous, otherwise, if it is scolded by the people of Luoyang and the people of Luoyang as a counterfeit match.

That reputation is completely ruined, so their reviewers are also a headache.

At this moment, the sound of music rang again, and a lot of people from Luoyang and the people of Luoyang were in the peony garden, and they failed to see a well-recognized masterpiece.

At this moment, he couldn't help turning his head to look at the Han and Tang Commercial Building Boat still mooring on the water.

I saw a tall, valiant, but immature noble son standing on the third floor platform. After raising his breath, he read aloud.

"I haven't seen this flower bloom for ten years, and I will come alone. I will be alone in the fragrant place. I will sit on the peony stage before sitting on the flower-viewing king's poem."

Once again, it is the way of subtitles to show this masterpiece in the eyes of the audience in Yigan Peony Garden.

Then Qin Huaidao signed the money. Once again, the people of Luoyang shouted excitedly. And a sorrowful person with a black line on his face.

The faces of Cui Luoyang and that of Zheng's second child could not help but become black again, Te Niang's, this is another flattering poem.

Where is the treasure? Of course it was Luoyang, sitting on the boat to enjoy the peony. Before the poem was completed, there was music urging him to play.

Although it is not a brilliant masterpiece, the problem is that it fits well with this situation.

It just so happened that the people of Luoyang, who had always been proud of Luoyang, felt refreshed.

Cheng Chubi can't wait to rub his hands once again, with a kind smile on his face, looking at the group of judges.

"Listen to the ranks, hurry up, give a comment quickly, have you heard the cheers of the people in Luoyang?

This time, the man who appeared on the stage was Da Lang from the family of Yi Guo, so you must carefully comment on it. "

"Don't let the Da Lang of the Yi Guo Gong family be compared with the Er Lang of the E Guo Gong family, maybe, the Yi Guo Gong will come over and have a good chat with you."

The judges looked at the notorious Cheng family with a black line. Although this poem is not so wonderful, it is at best equal to the previous flattering poem.

But the problem is that Cheng Saburo has already revealed Qin Huaidao's identity and threatened people so blatantly.

"Cheng Saburo, you don't want to go too far!" Cui Luoyang couldn't help but blow his beard and stare at the scene.

Cheng Chubi had a happy laugh, and didn't talk to each other. Anyway, I'm done with what I should say. Now it's up to you guys to do it.

It’s a bit of a toothache for, these two poems are of the same standard, so let's let the Yuchi family's Erlang join us.

And leave the Da Lang of the wing country's family, even if the wing country's prince has a good temper, he is afraid of grievances, but this is not the point.

The important thing is that the few behind, which one is not a distinguished martial artist, how to get it, if they can all come up with works of this level.

Is it possible that this year's "Luoyang Peony Collection is about to become a collection of essays by the rough masters? Isn't it?

Looking back, it was strange that these judges could have a good life. Thinking about this, the judge who had just spoken first gritted his teeth and stomped his feet.

Suddenly with an oops, my hand was covering my heart, and I rolled my eyes directly, and fell softly on the Peony viewing platform.

"!!!" A group of judges looked at this loud voice, and walked as fast as the wind.

Judge Wang, who had kept showing off his stronger body in front of the weak old judge before, had fallen to the ground, his face pale, as if he had already withdrawn from the past.

In particular, the face of Judge Deng, who had a very good relationship with Judge Wang, was very close on weekdays, and his face went black.

Oh shit! Unexpectedly, this guy is so cheap, and he did such a trick directly.

"Mr. Wang, what's wrong with you, Mr. Wang?"

As the principal of the Zheng family in Xingyang, Lao Er Zheng, the main organizer of the Luoyang Peony Festival, was so frightened that his face paled, and he hurried forward to inquire with concern.

Wang Jue raised a hand with difficulty, his face full of pain and authenticity.

"I don't know why, old man, the old man feels weak and his chest hurts..."

"This, how can it be good?" The second son of the Zheng family couldn't help feeling nervous as he looked at the old Mr. Wang with sweat coming out of his face.

"Let go of him and let Cheng come."


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