The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1705: Early childhood active species of Hominid genus in Primates: Lixiang

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! Li Chengqian's expression also changed drastically, facing this kind of early childhood active species who seemed to be ignorant of the stench.

Even if he was his own son, Li Chengqian did not dare to make physical contact easily.

He quickly raised a finger and shouted at Li Xiang who was jumping towards this side. "Stop for me, don't come over!"

"Oh..." Li Xiang was frightened by his father's scream that had already yelled out the sound of a chicken cub.

I can only stand on the spot honestly, picking at my finger with some embarrassment, and looking at this side eagerly.

Cheng Chubi finally breathed a sigh of relief, turned his head, and saw Li Chengqian whose nostrils were not just sparking, and even about to explode two magma.

I can't help but worry that the prince who is stripped and fleshy will be very angry, and don't be sickened by this bear's childishness.

Cheng Saburo feels that the best way to vent is to wait for the bear child to wash white and tender.

Then he slapped him a few times and screamed. That's just a relief.

Although Li is such a truth, it is naturally impossible for Cheng Saburo to teach such an education method.

After all, this kid Li Xiang is the eldest son of the crown prince, and he secretly encouraged the palace to smoke him back.

Obviously letting the prince go to smoke a baby, Cheng Chubi really couldn't do such blatant bad things. After all, he was the Cheng family with a moral bottom line.

"His Royal Highness calms down his anger, it's not worth it to be angry."

Li Chengqian grinned his teeth and pointed at Li Xiang who was standing crampedly on the road, the wet mud on his body was still dripping down.

"You...Where did you go?"

"Baby went to see the rice that Dad planted." Li Xiang said with a stubborn neck.

"There are toads in the fields. My child is worried that they will bite the rice you grow, so I want to catch them to feed the ants."

"..." Cheng Chubi, the ant killer, and Li Chengqian, the protector of ants, raised their hands to cover their faces at the same time, feeling very complicated.

Ning Zhong is closest to the little prince Li Xiang. Now he is trying hard to control his breathing rate, and he doesn't dare to cover his nose anymore. After all, it is easy to hurt the little prince's self-esteem.

But after hearing the toad, Ning Zhong, who was most afraid of this amphibian, stood up.


"Yes, yes, don't believe me..." Li Xiang stretched his hand into his arms, not only took out the wet mud, but also took out an amphibian that kept kicking its legs.

The corner of Cheng Chubi's eyes stood up on the spot. This special lady is really a toad, not a frog, and it's a special lady's Lai toad.

"His Royal Highness, you let go first, and when I turn around, I will hold you a good-looking baby, this thing is too ugly, let it go quickly."

"Really?" Li Xiang, whose face was about to get rid of mud, suddenly brightened his eyes and raised his head to look at Uncle Cheng.

Cheng Chubi nodded frantically when he saw the violent face of the Prince's Royal Highness. "It's more real than real money, let it go quickly."

"Okay..." Li Xiangpo was reluctant to give up and threw away the trophies he caught after chasing him in the paddy field for a long time.

The gazes of the three pairs of adults all fell on the muddy Lai Toad, whose body was very dense, almost the size of a fist.

This fat toad seems to be tossed hard by the early childhood active species of the primate Hominid genus.

Lying on the ground dying, slowly stretched and shrunk his legs, the bumps on his body rose and fell with its actions.

Li Chengqian saw such a plump Lai Toad, his scalp was numb, and as for Na Ning Zhong, his face was as pale as the lime wall, with a hint of the blue sky.

At this time, Cheng Chubi didn't care to ask for instructions again. He picked up a small stick on the side of the road and picked it hard against this heavy toad.

He heard Li Xiang let out an exaggerated wow, watching the fat toad fly into the sky with a curious look, and then flew out at an angle with a snap.

Smashed on a branch, just hanging on the branch and swaying around...

"Uncle Cheng, you are so amazing, you actually let it fly so high..." Li Xiang looked towards Cheng Chubi with small stars in his eyes.

Cheng Chubi was happy, and suddenly felt that his hands were empty, only to realize that the small stick in his hand had been taken away by His Royal Highness who was stripped and fleshy.

Then, Cheng Chubi saw His Royal Highness waving a stick, while Li Xiang, a bear kid, screamed, crying and crawling towards the Palace of Cheng En, where the Princess Su Clan stayed.

Don't underestimate the boy's young age and short legs, but he can't hold down the boy's extremely fast pace. It's like a small ball of meat and jumps out all at once.

Li Chengqian angrily and amusedly pointed to the wet footprints on the ground.

Turning his head, he looked at Cheng Chubi who was trying to control his emotions and not let himself laugh.

"Brother Chubi, have you seen it, you said, this little **** should not clean up."

Cheng Saburo, who finally controlled his emotions, hurriedly stepped forward and laughed.

"His Royal Highness calms down his anger. The Little Royal Highness should indeed be more educated, but just do it. You can't use weapons."

"..." Li Chengqian lowered his head with a bewildered look and glanced at the stick in his hand, only then did he understand what the weapon in the mouth of Brother Chu Bi was.

With a helpless sigh, he threw down the stick, but gritted his teeth and pulled his sleeves.

"Gu today must let him have a long memory..."

Watching His Royal Highness, who decided to use his hands instead of using weapons, strode forward, Ning Zhong followed him.

Cheng Chubi patted his hands. Well, he was happy to watch the scene where the bear children were being cleaned up and screaming.

It's a pity that my brothers have grown up, and now they can enjoy a wave of in the East Palace.

Although it can't be drawn, it can still be written in the diary. The sufferings that Li Xiang, who is likely to become the fourth emperor of the Tang Dynasty, suffered when he was a child, are recorded in detail for future generations to appreciate.

Let the people of later generations understand that not all people in the royal family are very indifferent, just like the father and son in front of them, the relationship is quite close.

In addition, the traditional concept of childcare must not be lost for a baby who keeps talking. If a bear child can be reasonable, who is willing to act on a baby?

Parents didn't clean up when the bear child was young, and when he grows up, it will be cleaned up by the society.

Instead of that, it might as well be more enjoyable to do it yourself. At this time, Cheng Chubi, who was thinking about the family education concept of the Tang Dynasty and the Chinese nation, suddenly heard the crow's call.

As soon as I raised my head subconsciously, I saw a crow flying on the branch where the toad was hanging, pecked the toad twice, and then flew in disgust.

Hmm...Cheng Chubi almost came out with joy, and hurried forward to watch the excitement, cough...It was to discourage His Royal Highness from using too much force.

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