The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1707: Yu is the same as you, he is the confidant of His Royal Highness...

Hearing this, both Li Chengqian and Yu Zhining couldn't help showing nostalgia, yes, Lishan...

Such a beautiful place is so evocative, especially the hot springs there, soaking up very refreshing, and then come to the supreme set meal that Brother Chubi said.

Wait until the whole body is rubbed red and then take a dip in the hot spring, that refreshing energy is definitely not changed by the gods.

Li Chengqian couldn't help but watched with emotion as he was being scraped off a pile of mud by Brother Chubi's big hands, exposing Li Xiang, his son Li Xiang.

"How can I not believe Brother Chu Bi's craftsmanship? Having said that, I still remember the relaxing days of soaking in the hot springs in the Lishan Palace..."

"Daddy, what is a hot spring, can you drink it?"

"Shut up! Honestly, let your Uncle Cheng wash you up, and then take care to clean up you for your husband. Alas, it's really hard work with you, Brother Bi..."

Li Xiang said obediently, and then concealed his lips. If you don't tell me, I will ask Uncle Cheng when I turn around.

Cheng Chubi, who was the No. 1 expert in the Tang Dynasty, often washed his three brothers who had become mud monkeys.

Xihuan, the grandson of the emperor, can also be regarded as the epic achievement that Cheng Sanlang, the number one master of the Tang Dynasty, gave to the four generations of Lao Li's epic achievement.

If this can leave a name in the Chabei world, it may be someone who will burn incense and worship in the bathing industry in the future.

He has been the emperor of the four generations of the Tang Dynasty, and the emperor of the four generations of the Tang Dynasty. However, the emperors of the four generations can only be happily accepted by the **** of bathing who has no power to resist.

It's just that during the washing, Cheng Chubi suddenly let out a soft huh, and lifted the already white and tender Li Xiang out of the water.

Li Xiang was slid up by Cheng Saburo's two hands. Instead of being frightened, he giggled with joy, pedaling on his two short legs.

"Brother Chubi, what's the matter with my son?" Li Chengqian, who had been standing by the side, smiled and watched Cheng Saburo wash his elephant up, couldn't help being taken aback.

Ning Zhong and Yu Zhining on the side also stretched out their heads curiously, looking at the little prince with a small face but a very **** flesh.

I am also very curious that Cheng Saburo wants to do this.

"His Royal Highness, look at his bird."

"??" Li Chengqian and Yu Zhining, as well as Ning Zhong and the **** who was standing beside him waiting for the fight, all looked at Cheng Saburo with a bewildered expression.

"His Royal Highness, don't look at me, look at the little bird of His Royal Highness. Don't kick your legs, Your Royal Highness, let your father take a good look."

"..." Li Xiang said obediently, his **** and white eyes widened, and he tried hard to see his bird.

Li Chengqian knew that although Brother Chubi often made trouble with demon moths, he could not have done so unless there was a cause for it.

Li Chengqian's eyes slanted, and he saw his elephant's bird.

"Brother Chubi, do you let me see what it does?"

Yu Zhining on the side felt that it seemed inappropriate to look at the little bird directly, but he didn't look at it, and really didn't know what Brother Chu Bi wanted to do, so he also looked at it.

Ning Zhong took a rather sorrowful look, an inexplicable sadness that made his eyes almost red.

Cheng Chubi smashed his mouth and suddenly couldn't remember what the medical term was.

"Um... the bird of my lord, it seems a little red..."

"What's the matter?" Hearing Brother Chu Bi's hesitant tone, Li Chengqian suddenly became nervous.

"It should be circumcision. By the way, my lord, will you feel pain underneath when you hush for the past two days?"

Li Xiang, who had been put back in the bathtub by Cheng Sanlang, heard this doubt, and quickly nodded his head.

Cheng Chubi put his hands around his chest professionally, with such an expression as expected.

After all, this bear kid burrows into the field all day long, so he doesn't care if you are dirty or not. In addition, because the foreskin is too long, it is prone to circumcision.

This kind of disease may not be seen in the big cities that pay attention to hygiene, but it is in the bear children who roll into mud monkeys in the countryside all day long.

Especially bear children with long foreskins are more likely to appear.

Seeing the expression of Brother Chubi, Li Chengqian's heart was tense, and he couldn't help but feel a little uneasy.

"This, this dermatitis? What kind of disease is this."

Cheng Chubi turned his head and looked at the prince who cared about his own son and was also very diligent in learning to ask questions.

"Foreskin inflammation is an inflammation that usually occurs in adolescents with too long foreskin."

Li Chengqian couldn't help but asked subconsciously. "Why is this foreskin too long?"

Yu Zhining also stunned his ears, very curious, because his youngest son is now only five years old, it seems that this thing is also a bit long.

Cheng Chubi likes this kind of students with specializing in research the most. As an excellent medical worker, Cheng Chubi is happy to explain from a professional medical point of view.

"This foreskin is too long, yes, uh..."

Cheng Chubi reacted instantly and wiped out a cold sweat in a thrilling manner. Special mother, she almost confided in her mouth and gave it all. It was a fluke.

Li Chengqian only heard half of the words, and UU reading couldn't help but looked at Brother Chu Bi suspiciously. "What is it?"

Cheng Chubi looked at this simple, simple and bewildered Prince, um...for safety first, I still can't say it in front of other people.

After all, if I bluntly said that the foreskin of the little prince was congenital, wouldn't it be true that the foreskin of the prince was too long?

The East Palace, which is the same as the fence, is afraid that the privacy of His Royal Highness will spread in Chang'an for the first time.

Although I don't know if this news will jeopardize the prestige of the prince, but if the courts and workers of the Tang Dynasty and the common people think of the prince.

Subconsciously, I thought that the foreskin of His Royal Highness was too long, and I wonder if others would laugh. Cheng Chubi felt that he would definitely do it.

After Cheng Chubi gave a dry cough, he took a cautious look at the people around him.

"His Royal Highness, can you let them all go down first, because it involves the privacy of your Highness."

Hearing this, Li Chengqian's expression also became serious, and he ordered.

"Um... you wait, Yu Qing, stay."

Cheng Chubi glanced at Yu Zhining, then at His Royal Highness, his eyes were very clear, are you sure?

Yu Zhining suddenly became unhappy. Yu was the same as you at any rate. He was the confidant of His Royal Highness, who played cards all night together that night.

Looking at your eyes, you actually winked at the old man frequently, what's wrong?

"Yu thinks he can be regarded as a confidant of His Royal Highness. His Royal Highness has let Yu stay. Why, His Royal Highness trusts him too much. You still can't believe in Cheng Saburo?"


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