The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1704: Killing one is also killing, killing one is also killing

It's very unusual for this kid to be able to anger the prince, who has always been gentle in nature, into using weapons.

But this kid is so loved by His Majesty and the Queen, and sometimes even summons His Majesty to the palace to reprimand him because His Majesty has cleaned up the baby.

Well, the reason why everyone knows so clearly is mainly because Donggong is a fence full of eyes.

Presumably the prince yesterday made his Royal Highness angry again, and Yu Zhining, as the chief steward of the East Palace, naturally had to deal with the prince more.

The officials who straightened out their thoughts did not struggle with this matter.

However, the eyes of the few unscrupulous officials couldn't help showing a trace of regret, which was different from what they thought.

As a famous general of the Tang Dynasty, Hou Junji is now the chief military minister of the auxiliary government, and naturally stands at the top of the military minister.

However, generally speaking, when there is no war, as a military minister, you are more of a stake and a head.

Although discussing government affairs did not have any major issues for his Hou Junji, Hou Junji would scan the crown prince from the corner of his eye from time to time.

Compared with the majesty who killed and decided, the character of the prince was much more forgiving.

However, this prince was not blindly tolerant, which made Hou Junji quite admired.

Compared to the foolish Highness King Wei, this one is more suitable to sit in this position.

However, it is a pity that your father repeatedly humiliated Hou Mou, and your brother of a mother compatriot wanted to kill you even more.

Therefore, when the time comes, the old man will definitely not humiliate you, but will only let you die cleanly.


"What do you mean?" Hou Junji narrowed his eyes dangerously, the cold light in his eyes flickering.

There seemed to be a murderous intent on his body to rise and roll, and with just one look, Jiang Yaqing's whole body was chilled, and cold sweats broke out.

However, Jiang Yaqing did not back down, but frankly looked at each other with General Hou.

"Chen Gong Mingjian, I must know that Chen Gong also knows, Your Majesty loves His Majesty's eldest son Li Xiang very much."

"Now that the princess is pregnant again, it is rumored that she is still twins..."

"If I only take down the prince, your majesty will be sorry for the prince's death, and he will feel pity for Li Xiang, maybe..."

Hearing Jiang Yaqing's explanation, Hou Junji stroking his long beard, anxious and impatient couldn't help but arouse in his heart.

He wanted to kill the prince, that was to avenge his majesty, with the hatred in Xuexue's heart. But what Wei Wang meant was that he wanted to slaughter the prince's family.

Although killing one is also killing, killing a family is also killing, but the East Palace is so big, if the goal is single, it is still easy to solve.

If you want to slaughter the prince’s family, the more likely it is to be discovered, or even to reveal your identity.

Seeing Hou Junji's anxious appearance, Jiang Yaqing knew well that he had to throw out suitable bait.

"If a major event succeeds, if my Royal Highness becomes the prince, then Chen Gong will be the prince and the prince."

Hearing the position of Prince Tai Fu, Hou Junji's eyes condensed, his eyes sharpened again.

"My Royal Highness will definitely ask your Majesty when the time comes. Among the many famous generals in Datang, there are only two who can take on this important task."

"One is Duke Wei, and Duke Chen is the second. Moreover, Duke Wei has already closed his door and has no pre-political affairs. Therefore, Duke Chen is the only one who can take on this important task."

After listening to this, Hou Junji, who has always been well-known and happy, had to be moved.

The prince Taibao, the prince prince and the prince and the prince are both official positions in the East Palace, and both are responsible for teaching ***, collectively referred to as the "three divisions."

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. But these three divisions are not everyone qualified. So far, the prince has only the prince prince.

The predecessor was Li Gang, a great Confucian who was famous in the past.

He used to be the teacher of Li Gang, Yang Guang’s brother Yang Yong, as well as Yang Guang’s son Yuande Prince Yang Zhao, and Li Shimin’s brother Li Jiancheng.

Um, unfortunately, the first three were only princes, and they were all bluffs if they didn't become the emperor, but who made him famous in the world.

After Li Shimin got on the ground, he became the teacher of the prince Li Chengqian.

It's just that the old driver, who had killed three of his prince students, failed to end his last student to death. On the occasion of Zhenguan's five years, he closed his eyes at the age of 85.

After that, until that year, the prince cured his leg problems. After returning to Chang'an, his Majesty Longyan Joye gave special respect to Zheng Guogong and Wei Zheng as the prince's grandmaster.

This one, but the confidant of His Majesty's confidant, ranks fourth in the "Twenty-Four Heroes of Lingyan Pavilion".

After that, I had intentionally wanted to worship Li Jing as the prince, but I didn't expect it.

Li Jing, who had just settled the victory of Tuyuhun and returned, was conspired by Gao Zengsheng, the general manager of Yanze Road, to collude with the governor of Guangzhou, Shi Tang Fengyi, to falsely accuse Li Jing of rebellion.

After experiencing this change, Li Jing was discouraged. Not only did he decline the position of prince and prince, but he even became less administrable due to a foot illness.

In the eyes of his Hou Junji, only Li Jing and himself, who can be called his own half-teacher, are qualified to become the prince and the prince, who is responsible for teaching the prince's military strategy.

But now Jiang Yaqing took the initiative to say it, as if he was scratching General Hou's heart, and he was too comfortable.

Seeing General Hou, who was silent once again, nodding his head. Jiang Yaqing raised his hand and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead. Fortunately, this sincerity, for General Hou, was more effective than anything else.

Subtract B* #####

Li Chengqian and Cheng Saburo looked at the things arching out of the haystack with black lines on their faces.

Hmm... Cheng Chubi keenly realized that this should be a species of the primate Hominid genus, and it should be an active species in the early childhood after being separated from the juvenile stage.

"My god...little majesty?" Ning Zhong jumped forward, and was immediately covered his nose by the smell and backed away.

Well, this active species Li Xiang who is currently in early childhood lifted his head, and then revealed the two rows of dazzling white teeth.

Li Chengqian's face had changed from black to red, from red to purple, and his fingers were trembling and pointed straight ahead.

Pointing to the clothes that can no longer see what color they were originally wearing, even his face can hardly be seen clearly.

Only the black and white eyes and the bear child with white teeth clearly visible.

Li Chengqian felt that his whole person was about to explode, especially when the bear kid saw him and jumped forward with an excited smile.

Mi He Mi. A stinking odor has already come down the wind, and Cheng Saburo's face, who sees thousands of troops as nothing, also changes in an instant.

He hurriedly stretched out his hand and pulled Li Chengqian back, my mother, if I let this bear kid who is covered with no idea what it is, how can I go to see Miss Wu?

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