The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1706: Husband just goes by himself. Husband... Don't fight too hard...

The prince Su clan looked at the little dark thing coming in from the door in a daze, and asked a little uncertainly.


Wu Meiniang on the side stared exaggeratedly at the extreme, what kind of suffering this little majesty suffered.

Look at his dark face, there are a pair of red and teary eyes.

The whole body is completely covered in yellow mud or other dirt so that no other colors can be seen.

Li Xiang, who jumped in, turned his head to look outside nervously, and screamed while crying.

"Mother, Dad, he hit me, spanked me, and hit me here, and here..."

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. "...You, did you do it yourself?" Su Shi looked at this son who had become a little clay figurine, and was angry and funny.

"Well, I went to the field where Dad grows rice to help Dad catch toads, Dad is not happy, he still beats me, mother..."

Su Clan really didn't know what to do with this child, and just as he was entangled, he saw the murderous husband Lao Yi jump over his sleeves.

Seeing his wife Su and Wu Meiniang with a weird expression, the sordid expression of His Royal Highness was stagnant.

Taking advantage of this effort, the extremely fast paced Li Xiang has already ran to the back of the couch where his mother Su was sitting, sneakingly looking at his father who stood still and did not move after entering the house.

At this time, Cheng Saburo also arrived in time and saw the slightly embarrassing expression of His Royal Highness.

There is also girl Wu with her head lowered, and the princess Su clan who doesn't know what expression to put on.

Cheng Chubi bowed to His Royal Highness with a serious expression. "His Royal Highness, Rong Cheng will lead the little Highness to wash up."

Then he kept winking at Li Chengqian, and Li Chengqian finally controlled his emotions.

"Alright, you have to go to work, brother, sigh..."

But in front of the lady, I was really embarrassed to smoke the child, and the main reason was that I was worried about smoking the baby.

What if this little bunny screamed and frightened his pregnant wife Su?

"His Royal Highness, please come over, how about going to wash up with me?..."

Cheng Chubi turned his head, and glared at Li Xiang, who was still with tears in his eyes, with **** and white eyes.

Li Xiang still has a good impression of Uncle Cheng and is willing to listen to this Uncle Cheng's words, but he is still very vigilant and whispered.

"Uncle, my dad is blocking the door and I can't get out."

Li Chengqian stretched his face to meet the gazes of Cheng Saburo and his son Li Xiang, and reluctantly moved aside two steps.

When it was too late, when it was fast, Li Xiang just jumped out like a black lightning.

This made the prince who had subconsciously stretched out his hand to attack, and the prince who had caught this little **** caught a lonely one, not even the root hair.

"Puff..." Crown Prince Su Clan finally couldn't hold it back, and accidentally lost her grace for a while.

The color under the palace of the prince rose purple, and he looked up to the sky and sighed. Unexpectedly, he intended to attack his son.

Not only was he seen through by his own son, but his embarrassment hadn't been seen by the lady, so there was really an unworthy sadness in the world.

Her face turned red, helplessly, the princess took a towel and draped it on her forehead, her eyes closed, who loves whom...

Wu Meiniang, who had been standing aside, bowed her head, trying to control herself not to raise her eyes, let out a sigh of relief, as long as I don't laugh.

Fortunately, I have experienced many winds and waves, but I always see Cheng Saburo appear.

And when there are accidents, it is best to divert your attention, otherwise all kinds of accidents can easily make people lose control of their emotions.

Seeing the prince and the prince concubine, who were so embarrassed that they couldn't help themselves, Wu Meiniang stepped forward understandingly, took up the stethoscope that she could pick up, and spoke.

"But the princess is a little unwell? Your Royal Highness, please temporarily avoid it, and the maidservant will diagnose the princess..."

"Well, it's okay, that lady, take a good rest, for your husband, go out and walk around."

After Wu Meiniang interjected, the embarrassing atmosphere was finally relieved, Li Chengqian spit out a sullen breath and replied with a smile, but when he talked about the words walking around, the bones of the teeth were almost grating.

Hearing the repressed violent anger of the husband, the princess who was worried about the elephant who was covered in yellow mud couldn't help but reminded him in a low voice.

"Okay, your husband will go by yourself. Husband...Don't fight too hard."

"...Hmm!" Li Chengqian was very pleased when he heard the words of his beloved wife Su, and it seemed that the lady finally understood the pain in her father's heart.


A quarter of an hour later, His Royal Highness squatted outside the house murderously, with his hands behind him.

With a stinky sweat, Yu Zhining, who was a little bit dumbfounded, was comforting His Royal Highness in a low voice.

No way, he just passed by accidentally, but he didn't expect that he happened to meet his Royal Highness who was screaming.

And the **** Cheng Saburo stood by, talking perfunctory words of persuasion, and his eyes were full of joy and misfortune.

As the chief steward of the East Palace, Yu Zhining naturally couldn't watch the heir to the emperor of Tang Dynasty.

The new generation of heirs were cleaned up under their noses and howling horribly. UU reading

That kind of influence is really not good. In the end, Yu Zhining followed his Royal Highness, who was still irritated, even though he took his hand.

Cheng Saburo squatted aside with a smile, looking at the Li Xiang like a muddy ball.

After being cleaned up by his father, Li Xiang, who had slipped here, was mentioned. The **** can only honestly remove the clothes that have dried up the mud on his body.

Then he sat in the barrel obediently, and from time to time he raised his eyes and glanced at his father, smiling timidly.

"Father, the child is taking a bath, don't you get angry, okay?"

Seeing that he had just been slapped for a while, and then under the cleaning of the **** who suppressed his smile, he seemed to have become a cute and well-behaved child Li Xiang.

Li Chengqian was really stubborn at the moment, but knowing that he couldn't give this kid a chance to push his nose, he could only give a gloomy hum.

Decrease bxwx. cO*汜. Cheng Chubi watched the **** cautiously and acted extremely softly, and he was very dissatisfied with the way that Li Xiang was bathed as a porcelain doll.

Can't help but step forward and roll up his sleeves.

Mi He Mi. "What can you call back rubbing? I didn't see the mud on his back spine so thick. You rub it like this and you won't be able to fall off tomorrow morning."

Seeing Cheng Sanlang start, Li Chengqian felt that it was not appropriate to let Brother Chu Bi take a bath for the little baby.

"Brother Chubi, let the eunuchs do this kind of rough work."

Cheng Chubi hesitated, stepped forward and lifted Li Xiang up with one hand. With a big slap, a piece of mud fell directly.

"Well, does your Highness still believe in the craftsmanship of the process?"

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