The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1703: No wonder His Royal Highness cleans up the baby at every turn

"..." The crown prince and Wu Meiniang were all black, and they involuntarily took a breath.

Crown Princess Su glanced at the sky outside the window, then glanced at the candle that was mostly lit, and shook her head dumbfounded.

"Understood, you go down, remember, others asked, only that the prince, Cheng Saburo, and Yu Zhan have to discuss matters, understand?"

"By the way, confess to those who know, don't break your mouth."

"The slave and maid understand." The confidant nodded, and then retreated outside the house.

Wu Meiniang raised her hand and rubbed her eyebrows. The third brother really did. Last time, she returned to Chang'an from Luzhou, the first day she came to the East Palace.

His Majesty and the Supreme Emperor drove him into chaos in the East Palace, and finally jumped up the tree in desperation.

In the end, the cute little princess Jinyang invited the rescue eldest grandson queen, and this made the third brother...

This time, I just returned to Chang'an, and it was almost midnight after dinner. Is it possible that the three of them still want to stay overnight?

"Prince Concubine, do you want to..." Wu Meiniang looked at the prince Concubine Su, and said in a low voice.

Crown Princess Su Clan thought for a while, and finally shook his head and smiled.

"No need, the prince is like a string in his heart these days, and the whole person is more nervous than I am."

"It is rare for Cheng Saburo to come back and let him relax. It is also good..."

After hearing the words of the empathetic princess Su, Wu Meiniang couldn't help but admire the thoughtful princess.


From time to time, the sound of playing cards outside the house is heard in the wine room. Although it is not very loud, it does not spread far, but the problem is that it is the same as the East Palace.

A double-faced man who is both the guard of the East Palace and the embroiderer suppressed a smile and silently conceived the secret melodies he was about to write.

Well, Cheng Saburo entered the palace and checked the princess to make sure that the princess was OK.

Afterwards, Yu Zhanshi had a banquet in the Donggong wine room. After that, the three of them played cards here until dawn...

Ning Zhong didn't know when he fell asleep deeply, and when he opened his eyes, he noticed that the sky was already bright.

But from time to time there was a very energetic, but somewhat hoarse sound of playing cards.

As soon as I turned my head, I saw the three guys who looked a little languid, with dark circles under their eyes, were still slamming bamboo cards.


In the end, once again, the crown prince won a complete victory, and Cheng Saburo, who was so desperate to lose, couldn't help but wipe his face.

Te Niang's, it must have been when the monkey was caught that day, and she was **** off by a toad, which caused the hand style to be so uncomfortable today.

Yu Zhining on the side was also quite embarrassed. He didn't expect that in the past, he could be considered victorious in hundreds of battles, but today he was beaten to death by the prince, and he was really embarrassed.

His Royal Highness finally couldn't hold it, yawned, wiped the tears from his eyes, and asked Ning Zhong who was adding tea to everyone beside him.

"Ning Zhong, what time is it now?"

"His Royal Highness, there is still half an hour before the Shang Dynasty."

"...Um, um, Brother Chubi, if you don't go back and rest first, I have to go up to face, brother."

"It's okay, then I'll go back first, and come back to pay a visit to His Royal Highness."


The three poker friends who played cards all night hurriedly left here. Cheng Chubi is now a vagrant, of course, he doesn't need to go to court.

But the prince in charge of supervising the country and the prince Zhan Shi Yu Zhining still had to go to court.

However, Cheng Chubi yawned, walking towards the outside of the East Palace with dark circles under his eyes.

But he is naturally not stupid, it is impossible to walk through the front door.

In case of encountering those officials of the East Palace and left-behind ministers who entered the palace early to participate in the imperial court meeting.

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. Seeing myself as an unemployed vagrant looks like he hasn't slept all night, he might know what kind of unscrupulous gossip will come out.

Naturally, he went directly to the outside from the side door of the restaurant, but as he walked, Cheng Saburo suddenly felt something was wrong.

Not far away, the cries of ghosts and wolves came and went one after another, sounding like pigs and sheep.

Seeing Cheng Saburo looking over there suspiciously, the **** who led the way looked very embarrassed and muttered softly.

"It should be the little prince there."

"..." Cheng Chubi suddenly had a black line on his face. No wonder Li Chengqian tidied up the Li elephant without moving.

Just like my father back then often couldn't help but like to let the four, five and six three bear children's brothers taste the old father's loving iron fist.

Cheng Chubi thought for a while, and felt that with his energy after playing cards all night, it was really not suitable to meet an overly energetic bear kid.

I was afraid that I could not help but start to clean up Li Xiang for the prince.

As the saying goes, not seeing the heart and not worrying, why bother yourself, Cheng Chubi yawned, jumped out of the Donggong palace under the dark circles and went to sleep at home.

At the moment, His Royal Highness is sitting in the Lizheng Hall. In front of him, there are not only the officials of the Eastern Palace, but also the ministers of civil and military affairs who stayed behind to serve as the auxiliary government.

The civil servants are headed by Ma Zhou, the Zhongshu servant Ma Zhou who has become fat at a speed visible to the naked eye in recent is concealedly looking at His Royal Highness who is sitting behind the case with the corner of his eye.

His Royal Highness, who had just sat behind the case, looked very haggard.

The dark circles under the eyes were very obvious, and just on the way over, he even saw His Royal Highness yawning in secret.

Well, if His Royal Highness is like this, Ma Zhou can still wonder if His Royal Highness did something unscrupulous all night last night.

But the problem is that in addition to His Royal Highness, there is also the Donggong Prince Zhan who works on Zhining.

Like His Royal Highness, he was generally sluggish, and he also had two dark circles under his eyes.

Hou Junji, the chief official among the military ministers, also looked suspiciously at the languid Prince.

Subtract BxW*x.*co汜. Seeing that pair of suspicious eyes glanced back and forth between myself and Yu Zhining.

This caused some of the officials with bad thoughts to have very bad associations.

Li Chengqian also knew that he and Yu Zhining really looked like something, so he cleared his throat, a little bit embarrassed and authentic.

"Guys, yesterday, the prince Guyin...well, Yu Qing talked with Gu Shen for a night, and Gu benefited a lot from it."

Hearing these words, all the civil and military could not help showing a stunned look, ha ha... well, the eldest son of the prince, Li Xiang, is indeed a lord who cannot live in peace.

Mischievous mischief is simply commonplace. Not only does it make noise in the inner palace, but sometimes it also jumps to climb trees and dig holes near the main hall of Lizheng.

Mi He Mi. There are even officials who have heard the guards in the palace or the **** talking about the corrupted prince again using the whip to chase the child...

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