The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1711: In any case, it’s not going to be a tutorial 3 Lang, the kid again...

Cheng Saburo, with his armor and armor, stepped arrogantly and walked out of Hu Han in the East Palace... Well, the king is back.

Several Donggong ministers who were strolling in the east palace, bragging and farting, also saw the energetic Cheng Saburo coming on his way.

"Isn't that Cheng Saburo?"

"What's going on? How can he walk in the Eastern Palace like this as a plain-headed citizen."

"That's it, there is no such thing, even if it's like a fence in the East Palace, you can't let this kid fool around."

"Go and go, let's go quickly."

"Let's go to Yu Zhanshi and ask what the situation is. If Cheng Saburo acted recklessly, it would happen that Zhanshi came forward to solve it."

"That's right, this officer doesn't bother to deal with Cheng Saburo's crude martial artist."

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. The ministers and workers whispered to each other and walked away quickly, but Cheng Saburo didn't notice the strangeness there, but went to the depths of the East Palace first.

First go to the Crown Princess Su for daily inspections and inquiries, to make sure that Su Shimu has any problems, and then go to Wu Mei Niang.

Just when Cheng Saburo was about to continue discussing with Wu Meiniang about the Crown Princess Su's situation, as well as the operating room and various preparatory work.

The bear child Li Xiang flashed out again, which made Cheng Chubi stretch out to give Wu Meiniang a stiff hand that was taking care of the blue silk on the cheek.

"Uncle Cheng what are you doing?" Li Xiang stared at those **** and white eyes, holding a piece of malt sugar in one hand.

When Cheng Chubi saw that pretty face was already flushed, he was still composing himself, looking at his girl Wu with watery eyes.

Cheng Chubi rolled his eyes helplessly, this little bastard, daring to ruin the good deeds of the old man.

As he turned around, the iron armor rattled, and Cheng Chubi showed a dangerous smile at the bear.

"His Royal Highness, why are you here? Shouldn't you be studying your schoolwork at this time?"

Li Xiangyang raised his head triumphantly, stuck out his tongue, and licked the piece of malt sugar in his hand quietly.

"I'm done, Uncle Cheng, can you take me to catch a Lai Toad, okay? I caught one after a long time last time, and there is still a lot in it."

Wu Meiniang couldn't help but her eyes widened, her whole body was a little upside-down, and the goose was so good that she was not good at catching anything, and she went to catch the toad.

Cheng Chubi looked at the bear kid who licked the malt syrup with his tongue out, as if traveling through time and space, seeing the childhood of His Majesty the Emperor of Tang Dynasty.

Hmm... Cheng Chubi really wants to write a letter to your Majesty to tell him.

There is also a little baby who should be described by him as an English fruit. The habit of licking food is exactly the same.

Of course, you can only think about it. After all, there are a lot of happiness that Li Shimin needs to discover by himself, so he doesn't need to get involved.

"...Your Majesty, what can the toad have to catch? Or, I will show you the monkey when I look back, uncle. Not only does that stuff look ugly and cute, but the most important thing is that it's delicious."

The face is not big, but the arms and legs are full of meat. It is fragrant to eat, and Li Xiang's eyes brighten when he is physically strong.


"It must be true." Cheng Saburo said with a serious expression. But after thinking about it, he lowered his voice and said.

"But, at night, that thing will come out at night, and it won't come out during the day."

Li Xiang nodded vigorously and replied.

"I know I know, Aunt Xiao Sizi told me that Uncle Cheng, you made it so delicious."

"I want Aunt Xiao Sizi to take me to arrest. Auntie also said that she only came out at night when she found out about the monkey, but not during the day."

Wu Meiniang looked at the third brother like a huge steel sculpture even if she squatted down.

In front of him, Li Xiang's little child also squatted and talked like his third brother, and couldn't help but waner.

The eldest son of the crown prince was very trustworthy, and even obeyed the third brother's words, which is really a good thing.


Soon, in the same East Palace, news about Cheng Saburo's reinstatement spread.

And Cheng Chubi also jumped to join a group of old brothers laughing and bragging, not far away, a group of Donggong officials heard the noise here.

One of the two felt terribly evil in their hearts, only to hear a colleague's talk, but in the end they didn't expect that they really saw this stuff.

Thinking of the old days, this notorious fellow had various arguing scenes in the main hall of Nali in front of His Royal Highness in front of His Royal Highness.

All the Eastern officials suddenly became unhappy.

"What the **** does Yu Zhan mean? The official just went to look for him specially. He only said that Cheng Saburo was just the deputy leader of the school inspector."

Decrease Bxwx.cO*汜. "But is this the question we want to listen to? Ask him why this kid jumped back to the East Palace to take up his post. Yu Zhan said something for a long time, there is no truth at all."

"Then what to do? Zhang Shaozhan happened just right. You know, Zhang Shaozhan, then Cheng Saburo joined the East Palace again..."

Not far away, Helan Chushi stunned his ears and frowned secretly as he listened to these Donggong officials.

After that, Zhang Xuansu, who heard about Zhang Shaozhan, couldn't help but feel terribly evil in his heart. Did that **** Cheng Sanlang jump back to the East Palace?

Thinking of the conflict between the two in the past, every time I lost, UU reading made Zhang Xuansu extremely upset.

"It is unreasonable. Your Majesty has dismissed Cheng Saburo's official position, but His Royal Highness is so reckless and uses this person.

In any case, the official must compete with His Royal Highness. "

Having said that, Zhang Xuansu quickly walked away with an old face black, and the civil servants saw that Zhang Shaozhan was willing to hold their heads, and couldn't help but be overjoyed.

"Zhang Shaozhan waits for the next official, and the next official goes with Shaozhan."

"My official will go too. In any case, I will not teach Saburo the kid back to the East Palace again."

"That's right, in the past, the East Palace was so nasty that it was so nasty, but now Ning Jing has just jumped over again. I can't make it through in the future?"

Helan Chushi couldn't help grinning as he listened to the angry roars of these civilians.

Well, it is really good, if they can expel Cheng Saburo from the East Palace, then it would be better.

But do you want to jump over and continue eavesdropping? Just as Helan Chushi hesitated, he suddenly felt a sinking shoulder.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw Cheng Saburo's grim smile, staring at himself venomously.

Helan Chushi got rid of his hair directly, and subconsciously reached out and touched the horizontal knife on the waist, the first thought was that he had exposed himself.

Cheng Chubi strode past himself, then poked his head not far ahead, looking at the back of the civilian officials who were going away with murderous aura, and whispered.

"Brother Chu Shi, don't move, it's not good to alarm them."

"...Mr Cheng, you want to trouble them?" Helan Chushi subconsciously wiped the cold sweat that scared his face.

"Nonsense, can I still trouble my brother?"

Mi He Mi. "..."

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